The future of the Human Species - Part 1: Are we in danger?

Written by K.A.Cassimally

Continued from page 1

Apart from asteroids, there are also other menacing-to-hit-Earth objects including comets. Rememberrepparttar comet Shoemaker-Levy9? It wanted to obtain a better view of Jupiter. The result: engulfed byrepparttar 127658 planet that is,repparttar 127659 comet simply crashed into Jupiter. This may happen to Earth too. If a comet were to hit Earth, it would be a real disaster. Extinction of life quasi-instantly! And humans for sure do not haverepparttar 127660 technology to avoid a comet impact.

If we do not want to be extinct, we will have to flee. We have to go elsewhere. But where? Where next?

K.A.Cassimally is the editor in chief of Astronomy Journal and Astronomy Journal Ezine. He is also the co-founder of the RCPL Astronomy Club. K.A.Cassimally is best known for his article 'Harry Potter and the Moons of Jupiter'. He is also Senior Columnist at where he writes 'Not Scientific Science'. Website: Email:

The future of the Human Species - Part 4: Will we create our future?

Written by K.A.Cassimally

Continued from page 1

It seems easy to do so too. Now that we are starting to unlockrepparttar secrets ofrepparttar 127657 DNA and genes things, we are also starting to modify them. As you know DNA contains all information about a person and if it is modified,repparttar 127658 person too is modified. So, if my DNA is modified then, I too will be modified: physically, mentally or emotionally. DNA modification seems to berepparttar 127659 key for going elsewhere that is away from Earth.

Anyway, if ever we go on another planet, colonize it and live on it thenrepparttar 127660 appearance of us, humans, will change. The physical appearance of a person depends onrepparttar 127661 physical environment surrounding that person. So if ever we go on Mars, our eyebrows will become more important and they will therefore expand in size. Why our eyebrows will evolve is because Mars is dustier than Earth in terms of sand and other small particles.

We know that Earth is not permanent and we know that we will have to go away one day if we want to live on. We also know that Mars, which till now has appeared to berepparttar 127662 ideal place is going to go in smoke like Earth too. We are not much prepared to teraform Mars though but this is only a matter of time. With new technologies, new ideas will burst out tillrepparttar 127663 best one is proposed. Then we can go to Mars. We may however have to transform ourselves to remain alive though. Will we be able to do all this? Well a real spider man would be a great thing to see.

If ever we succeed in doing all these things though then we may say this clearly and loudly, “Humans are one step above everybody else neither in this solar system nor in this galaxy and not even in this universe but in this world.”

K.A.Cassimally is the editor in chief of Astronomy Journal and Astronomy Journal Ezine. He is also the co-founder of the RCPL Astronomy Club. K.A.Cassimally is best known for his article 'Harry Potter and the Moons of Jupiter'. He is also Senior Columnist at where he writes 'Not Scientific Science'. Website: Email:

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