The danger of high blood pressure in pregnant women

Written by Jinky C. Mesias

Continued from page 1

In addition, high blood pressure among pregnant women may range from mild to severe. Severe high blood pressure tends to harmrepparttar mother’s kidneys as well asrepparttar 138889 other organs and may result to low birth weight and even early delivery. Aside from that, oftentimes mother with severe high blood pressure develops preeclampsia or toxemia of pregnancy and may endangerrepparttar 138890 lives of bothrepparttar 138891 mother as well asrepparttar 138892 fetus. This condition usually starts onrepparttar 138893 20th week ofrepparttar 138894 pregnancy and is well known to increase with blood pressure and increase protein inrepparttar 138895 mother’s urine. Preeclampsia may affectrepparttar 138896 mother’s kidney, liver and evenrepparttar 138897 brain. Preeclampsia that cause seizures are known as eclampsia and isrepparttar 138898 second leading cause of maternal death. Aside from that, preeclampsia is also known to cause fetal complications such as low birth weight, premature birth and stillbirth.

Furthermore, there are still no proven methods of preventing preeclampsia. Onrepparttar 138899 other hand,repparttar 138900 only known way of curing preeclampsia is forrepparttar 138901 mother to finally deliverrepparttar 138902 baby. Preeclampsia is more dominant in older expectant mothers and for mothers of multiple births.

Jinky C. Mesias is a lover of simple things and of nature. She spends most of her time reading and writing poetry.

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How to measure blood pressure

Written by Jinky C. Mesias

Continued from page 1
2.There is another tube that leads fromrepparttar cuff to a reservoir of mercury located atrepparttar 138888 bottom of a vertical glass column. The pressure placed inrepparttar 138889 cuff is shown inrepparttar 138890 mercury column. The mercury is used to showrepparttar 138891 measurement ofrepparttar 138892 blood pressure that is why it is kept within a sealed system. 3.Air is then pumped intorepparttar 138893 cuff thus increasing pressure and then you will feelrepparttar 138894 cuffs tightening around your upper arm. 4.The doctor will then put his stethoscope on your arm and then listens to your pulse while slowly releasingrepparttar 138895 air fromrepparttar 138896 cuff. 5.The systolic pressure is measured by your doctor when he hearsrepparttar 138897 first pulse; this sound of your pulse will slowly fade and then disappears. 6.Onrepparttar 138898 other hand,repparttar 138899 diastolic is measured starting fromrepparttar 138900 moment your doctor is unable to hearrepparttar 138901 sound of your pulse. 7.All these are measured in terms of millimeters of mercury or mmHg.

In addition, there are still some other ways of measuringrepparttar 138902 blood pressure and this is by means of an automatic blood pressure gauge which can be conveniently used at home. These electronic blood pressure measuring devices are slowly replacingrepparttar 138903 usual mercury blood pressure measuring tool since mercury was found to have hazardous effect in nature. Aside from that, these electronic blood pressure measuring devices are also effective as well as efficient in giving accurate blood pressure measurements and above all, it eliminatesrepparttar 138904 errors in blood pressure measurement committed by humans.

Jinky C. Mesias is lover of simple things and of nature. She spends most of her time reading and writing poetry.

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