The Zoo Keeper And The Monkeys

Written by Elaine Currie, BA (Hons)

Continued from page 1

When monkey number two started beatingrepparttar shovel againstrepparttar 100371 bars ofrepparttar 100372 enclosure,repparttar 100373 Zoo Keeper did notice and his attention was completely diverted fromrepparttar 100374 first monkey. Whilerepparttar 100375 Zoo Keeper crept up behindrepparttar 100376 monkey withrepparttar 100377 shovel, monkey number one dropped out ofrepparttar 100378 tree and upsetrepparttar 100379 Keeper’s cart, scattering allrepparttar 100380 rubbish he had swept up.

At that moment,repparttar 100381 gate intorepparttar 100382 enclosure opened and a Feeding Attendant brought inrepparttar 100383 monkeys’ lunch. Monkey number one sawrepparttar 100384 attendant and lost all interest inrepparttar 100385 cap, which he dropped onrepparttar 100386 ground. The second monkey threwrepparttar 100387 shovel over his shoulder as he loped inrepparttar 100388 direction ofrepparttar 100389 food.

The Keeper maderepparttar 100390 most of this opportunity. He rescued his cap, picked up his shovel and walked back towardsrepparttar 100391 strewn litter. Unfortunately, on his way to gather uprepparttar 100392 litter, he trod in a pile of monkey pooh and had to stop to scrape his shoe clean..

What does chasing after monkeys have to do with your Internet business?

When I am working at my home based business onrepparttar 100393 Internet, I often feel as if I am trying to work in a cage full of monkeys. There are so many distractions, so many people trying to get your attention and lure you to their websites. If you do not remain focused onrepparttar 100394 job in hand, working onrepparttar 100395 internet can turn out very much like chasing monkeys. If you lose your focus, you will find yourself being led in every direction apart fromrepparttar 100396 one you intended to take. You will spend your morning chasing about and achieving nothing. Suddenly you will realise it’s lunchtime and you have still not managed to completerepparttar 100397 morning’s tasks. If you let this situation carry on, you are likely to find yourself inrepparttar 100398 sort of mess that’s best tackled with a shovel.

This is one of a series of articles published by the author, Elaine Currie, BA(Hons) at The author’s monthly newsletter is available free from

Direct Response - The Fast Track to 6 Figure Freelance Copywriting

Written by Nick Usborne

Continued from page 1

3. There are new markets just begging for strong DM copywriters. There are plenty of industries that have been depending on direct response for decades: finance, health, magazines, cable TV, collectibles and more. These guys are always onrepparttar look out for new writers. AND, there's one new industry that is literally starved of good direct response writers...the high tech industry, particularly inrepparttar 100370 B2B area. If you have an interest in high tech, here's a niche that will drive you to that 6-figure income very, very quickly.

If you already have strong direct response copywriting skills, be sure to do some research inrepparttar 100371 high-tech area.

If you want to get into direct mail copywriting, but don't know where to getrepparttar 100372 best training, I would strongly recommend you check out my review of Michael Masterson's Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting. You'll find it here:

Nick Usborne is a freelance writer, author and speaker. For more articles and resources on making money as a freelance writer, visit his site,

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