The Worst Job on Earth?!

Written by Tal Fighel

Continued from page 1

Trust me, I know how you feel. It's like you're facing a mountain. Atrepparttar top ofrepparttar 117202 mountain is everything you ever wanted. But in order to get there, you have to CLIMBrepparttar 117203 mountain, and conquerrepparttar 117204 pitfalls alongrepparttar 117205 way.

I finally decided that I didn't want to face that proverbial mountain my whole life...

I knew for a FACT that my *dream* was awaiting me atrepparttar 117206 top. I could let that dream go to waste...Or I could take one step afterrepparttar 117207 other uprepparttar 117208 mountain and ACHIEVE THE LIFESTYLE I'D ALWAYS WANTED!

You see, there are no "ifs, ands, or buts" when it comes to achieving your dreams.

You simply CHOOSE success.

And then you takerepparttar 117209 steps to achieve that success. As long as you haverepparttar 117210 DESIRE (your "fuel" for achieving success) and a PLAN (your "vehicle" for achieving success) you WILL succeed...

There is no question about it. No looking back. No wondering IF you'll succeed.

Success truly IS a CHOICE.

-------------------------------------- Tal Fighel publishes Home Business Tips, a fresh and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting people like YOU! If you are looking forrepparttar 117211 "best rated" home business opportunities,repparttar 117212 latest time saving tools and helpful support from an honest friend inrepparttar 117213 business, come by and grab a F-R-E-E subscription today at: --------------------------------------


Marketing Tips For Internet Beginners

Written by Judy Howard

Continued from page 1

Tip #5 Read inspirational books. I highly recommend "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. The principles in this book have beenrepparttar blueprint used by some ofrepparttar 117201 most successful and influential people. It has been often said that in order to be successful, learn from successful people. Join a group of like minded people. You many find these people in your community or on an online discussion board.

So to recap: Find a target market and serve it well Follow a blueprint Set up a schedule as to when you will work on your business Find a mentor or support person Read inspirational/motivational books

E-business is booming. Almost 990 million people had internet access in June 2002. That means that 1 out of every 6 people inrepparttar 117202 world are wired torepparttar 117203 net. And experts predictrepparttar 117204 numbers are rising. You are inrepparttar 117205 right place atrepparttar 117206 right time.

Success requires an investment in time and money. To succeed online you have to make an investment in time and money. Bottom line is that there is no f-r-e-e ride. Understand this and you are on your way to success. Above all, be patient and never give up. Through persistence, support, usingrepparttar 117207 best tools and believing in yourself likerepparttar 117208 farmer who tends to his crops consistently, eventually your cash crop will come in. A good foundation is key and then consistently working on it produces results. Success doesn't happen overnight. Never stop learning, asking questions and trying new things.

With all of this in mind you can accomplish more than what 95% of people who get online attempting to make a buck.

Judy Howard publishes Home Business Tips and an informative newsletter dedicated to supporting the home business entrepreneur. Offering top rated business opportunities, top of the line profewsional stregngth dyanmic promotional toos and helpful support. A f-r-e-e newsletter subscription is available at:

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