The Winning Combination

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

She uses a popular ISP, but doesn't use that address in her ads. She feels, and I agree, that an ISP e-mail address does not

conjure up a strong "business image". Your choice of an ISP is important if you hope to do business onrepparttar web. Be sure yours provides an industry standard POP3 e-mail capability. While AOL is great for many things, it does use their own proprietary e- mail system, and isn't, in my judgment,repparttar 104793 best choice for running a business.

She got a POP3 e-mail address with each of her web sites, so she uses those. She also uses a different e-mail address on her web sites - most web space providers give you unlimited e-mail aliases. She then installedrepparttar 104794 Eudora e-mail package with a different folder for each address she uses. When she gets an e-mail, which was sent to one of those addresses, she has Eudora automatically file it inrepparttar 104795 appropriate folder, and send an immediate response. This lets her prospect know she gotrepparttar 104796 message, but more importantly, allows her to track which ad it came from. Ifrepparttar 104797 e-mail address was one ofrepparttar 104798 addresses in her ads, she knows which one. If it came from one ofrepparttar 104799 web sites, she knows which ad sentrepparttar 104800 prospect to that site.

But what has happened here? A quick count ofrepparttar 104801 e-mails in each ofrepparttar 104802 folders reveals which ad is pulling, and whererepparttar 104803 prospect is coming from. Now, rememberrepparttar 104804 unlimited aliases, she got with her web space. If she is going to try to testrepparttar 104805 effectiveness of several publications, she simply uses a different alias for that ad in each publication, and sets up a separate folder in Eudora for it.

There are other ways of course to trackrepparttar 104806 ads by forcingrepparttar 104807 subject in your e-mail address, and having a different subject for each ad. The cost of web space however, and e-mail addresses has come down so much inrepparttar 104808 last few years, that having separate e-mail addresses is most likelyrepparttar 104809 easiest way to trackrepparttar 104810 results of your ads, and present a professional image.

You must test, test, and retest your ads. If you do, you will findrepparttar 104811 winning combination, and realizerepparttar 104812 power ofrepparttar 104813 web.


Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezinerepparttar 104814 "Tip ofrepparttar 104815 Day" get a Free Ad for their Business at his Web Site? Great Business and Computer Tips - Monday thru Friday. Instructions on how to place your ad are inrepparttar 104816 Newsletter. Subscribe at:

Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezine the "Tip of the Day" get a Free Ad for their Business at his Web Site? Great Business and Computer Tips - Monday thru Friday. Instructions on how to place your ad are in the Newsletter. Subscribe at:

A Live Human Being

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

Many times you will receive comments or suggestions. Some may be positive and others could be negative. You should takerepparttar time to personally respond to these. Thank people for positive comments. If it is negative try to addressrepparttar 104792 issue, but don't get defensive. If someone has a gripe, and takesrepparttar 104793 time to write you, take them seriously. Maybe they are simply chronic complainers, but maybe their opinion has substance. Evaluate every comment you get, and surprisingly, you just might find a flaw in your approach that you never thought of, but someone else did.

Tread carefully when someone requests a joint venture. Many times these are thinly veiled pyramids. If you sell advertising in your publication or on your website, why would someone be willing to give you a healthy percentage of their profit, in return for your running an ad for them. Personally, I get offers like this allrepparttar 104794 time, addressed to "Dear Webmaster" and you know where they wind up.

Once in awhile however, someone will have a legitimate offer, and be willing to trade off a percentage of their profit for your advertising efforts. But if you do this, remember that you are putting your reputation onrepparttar 104795 line as well. Affiliate programs do this allrepparttar 104796 time.

Inrepparttar 104797 cold world ofrepparttar 104798 Internet, if you expect to do business, you must use a personal approach. Most people haverepparttar 104799 same reaction to some ofrepparttar 104800 automated procedures in use that I do, and really appreciaterepparttar 104801 contact with a live human being. If you do offer this type of personal service, you will have a real advantage over your competitors, who believe that you can simply automaterepparttar 104802 process, and watchrepparttar 104803 money flow in.


Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezinerepparttar 104804 "Tip ofrepparttar 104805 Day" get a Free Ad for their Business at his Web Site? Great Business and Computer Tips - Monday thru Friday. Instructions on how to place your ad are inrepparttar 104806 Newsletter. Subscribe at:

Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezine the "Tip of the Day" get a Free Ad for their Business at his Web Site? Great Business and Computer Tips - Monday thru Friday. Instructions on how to place your ad are in the Newsletter. Subscribe at:

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