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“Receiving intelligence of this coming attack, Reverend Mr. Prince in Old South Church at Boston stood up before congregation and called for a day of fasting and prayer so God would intervene. As he prayed, shutters of church suddenly began to rattle, startling whole congregation. He stopped praying and realized that a strong wind had begun to blow. Se he returned to even more earnest prayer. Gradually wind picked up until it became a raging gale. The Duke D’ Anville was not only routed, his fleet was destroyed. Thousands of troops were drowned, and duke and his leading general committed suicide” (page 13).
I could go on. The Mayflower was, itself, blown off course onto God’s course. George Washington was granted divine winds on more than one occasion. In 1776, at Brooklyn Heights, he was surrounded by British, with no way of escape. It was a fog that blew in and covered him and his men so that they were able to escape British closure without being detected. Later Washington’s men were trapped in Trenton. The muddy conditions kept him from escaping advancing British; however, overnight a cold wind blew in and froze muddy ground hard as a rock. Guess what? Washington escaped. It was incidents like these that caused Washington to utter these words, “The hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this, that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligation.”
God sends winds. It was Jesus who said that wind blows where it will. He used analogy of wind to illustrate new birth of human spirit. Just as wind obeys voice of God, so human spirit must submit to hand of God. Only God can give eternal life. Only God can give new birth in spirit. How does He do this? It’s as mysterious as His wind, but it can be received through Jesus Christ His only Begotten Son. If any man will call upon name of Lord Jesus, he shall be born anew in faith. Here again, just like wind that can’t be found by human effort, Kingdom cannot be entered into by human effort. It takes an act of God. But then again, He’s riding on wings of wind and coming your way. Let His winds envelope you.
Keep faith. Stay course. Jesus is coming soon. I can almost hear wind beginning to roar.
Pastor T. Dash
Writes daily devotions to his congregation and friends. Contact him at