The Wind Did It

Written by Terry Dashner

Continued from page 1

“Receiving intelligence of this coming attack, Reverend Mr. Prince inrepparttar Old South Church at Boston stood up beforerepparttar 139120 congregation and called for a day of fasting and prayer so God would intervene. As he prayed,repparttar 139121 shutters ofrepparttar 139122 church suddenly began to rattle, startlingrepparttar 139123 whole congregation. He stopped praying and realized that a strong wind had begun to blow. Se he returned to even more earnest prayer. Graduallyrepparttar 139124 wind picked up until it became a raging gale. The Duke D’ Anville was not only routed, his fleet was destroyed. Thousands of troops were drowned, andrepparttar 139125 duke and his leading general committed suicide” (page 13).

I could go on. The Mayflower was, itself, blown off course onto God’s course. George Washington was granted divine winds on more than one occasion. In 1776, at Brooklyn Heights, he was surrounded byrepparttar 139126 British, with no way of escape. It was a fog that blew in and covered him and his men so that they were able to escaperepparttar 139127 British closure without being detected. Later Washington’s men were trapped in Trenton. The muddy conditions kept him from escapingrepparttar 139128 advancing British; however, overnight a cold wind blew in and frozerepparttar 139129 muddy ground hard as a rock. Guess what? Washington escaped. It was incidents like these that caused Washington to utter these words, “The hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this, that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligation.”

God sendsrepparttar 139130 winds. It was Jesus who said thatrepparttar 139131 wind blows where it will. He usedrepparttar 139132 analogy of wind to illustraterepparttar 139133 new birth ofrepparttar 139134 human spirit. Just asrepparttar 139135 wind obeysrepparttar 139136 voice of God, sorepparttar 139137 human spirit must submit torepparttar 139138 hand of God. Only God can give eternal life. Only God can give new birth inrepparttar 139139 spirit. How does He do this? It’s as mysterious as His wind, but it can be received through Jesus Christ His only Begotten Son. If any man will call uponrepparttar 139140 name ofrepparttar 139141 Lord Jesus, he shall be born anew in faith. Here again, just likerepparttar 139142 wind that can’t be found by human effort,repparttar 139143 Kingdom cannot be entered into by human effort. It takes an act of God. But then again, He’s riding onrepparttar 139144 wings ofrepparttar 139145 wind and coming your way. Let His winds envelope you.

Keeprepparttar 139146 faith. Stayrepparttar 139147 course. Jesus is coming soon. I can almost hearrepparttar 139148 wind beginning to roar.

Pastor T. Dash

Writes daily devotions to his congregation and friends. Contact him at

Morgan, Lafitte and Merovingians

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

Josephine Beauharnais:


“Perhapsrepparttar best known Morgan Family were in residence at Tredegar House, near Newport, Gwent in 1402. Throughoutrepparttar 139010 centuries well-kept family records indicate connections with most British land-owning families. The Morgans of Tredegar were followers of Queen Elizabeth I.

On 17 July 1645, Charles I came to Tredegar House as a guest ofrepparttar 139011 Morgans.

The 18th and 19th centuries saw great changes in Wales from an agrarian to an Industrial economy. The iron and coal discoveries in Glamorgan and Monmouthshire changedrepparttar 139012 scenery ofrepparttar 139013 country…

The turn ofrepparttar 139014 century found Tredegarrepparttar 139015 site of great parties. These and death duties causedrepparttar 139016 decline ofrepparttar 139017 Morgans of Tredegar. After World War II,repparttar 139018 estate was sold to a religious order and inrepparttar 139019 1970's,repparttar 139020 County of Newport tookrepparttar 139021 estate over.

King Charles I stayed inrepparttar 139022 house in 1645 before his execution in 1649, andrepparttar 139023 County of Monmouthshire (now Gwent) andrepparttar 139024 town of Newport owe much to development by successive Morgans. Included must berepparttar 139025 famous Captain Henry Morgan, twice Governor of Jamaica inrepparttar 139026 17th century.” (2)

Though they claim Henry Morgan wasrepparttar 139027 Governor of Jamaica there are other places where I find he tookrepparttar 139028 job his uncle had before him. Clearly this was a well-heeled family long before Sir Henry went off to murderously deceive his own men and practice his debauched and murderous mania.

Author of Diverse Druids World-Mysteries guest 'expert' Agent for ecumenicism and rational government

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