The Warmth of Candle Glow

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1

Evenrepparttar holders themselves can be decorated and "aged" to keep in step withrepparttar 111507 Holiday theme you have selected for your home. A bit of paint and patina can mellow candle holders that you found at tag sales and resale shops. Gold paint, crackle varnish, and antique wax - a few supplies and your candles will be cradled in holders reminiscent of a bygone era. A candle ring can userepparttar 111508 greenery, fruit and vegetables ofrepparttar 111509 season. From spicy cinnamon sticks to sliced and dried fruit, dried cranberries to gooseberries and raspberries, ivies, and Christmas roses, your imagination can transform a bit of wire and floral foam into accents that resemble royalty and are beautiful to behold.

Ribbons of green or red tartan, frosted cherries, and leaves touched with a kiss of snow, as well as pinecones, sprigs of evergreen, cedar, or pine, and not only arerepparttar 111510 candles a focal point but they emitrepparttar 111511 scents of a Holiday that can warm and enthrall family and guests.

Whether simple or elaborate, candles are a decorative touch that can be inexpensive, but add a wealth of beauty to your home. ENJOY! ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 November

Arleen has written numerous articles, books, and newsletters:

A Berry Holiday Treat

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1
Shrubs served in colonial days were fruit-based drinks liberally spiked with brandy or rum - or whatever spirited drink was at hand. Today's version: 4 cups raspberry sherbet, softened, 4 cups cranberry juice cocktail, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 3 cups chilled ginger ale- Spoon half ofrepparttar sherbet into a blender. Pour in half ofrepparttar 111506 cranberry juice and half ofrepparttar 111507 lemon juice. Process until smooth. Pour into 6 glasses. Repeat with remaining cranberry juice and remaining lemon juice. Carefully pour some ofrepparttar 111508 ginger ale downrepparttar 111509 side of each glass. Stir to muddle slightly. A toast to you and your loved ones! ************************************ Cranberries - they generously give of their color, texture and essence for our enjoyment and our Holiday meal plans. Don't forget our fine-feathered friends - stirng a few garlands, along with some poppped corn for them as well. However you use cranberries - ENJOY! ©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002 November

Arleen has written numerous books, articles, and newsletters:

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