The Value of Antioxidants

Written by Mary Porter

Continued from page 1

All antioxidants don't haverepparttar same function. Beta Carotene is good protection from free radicals caused by intense exercise, while Vitamin E and selenium are better equipped to handle those caused by exposure to toxic chemicals. Also, antioxidants protect each other. Beta Carotene protects Vitamin C, which in turn protects Vitamin E. With enough protection, antioxidants are free to travel throughrepparttar 142088 body, guarding against free radical attacks.

Even though antioxidants are available from our diet, we cannot be assured that there are adequate amounts in food today. Betweenrepparttar 142089 depleted state of soil used to grow our food, andrepparttar 142090 processing that are food is subject to,repparttar 142091 nutritional value that is left is not enough. Not only isrepparttar 142092 nutrition available decreased, butrepparttar 142093 food is also exposed to chemical fertilizers and additives that haverepparttar 142094 potential to cause even more free radical production.

Some ofrepparttar 142095 benefits as a result of use of antioxidant supplements are increased protection from many forms of cancer, stronger defense against cardiovascular disease, and a more powerful immune system.

I would think, in view of all this, that supplementing with a good, broad spectrum antioxidant would be a healthy choice for anyone.

Check out a good source for antioxidant supplements and more. Followrepparttar 142096 link and get more information. Fill outrepparttar 142097 form. I will get back to you!


Mary Porter Editor of Hot Health Tips, a free weekly newsletter on natural health. To subscribe send a blank e-mail to


Written by Stan Popovich

Continued from page 1

When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with a lot of anxiety,repparttar first thing you can do is to breakrepparttar 142061 task into a series of smaller steps. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will makerepparttar 142062 stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.

In dealing with your anxieties, a person should learn to take it one day at a time. Instead of focusing on exaggerated assumptions that may or may not happen, focus onrepparttar 142063 present and rely onrepparttar 142064 facts ofrepparttar 142065 present situation.

Our anxieties and stresses can sometimes getrepparttar 142066 best of us, however there are many helpful resources available to us. It might take some hard work and persistence, but it is possible to find those answers in managing your anxieties.

Stanley Popovich is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods” - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to:

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