The Ultimate Skiing Experience

Written by Lockie Brown

Continued from page 1

The great advantage of cat skiing is that “down” days almost never occur. Clients ski every day and bad weather can often mean extra-good snow. Cat skiing is more relaxed and “laid back” than heli skiing as there is no need to share equipment between groups or to maximize equipment usage. Cat skiing is very “client-friendly”. Each group has a dedicated machine and it moves atrepparttar group’s pleasure. Weaker skiers can be at ease and not feel “pushed”.

Snowcats provide a relatively quiet, relaxed environment in whichrepparttar 133267 trip back uprepparttar 133268 hill can be almost as much fun asrepparttar 133269 run down. Guests sit in soft individual seats. They can “unbutton”, dry out, warm up, converse, share bad jokes and browse on sandwiches, cookies, cake and drinks. If a guest gets tired, it’s easy to “sit out” a run and ride down torepparttar 133270 next pickup withrepparttar 133271 cat driver.

Helicopter skiing is much less restricted geographically than snowcat skiing. This permits greater opportunity to find “great snow”. However, there is a drawback. Since they can operate in a much larger area, heli-operators may sometimes be less familiar with changing snow conditions and risk factors than snowcat operators who work in a more restricted area. Snowcat operators make greater use of a smaller area and get to know it very well. Snowcat operators have easy access their terrain by snowmobile and can implement snow testing and slope stabilization measures that are much more difficult and expensive for heli-operators.

Most snowcat operators have ample terrain to consistently provide clients with good snow conditions, even in periods of drought, and to ensure that clients exhaust themselves every day. Chatter Creek Mountain Lodges Ltd. operates in a 130 sq. km area and ski betweenrepparttar 133272 elevations of 4900ft and 9500 ft. Monashee Powder Adventures (Tsuius) advertises an area of 66 sq. km and operates betweenrepparttar 133273 elevations of 7800 ft and 3,000 ft. Baldface Lodge uses over 140 sq km. Guests need not worry about running out of terrain!

Snowcat skiing provides a wonderful holiday for intermediate and advanced skiers alike. Individuals, family groups, groups of friends, business associates can have a “trip to remember”. Operators with remote lodges offer a real “backcountry” experience, usually with good food and very comfortable accommodations.

The Chatter News photo journal ( has over 350 skiing and terrain photos from Chatter Creek. Refer torepparttar 133274 Cat Skiing Articles photo gallery ( for a close look at snowcat skiing.

Lockie Brown lives near Vancouver, B.C. and skis at Whistler. He has cat skied for a number of years, taking groups of 12 and 24 friends to different cat ski venues in British Columbia. He now takes his groups to Chatter Creek SnowCat Skiing near Golden BC. ( )


Written by Norb Wormald

Continued from page 1
I August a great bait is leopard frogs. They can be caught along trepparttar brush area onrepparttar 133265 EAST bank ofrepparttar 133266 river inrepparttar 133267 evening. You have to hold onto your pole when using them forrepparttar 133268 cats just smash them. It isrepparttar 133269 cats getsrepparttar 133270 bait or you hookrepparttar 133271 fish, there is no little tapping onrepparttar 133272 line. You can put a small section of plastic worm overrepparttar 133273 frog's hooked leg to help keeprepparttar 133274 frog onrepparttar 133275 hook. The river is shallow byrepparttar 133276 dam to about 1 mile north of Stu's place. The deepest spot is only ft. in that area. That is reallyrepparttar 133277 main reason you can land those big cats, for they cannot go deep at all. The current is very strong. It really can wear your arms out trying to bring in a 20lb cat with such a strong current. I suggest taking some Bengay rub and aspirin to relieverepparttar 133278 sore muscles you will get from fighting those cats. Stu's boat seats if he has any left are not great for support ofrepparttar 133279 back either.

If you are going to be up there more than 3 days I suggest fishing at a steady pace. Fish from around sun rise till around noon. Rest up till around 4p.m. Go back out and fish till dark. Stu's boats do not have running lights so they have to be back atrepparttar 133280 dock by dark. If you want you can fish a night fromrepparttar 133281 bank and catch cats. My brother and I caught some right in front of out lodge rooms one night. The boat dock is right byrepparttar 133282 channel so is a spot to check out. My brother caught his largest cat offrepparttar 133283 dock a 28 pounder!

I hope this has been of some help to anyone thinking about experiencing hooking intorepparttar 133284 largest Channel catfish of their life. For more information contact Stu McKay at "Cats onrepparttar 133285 Red." Fishing season opens around May 20th.

Please visit my web sites: webmaster for CINCINNATI CATFISHING & SHOP WITHOUT DROPPING Over700Bargins4YOU

Have been catfishing around the Downtown Cincinnati area of the Ohio River for over 40 years. Have gone catfishing to Lockport 5 times over the past 10 years. It is the greastest place to catch lots of huge channel catsfish in North America!!

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