The Ugly American ReturnsWritten by Virginia Bola, PsyD
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In 2003, decision was made to openly attack a sovereign nation state which, although famous for verbal saber rattling, posed no direct threat to us nor had it committed an illegal invasion or recent attack on anyone else since last Gulf War. With guns blazing, we marched into OK Corral. Despite absolute predictability of enemy combatants fading into general population rather than standing their ground and being annihilated, we were "surprised" as ease of entering Baghdad. We had forgotten lessons of our own Revolutionary War when it became clear that standing face-to-face with well-supplied redcoat squares was a recipe for total destruction. "Mission Accomplished" trumpeted President, Administration, temporarily impotent and sleeping media. The worst was over. There was now simply "mopping up" operations left in a country which should be overwhelmingly grateful for what we had achieved. Instead, of course, more U.S. troops would die after our mission was "accomplished" than in hot war itself. Why surprise? Once again, as in days of Vietnam, Tet Offensive, bombing of Cambodia, once again face of Ugly American was exposed to world. Why are we hated? We are superpower, bully in school yard. Difficult as it is to forge an uneasy truce with us when we act with restraint and decorum, it becomes impossible when we throw our weight around and beat our collective chest with pride, hubris, and will to move alone without trying to rally allies or international support. The Ugly American is loose in streets of Middle East, a target for all, a friend of none: arrogant, defiant, outcast, and alone. Never again, we said. Oops - isolation and hate is back. We can now have satisfaction of knowing we generated it all by ourselves. Who needs an enemy when we have us?

Virginia Bola is a licensed clinical psychologist with deep interests in Social Psychology and politics. She has performed therapeutic services for more than 20 years and has studied the results of cultural forces and employment on the individual.She is the author of an interactive workbook, The Wolf at the Door: An Unemployment Survival Manual, and a monthly ezine, The worker's Edge. She can be reached at
| | Custer and Keogh (Lincoln's Assassination too)Written by Robert Bruce Baird
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Another side of our family is named King. Rufus King was a signatory of one of Declarations of Independence and first man to publicly free his black slaves in New York. He also ran for President and was part of Masonic cult that is under Rosicrucian Council of Three that Lincoln was a member of. They are not apex of real elites who run world but they are secret and powerful enough to be sure. I wonder if Clarence King is related to that branch of family that includes my father’s ‘Uncle Jim’ who lived to over a hundred years old and used to regale him with stories about wild west and how he was a road gang boss on cross continental railroads. And then there are Boston Bairds including Martha Baird Rockefeller who was mother of Nelson Alldrich Rockefeller. My father lived there briefly before he went to war. He thought we were related to her too. Margaret Keogh was born in 1890 in Portland Maine and unfortunately 1890 Census in this region was lost in a fire so my brother John seeking to help get citizenship status for our younger brother Gord ran into a lot of missing pieces when they did a detailed search in Quincy, Massachusetts and Portland, Maine. Nelson Alldrich is main ‘front man’ who brought world economic domination to us through FED and later deals including end of The Bretton Woods Agreement. These Boston Brahmins or Beacon Hill Mob are part of many other books I have written. I have met some of their recent ‘front men’ and learned a lot from them about nature of real world and government. I think Adams family and others like Bairds were in Americas long before Columbus and even before Stuart Royals like Prince Henry Sinclair. There is a growing awareness of just how badly our forefathers have treated many people throughout this world. Patti Smith is on warpath and this review serves to give a little of her passion which I share. “Gung Ho a throwback to rock records By DAVE VEITCH Calgary Sun GUNG HO Patti Smith (Arista) At a time when every day brings yet another teen nymphette whose messages to world are (a) hit me/rub me, baby, and (b) I haven't had a boob job, arrival of a new album by 50-year-old punk godmother Patti Smith is like a cool glass of water to a parched soul. Gung Ho is a throwback to rock records that gave voice to political, social and moral ideas in hopes of changing world one mindset at a time. Unlikely, yes, but you've got to admire passion, intellect and conviction that Smith and her longtime band bring to material. One moment she's singing about spiritual transcendence in hypnotic Lo and Beholden; next she's rallying against capitalism-gone-rampant on angular rocker Glitter in Their Eyes (featuring Tom Verlaine on guitar and Michael Stipe on vocals). She involves historical figures, too, writing about life and philosophies of Ho Chi Minh in droning 12-minute title track and singing from point of view of George Custer's wife (the lovely, country-tinged Libby's Song) and an African slave determined to hold onto her pride (Strange Messengers). At times her words turn didactic and her rage starts sounding like haranguing. But on those occasions, music -- taut, sinewy, uncompromised -- carries you through.” Some of my sources will be those who are tarred with brush of ‘conspiracy theorist’ like myself. I suppose I am a ‘conspiracy theorist’ in genre of Teilhard de Chardin who called for a ‘Conspiracy of Love’. I will attempt to be fair and raise questions as much as provide answers. There are no black and white answers and a good question takes more knowledge than a pat answer, I have generally found. You might have to do a lot of other reading and research therefore; but remember what FDR said – “If it happened, it was planned”. And plan for an American Civil War and expansion of Manifest Destiny and eugenics or ‘social engineering’ is what Rothschild’s or other Benjaminites who backed various players on both sides is what much of history is all about – I hope you will see this, at least in part, as this book proceeds. One book alone and even thirty I have written that cover different aspects of this are not yet enough to tell much more than a framework of what is going on to this day. When I started doing intensive research into this I did not know what I would find in reference to financial powers and their association with people near to Custer. I was willing to simply examine some legends of our family. However, family legends are not as much matter of this book at this juncture. There are many things unanswered still, but I think I have found enough to warrant making a sincere and pleading call to re-open issue of Custer and why he was basically murdered by people who feared what he was saying due to his popularity and his realistic chances of becoming President of United States at some point. I can say my father was right about Reno and cover-up but I cannot say Reno acted alone or who instructed him to make sure Custer clan was eliminated. I see a lot of similarities with assassination of Lincoln and JFK and I think most powerful nation in world should have some serious house-cleaning.

Columnist in The ES Press Magazine guest expert Author of Diverse Druids