The Typology of Financial Scandals

Written by Sam Vaknin

Continued from page 1

The second type of financial scandals is normally connected torepparttar laundering of capital generated inrepparttar 106715 "black economy", namely:repparttar 106716 income not reported torepparttar 106717 tax authorities. Such money passes through banking channels, changes ownership a few times, so that its track is covered andrepparttar 106718 identities ofrepparttar 106719 owners ofrepparttar 106720 money are concealed. Money generated by drug dealings, illicit arm trade andrepparttar 106721 less exotic form of tax evasion is thus "laundered".

The financial institutions which participate in laundering operations, maintain double accounting books. One book is forrepparttar 106722 purposes ofrepparttar 106723 official authorities. Those agencies and authorities that deal with taxation, bank supervision, deposit insurance and financial liquidity are given access to this set of "engineered" books. The true record is kept hidden in another set of books. These accounts reflectrepparttar 106724 real situation ofrepparttar 106725 financial institution: who deposited how much, when and under which conditions - and who borrowed what, when and under which conditions.

This double standard blursrepparttar 106726 true situation ofrepparttar 106727 institution torepparttar 106728 point of no return. Evenrepparttar 106729 owners ofrepparttar 106730 institution begin to lose track of its activities and misapprehend its real standing.

Is it stable? Is it liquid? Isrepparttar 106731 asset portfolio diversified enough? No one knows. The fog enshrouds even those who created it inrepparttar 106732 first place. No proper financial control and audit is possible under such circumstances.

Less scrupulous members ofrepparttar 106733 management andrepparttar 106734 staff of such financial bodies usually take advantage ofrepparttar 106735 situation. Embezzlements are very widespread, abuse of authority, misuse or misplacement of funds. Where no light shines, a lot of creepy creatures tend to develop.

The most famous - and biggest - financial scandal of this type in human history wasrepparttar 106736 collapse ofrepparttar 106737 Bank for Credit and Commerce International LTD. (BCCI) in London in 1991. For almost a decade,repparttar 106738 management and employees of this shady bank engaged in stealing and misappropriating 10 billion (!!!) USD. The supervision department ofrepparttar 106739 Bank of England, under whose scrutinizing eyes this bank was supposed to have been - was proven to be impotent and incompetent. The owners ofrepparttar 106740 bank - some Arab Sheikhs - had to invest billions of dollars in compensating its depositors.

The combination of black money, shoddy financial controls, shady bank accounts and shredded documents proves to be quite elusive. It is impossible to evaluaterepparttar 106741 total damage in such cases.

The third type isrepparttar 106742 most elusive,repparttar 106743 hardest to discover. It is very common and scandal may erupt - or never occur, depending on chance, cash flows andrepparttar 106744 intellects of those involved.

Financial institutions are subject to political pressures, forcing them to give credits torepparttar 106745 unworthy - or to forgo diversification (to give too much credit to a single borrower). Only lately in South Korea, such politically motivated loans were discovered to have been given torepparttar 106746 failing Hanbo conglomerate by virtually every bank inrepparttar 106747 country. The same may safely be said about banks in Japan and almost everywhere else. Very few banks would dare to refuserepparttar 106748 Finance Minister's cronies, for instance.

Some banks would subjectrepparttar 106749 review of credit applications to social considerations. They would lend to certain sectors ofrepparttar 106750 economy, regardless of their financial viability. They would lend torepparttar 106751 needy, torepparttar 106752 affluent, to urban renewal programs, to small businesses - and all inrepparttar 106753 name of social causes which, however justified - cannot justify giving loans.

This is a private case in a more widespread phenomenon:repparttar 106754 assets (=loan portfolios) of many a financial institution are not diversified enough. Their loans are concentrated in a single sector ofrepparttar 106755 economy (agriculture, industry, construction), in a given country, or geographical region. Such exposure is detrimental torepparttar 106756 financial health ofrepparttar 106757 lending institution. Economic trends tend to develop in unison inrepparttar 106758 same sector, country, or region. When real estate inrepparttar 106759 West Coast ofrepparttar 106760 USA plummets - it does so indiscriminately. A bank whose total portfolio is composed of mortgages to West Coast Realtors, would be demolished.

In 1982, Mexico defaulted onrepparttar 106761 interest payments of its international debts. Its arrears grew enormously and threatenedrepparttar 106762 stability ofrepparttar 106763 entire Western financial system. USA banks - which wererepparttar 106764 most exposed torepparttar 106765 Latin American debt crisis - had to footrepparttar 106766 bulk ofrepparttar 106767 bill which amounted to tens of billions of USD. They had almost all their capital tied up in loans to Latin American countries. Financial institutions bow to fads and fashions. They are amenable to "lending trends" and display a herd-like mentality. They tend to concentrate their assets where they believe that they could getrepparttar 106768 highest yields inrepparttar 106769 shortest possible periods of time. In this sense, they are not very different from investors in pyramid investment schemes.

Financial mismanagement can also berepparttar 106770 result of lax or flawed financial controls. The internal audit department in every financing institution - andrepparttar 106771 external audit exercised byrepparttar 106772 appropriate supervision authorities are responsible to counterrepparttar 106773 natural human propensity for gambling. The must helprepparttar 106774 financial organization re-orient itself in accordance with objective and objectively analysed data. If they fail to do this -repparttar 106775 financial institution would tend to behave like a ship without navigation tools. Financial audit regulations (the most famous of which arerepparttar 106776 American FASBs) trail way behindrepparttar 106777 development ofrepparttar 106778 modern financial marketplace. Still, their judicious and careful implementation could be of invaluable assistance in steering away from financial scandals.

Taking human psychology into account - coupled withrepparttar 106779 complexity ofrepparttar 106780 modern world of finances - it is nothing less than a miracle that financial scandals are as few and far between as they are.

Sam Vaknin is the author of Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East. He is a columnist for Central Europe Review, United Press International (UPI) and eBookWeb and the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory and Suite101.

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Confessions of a Reluctant Saleswoman

Written by Joyce M. Coleman

Continued from page 1

I have learned that no matter what we do, we must sell something - our ideas, our capability to produce a product or service, or someone else's ideas, goods and services. Evenrepparttar heroes of my childhood - teachers and preachers - must sell their customers onrepparttar 106714 notion that they bring value torepparttar 106715 table.

In effect, all of us sell each day of our lives. Those who excel at it deliver on their promise; their products and services bring added value to their users. Those who purchase them tell their friends, who tell their friends, and so on.

For me, it has been a long road to realizing that one has little control over one's destiny and wealth as long as there is dependency on a corporation or some entity (other than oneself) for employment. Atrepparttar 106716 end ofrepparttar 106717 day, we must look to our personal capabilities to support our family and ourselves. Just ask any ofrepparttar 106718 hundreds of thousands who were recently laid off through no fault of their own, or read lessons learned by millionaires.

It has been an equally long road for me to become sufficiently confident to develop some of those creations my brother and I attempted back in Locust Hill. I've known for some time that people who need my expertise, and who will be happy to trade money for its value, will not find out about it through osmosis. I must let them know about it, just as I happily toutedrepparttar 106719 goods and services of my corporation all those years. Expertise, brainpower, or product, no matter how wonderful, must be successfully marketed, or "sold."

As I more closely examine my evolving notion of selling, I realize that it isn't "selling" that makes me such a reluctant participant in an arena that creates wealth faster than any other. (Byrepparttar 106720 way, it is alsorepparttar 106721 fastest way to get ahead inrepparttar 106722 corporate world). It is my link to a childhood misunderstanding ofrepparttar 106723 wonderful act of providing people with something that actually fulfills a dream, makes lives easier, and provides financial freedom for so many. Each time I receive a thank you for sharing my opportunity, book, time, or words of wisdom, I am so thankful that I've learned to appreciaterepparttar 106724 marvel of selling.

My reluctance has turned into eagerness and gratefulness as I continue to discover ways to put my own brainpower and skills to good use, on what I consider to be relatively close to my own terms. Each day I seek out new opportunities that I share with my new and lifelong friends. Together, we are embracingrepparttar 106725 wealth-building wonders made possible to each of us through modern technology.

Copyright 2001 Joyce M. Coleman. All rights reserved, except as noted above. Joyce Coleman is author of acclaimed book, Soul Stirrings - How looking back gives each of usrepparttar 106726 freedom to move forward. Subscribe to her newsletter, The Business of Life at for practical tools that enhance living. Includes self improvement, wealth- building, family issues, recipes.

Joyce Coleman is an acclaimed author, online publisher, speaker, and consultant. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri. Her articles are widely published, and some of her other works can be found at the Mississippi Museum of History and Archives.

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