"The Two Sides of Medicine"

Written by Warren Matthews

Continued from page 1

OK... what should you do?

First of all, if you are over 35 and have not had a blood test withinrepparttar last few years ... arrange one... NOW!

Get a general one, which tests for:

* Cholesterol. Both LDL and HDL * Triglycerides * Homocysteine * Lipoproteins * Liver Function * Renal Function * Plasma Glucose

If you are a man over 40 make sure you also have a PSA. (Prostate Specific Antigen) test) Hint: There is recent evidence that suggests that if you have had sex withinrepparttar 115018 previous 72 hours your PSA levels could be affected. Play it safe and abstain for 2 - 3 days before your test.

Irrespective of your gender ask your physician if any other tests are also recommended for you. If each test is withinrepparttar 115019 normal range, that's great, you can rest easy knowing that you are unlikely to be subject to any immediate health risk. You can then direct your efforts towards improvingrepparttar 115020 way you feel and slowing down your aging process.

If any of your tests are abnormal you will need to do something about bringing them back to within 'normal' ranges ... and possibly be subject to more tests. It isrepparttar 115021 treatment of any abnormalities from these blood tests that create a potential conflict between 'Askelepians' and 'Hygeians'.

Here is an example of potential conflict

Let's say your tests show that your cholesterol is 'out of whack', your 'mainstream' physician may first propose lowering your intake of diet cholesterol. That's unlikely to be successful as ingested cholesterol only makes up a relatively small percentage of blood cholesterol.

They will next likely propose one ofrepparttar 115022 cholesterol lowering drugs commonly known as 'statins'. These are drugs that work by blocking an enzyme that your liver needs to manufacture cholesterol. (Up to 80% of your blood cholesterol is manufactured by your liver, NOT fromrepparttar 115023 ingestion of cholesterol within your diet).

These statin drugs are very powerful and have been known to cause serious side effects including deaths. In fact Bayers were recently forced to withdraw their statin drug fromrepparttar 115024 market place because of 'unacceptable' levels of fatalities. In spite of these risks, sales of statin drugs amount to billions of dollars per year and are commonly prescribed.

It's ironic that there are natural alternatives to these statin drugs which can assist in lowering cholesterol, and do it safely, and without side effects. Butrepparttar 115025 general public hears very little about them as they are not patentable and there is notrepparttar 115026 financial incentive for repparttar 115027 big corporate's to promote them.

The same principle applies for many different ailments. There can be many legitimate methods of treatments. What is important is that you seek outrepparttar 115028 natural alternatives and apply them before agreeing to subject yourself torepparttar 115029 negative side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.

Pharmaceutical drugs are 'blockers' whereas natural remedies are 'enablers'

Pharmaceutical drugs are 'blockers' and do not normally healrepparttar 115030 underlying ailment. They generally work by suppressing natural functions such as certain enzymes which I mentioned earlier when givingrepparttar 115031 'statin' example. Because of this process, results are often 'instant' and as such there is sometimes a place for these powerful prescription drugs in repparttar 115032 case of life threatening emergencies.

In contrast, natural products such as herbs, vitamins etc are 'enablers'. They work at correctingrepparttar 115033 cause ofrepparttar 115034 ailment which is often a nutrient deficiency of some sort. The results are not immediate and have to be measured in weeks, or even months.

If you have a serious ailment, work with your physician to try and correct it... by first using natural remedies. If she or he is not familiar withrepparttar 115035 treatment you would like to try, do some further research and get hold of supporting information so you are in a better position to discussrepparttar 115036 options intelligently. If your physician has a closed mind to natural remedies it may be wise to ask around and find another qualified physician with an open mind.

Warren Matthews is the Editor of XTEND-YOUR-LIFE, a FREE bi-monthly Newsletter who's goal is to show you how to take better care of yourself. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor by subscribing today.

A Free Subscription is available at ... http://www.InstantEnergyBoost.com


Written by Warren Matthews

Continued from page 1
. 116 million extra physician visits . 77 million extra prescriptions . 17 million emergency department visits . 8 million hospitalizations . 3 million long-term admissions . 199,000 additional deaths . $77 billion in extra costs IS THIS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG? With human nature being as it is you can rest assured thatrepparttar above 'official' figures are justrepparttar 115017 'tip ofrepparttar 115018 iceberg'. I have no doubt that for each 'official' iatrogenic death that there are others which are recorded as 'legitimate' deaths. As an example ... when a patient dies of a heart attack in hospital whilst being treated for something else its easy enough to dismiss it as 'bad luck' and write it off torepparttar 115019 fact thatrepparttar 115020 patient had a bad heart and that they just happened to be in hospital atrepparttar 115021 time whenrepparttar 115022 heart attack occurred. Isrepparttar 115023 hospital or physician going to tellrepparttar 115024 patient's family that perhaps some ofrepparttar 115025 treatmentsrepparttar 115026 patient was having could have precipitatedrepparttar 115027 heart 'event'? In these days of litigation I don't think so... if they can avoid it. I have no doubt that hospitals arerepparttar 115028 equal of politicians when it comes to 'cover ups'. OK, I've said my bit about this problem and I am sure that you haverepparttar 115029 message, so what'srepparttar 115030 point of knowing these sad facts? Avoid falling intorepparttar 115031 hands of hospitals andrepparttar 115032 'health' system, because it can make you sick...OR EVEN KILL YOU! This means that you must be constantly aware ofrepparttar 115033 health demands on your body such asrepparttar 115034 need to give it correct food, adequate exercise and rest, and of course adequate intakes of essential nutrients. Liken it to your car... give it poor fuel and neglectrepparttar 115035 maintenance and it will either run badly or stop altogether. IT'S NOT NATURAL TO BE ILL

Illness is UNNATURAL and can generally be avoided. The cause of almost all illness is people doing unnatural things to their body, whether it is due torepparttar 115036 environment they live in,repparttar 115037 food and liquids that they ingest, or livingrepparttar 115038 life of a 'couch potato'. Each person controls their own health OR illness, not their physician or their 'Health Care' provider. I am sure that you are aware thatrepparttar 115039 average diet is very much lacking in essential nutrients due torepparttar 115040 high level of food processing, as well as exposure to toxins such as pesticides.

The lack of these essential nutrients has been shown to 'trigger' off many ailments which can start a cascade effect and lead to serious problems inrepparttar 115041 future. The lack of these nutrients can be largely overcome in most people by dietary supplementation. The problem is getting ALLrepparttar 115042 nutrients into your body inrepparttar 115043 correct proportion.

It is imperative that you explore your options and consider a professional supplement regimen that can provide you withrepparttar 115044 essential nutrients missing fromrepparttar 115045 standard diet. A high quality supplement can help to prevent you from becoming an iatrogenic victim.

Warren Matthews is the Chairman of Xtend Life Natural Products, designer and manufacturer of Total Balance. Total Balance contains over 84 nutrients encased in an enteric coating, which allows you to get the maximum benefit from each ingredient. Total Balance provides the best value for your dollar of any professional health supplement and is unequivically backed by a 100% guarantee.

Total Balance can be found at ... http://www.InstantEnergyBoost.com

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