The Truth About Negative Commands (Don’t Read This!)

Written by Laurie Kristensen

Continued from page 1

This is also why using only positive language in personal growth affirmations and in hypnosis -- whether self-hypnosis or with a trained professional -- is crucial.

It’s also important to avoid alternate forms of negative commands, such asrepparttar following examples:

- rather than...

- instead of...

- avoid...

- etc.

Always use POSITIVE commands and suggestions!

I’ll admit, it takes some creative thinking, and it’s a learning process to overcomerepparttar 120555 overwhelming cultural training we have all been living with!

However, by becoming aware, I am gradually learning how to choose my words more carefully and achieving greater results!

For instance:

- Instead of “Don’t miss [fill inrepparttar 120556 blank]!” you can say “Take advantage of [fill inrepparttar 120557 blank]!” or “Get in on [fill inrepparttar 120558 blank]!”

- Instead of “Don’t Delay!” you can say “Hurry!” or “Act Now!” or “Take Immediate Action!”

- Instead of “Don’t forget to be there!” you can say “Be there!” or “Remember to be there!”

- Instead of “Don’t forget to stop and buy milk [or pick uprepparttar 120559 dry cleaning -- fill inrepparttar 120560 blank]!” you can say “Remember to [fill inrepparttar 120561 blank] on your way!” or “Please buy [fill inrepparttar 120562 blank] before you get home!” or “Thanks in advance for [fill inrepparttar 120563 blank]!”

- Instead of “Do not forget to be on time!” you can say “Be there on time!” or “Remember to be there on time!” or “Be there at [time]-sharp!”

- Instead of “You can’t miss out on this opportunity!” you can say “You must TAKE this opportunity!” or “TAKE this opportunity NOW!” or “This is a ‘MUST-SEE’ (or ‘MUST-DO’) opportunity!”

- Instead of “Don't be afraid to ASK!” you can say “Feel free to ASK!” or “Please ASK any questions you have!” or “Freely ASK your questions!”

- Instead of “Would you like to [fill inrepparttar 120564 blank]? If so, don’t wait another minute! Order Your [fill inrepparttar 120565 blank] NOW!” you can say “Would you like to [fill inrepparttar 120566 blank]? If so, ACT IMMEDIATELY! Order Your [fill inrepparttar 120567 blank] NOW!”

- Instead of “Don’t Live With Depression [or fill inrepparttar 120568 blank]” you can say “Overcome Your Depression!” or “Live Free of Depression!” or even “Be Depression-Free!” and so on.

Getrepparttar 120569 idea?

Command, suggest, or inspire people to POSITIVE ACTION, and you will achieve far greater results!

And now, if you re-read my article headline, you can ALSO get an idea of how you can use this information to create some “reverse-psychology” results, as well!

Copyright Laurie Kristensen, 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

Laurie Kristensen owns and operates a successful audio transcription and typing business from home, visit Also be sure to browse through her Success Resources at

You have permission to publish this article in its entirety, unchanged, electronically or in print as long as the bylines, URL, and copyright are included.

Sales As A Positive Experience

Written by Don Osborne

Continued from page 1
So, what'srepparttar lesson to be learned? Develop a positive, personal understanding about your own products and services. Determine what you're selling in terms of it's value torepparttar 120554 potential customer. Present that value in a solutions manner. Result: you'll turn your sales process into a Positive Experience for both you and your customer. "Learn & Do" Action Steps: 1. Write a 3 - 5 sentence description of how you feel when you'rerepparttar 120555 customer? 2. Selectrepparttar 120556 product or service you're most passionate about. List 5 incentives with matching features and benefits you feel have a high value to your customer. 3. Role play with a trusted friendrepparttar 120557 perfect, interactive presentation ofrepparttar 120558 product or service you've selected.

Don Osborne is the Author/Publisher of The Profit Puzzle - A Free Small Business Course -

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