The Truth About Fat

Written by Kim Beardsmore

Continued from page 1

3. There are two different types of body fat - brown and yellow. Brown fat is situated insiderepparttar body and is 'active', containing mitochondria that produce heat (thermogenesis) and as a result burn energy. Yellow fat is found nearerrepparttar 131418 surface, is less active and more likely to accumulate. Women tend to have a higher ratio of yellow fat than men.

4. Women need higher levels of fat because it is essential for reproduction and sorepparttar 131419 body stores it 'just in case'.

5. An average healthy intake of good fats inrepparttar 131420 diet should be approximately 30-40 grams a day. The fat content of diets in affluent populations can be nearly four times this amount!

6. Most foods containing fat combine saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat in varying quantities. For instance, butter's fat content is almost 100%, of which 60% is saturated, 30% monounsaturated and 10% polyunsaturated, compared with sunflower seeds' fat content of 73%, of which just 12% is saturated and 21% monounsaturated and 67% is polyunsaturated.

7. Heat, light and oxygen destroy essential fatty acids, which is why it is best to keep oils in dark containers.

8. Essential fats must come fromrepparttar 131421 diet because your body cannot produce them. The essential healthy fats are Omega 3 and Omega 6 (known as essential fatty acids).

9. Weight for weight, fat provides more than twicerepparttar 131422 amount of usable energy than carbohydrates or protein (you'll find 9 calories in every gram of fat).

10. Fat contributes torepparttar 131423 palatability, texture andrepparttar 131424 smell of many foods, it also slows downrepparttar 131425 process of digestion providing an extended period of satiation after a meal.

When you knowrepparttar 131426 good fromrepparttar 131427 bad, fat is fabulous!

(c) Copyright Kim Beardsmore

Kim is a successful weight loss coach who will cut through the diet-hype and help you reach your goal weight. No public 'weigh-ins', meetings that cost you money or fads...simply results you will love! You can receive a free consultation. Visit today: Are you interested in earning money from home? We can help you grow a profitable home business:

Say "Goodbye" to the Dreaded Weight Loss Plateau

Written by Kim Beardsmore

Continued from page 1

5. Takerepparttar "refinement" out of your diet. Try eliminating all refined sugar and refined grains from your diet. This includes white bread, pastries, pasta, white rice, white flour crackers, sugar-coated breakfast cereals, cookies and cake. This simple step can encourage a huge weight-loss breakthrough and leave you feeling more healthy and energized inrepparttar 131416 process.

6. Don't go hungry. Cutting back on how often you eat can have a negative impact on your diet plateau. Many studies show that small, frequent meals are more satisfying and produce better weight-loss results thanrepparttar 131417 same number of calories consumed in three large meals. Take advantage of healthy snacking and crunch on fresh slices of raw vegetables like celery, peppers, cucumber and jicama when you're hungry.

7. Drink to burn up. It's vitally important to replenish your fluids by drinking plenty of water on your weight loss program. An inadequate supply of water in itself can slow down your weight-loss. Carry water with you wherever you go throughoutrepparttar 131418 day. For additional weight-management benefits, add a high quality aloe concentrate to your water to help keep your digestion in top shape. Also, a probiotic supplement can help us maintain a healthy intestinal flora. Keeping well hydrated not only helps you burn fat efficiently, it also helps control hunger.

8. Keep your incentive strong. Rememberrepparttar 131419 determination you felt when you first began your weight-loss program? Rememberrepparttar 131420 excitement of watchingrepparttar 131421 pounds drop one by one? Go back to whatever your initial motivation was and see whether it still works for you. It may have beenrepparttar 131422 desire to lose weight for a particular event or to regain your figure after pregnancy. You may have been motivated by poor health or byrepparttar 131423 shock of just how much weight you had gained. See whetherrepparttar 131424 same motivation still has juice for you. If not, choose a new one. Keep a picture of yourself looking great (or bad!) on your refrigerator as a daily reminder of where you are heading.

Kim is a successful weight loss coach who will cut through the diet-hype and help you reach your goal weight. No public 'weigh-ins', meetings that cost you money or fads...simply results you will love! You can receive a free consultation. Visit today: Are you interested in earning money from home? We can help you grow a profitable home business:

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