The Truth About Dieting and Weight Loss

Written by Vernita Sherman

Continued from page 1

Protein and carbohydrates work together within your body; they are team players, not individuals. Think of it like this: Mr. Protein needs to take a taxi to get torepparttar muscles cells to help build and condition them. Mr. Insulin isrepparttar 146543 taxi and Mr. Protein is not capable of calling a taxi, so Mr. Carbohydrate will always call Mr. Insulin to transport Mr. Protein torepparttar 146544 muscles. The muscles cells love Mr. Protein, but they also must have Mr. Carbohydrate for energy. Mr. Carbohydrate is very outgoing and there is a lot of him to go around, but too much of him is bad. Onrepparttar 146545 other hand, not enough of him is also bad. Muscle cells only need enough carbohydrates to fillrepparttar 146546 glycogen stores. If more carbohydrates are present, it will get stored as fat. Eating protein and carbohydrates will slow downrepparttar 146547 absorption of carbohydrates which means that your body will have time to burn offrepparttar 146548 extra carbohydrates before they are stored as fat. So why not just significantly lower your carbohydrate consumption? Because too much protein and very low carbohydrates will cause you to overburden your liver and kidneys; could cause dehydration (most people do not realize that metabolizing protein requires you to drink more water); and your body will not getrepparttar 146549 right amount of its preferred source of energy-carbohydrates. So you see, eating these two nutrients together allows your body to function like it should. The key is to know how much carbohydrates and protein isrepparttar 146550 right amount to satisfy your body’s needs. Bottom Line when it comes to dieting and weight loss: Losing weight is easy. Losing weight by losing fatrepparttar 146551 healthy way is more of a challenge. Don't get caught up into just losing weight. Understand that you need to stay healthy atrepparttar 146552 same time that you are losing weight by losing fat.

This article was written by Vernita Sherman of Ultimate Fat Burning Secrets. Ultimate Fat Burning Secrets is an online resource dedicated to exposing fat burning secrets that weight loss companies are keeping from you. Vernita focuses on teaching you the truth about how to permanently lose weight the healthy way at

Developing Mental Toughness For Permanent Weight Loss.

Written by Dr. Jeff Banas

Continued from page 1

Hire a wellness coach.

You hire a CPA to help you with your taxes. You hire an attorney to help you with legal issues. You hire a real estate agent to help you buy a house. But, what do most people do when they want to lose weight? They buy a book and try to do it by themselves. I already mentioned that obesity is a killer, and you already know how difficult it is to lose weight, so hire a professional. But what is a professional? Sure you can go down to your local gym and hire a personal trainer, but what makes them a professional? Just because someone may have played high school football, does not mean they help you with losing weight.

Obesity is a disease, and you need to treat it as a disease. So hire someone who can order blood test, work with you mentally on changing your habits. Hire someone who can develop an exercise and nutrition program specifically to your needs and abilities. A wellness coach will be with you throughrepparttar good andrepparttar 146334 bad.

You arerepparttar 146335 only person you can count on.

What? I tell you to hire a wellness coach, and then I tell you that YOU arerepparttar 146336 only person you can count on? Hear me out.

I want to exercise, BUT I have no time. I did not want to eat those potato chips, BUT there was nothing else to eat. People who use a lot of “BUTS” usually have a big one.

The weight loss program I run at my office works. When my patients come to my office, I can tell them what types of exercises I want them to do for today’s session, and I can review their nutrition and give them ideas on how they can do better. However, when they leave my office it is up to them. What is there to stop them from picking up a hamburger onrepparttar 146337 way home? Nothing. Just themselves. This is why you need to not just follow an exercise program, and not just try to followrepparttar 146338 latest fad diet out there. You need to focus on changingrepparttar 146339 bad habits that caused you to gain weight inrepparttar 146340 first place and replace them with new ones.

Be honest for a minute. You tried a weight loss program inrepparttar 146341 past and it did not work, right? Didrepparttar 146342 program really fail, or did you failrepparttar 146343 program? Lets face it. If you develop diabetes or have a heart attack because you are overweight, who are you going to blame? Are you going to blame McDonalds, because they did not tell you that a bacon double cheeseburger might not be good for you? Are you going to blame your trainer, because they did not make you exercise hard enough? Are you going to blame your parents, because “it is inrepparttar 146344 genes”? Obesity runs in our family. At some point you need to take responsibility for your own health.

If you fail to lose weight it is because, more than likely, you did not do what you were suppose to. However,repparttar 146345 opposite is also true. At my office I have seen my patients lose twenty, fifty pounds or more. I have seen first hand how this can totally change their life. I have seen their relationships improve. I have seen them gain more self-confidence. I have seen them do better at work and make more money. I have seen them become a much more happy person. And, they thank me for it. Everyday someone thanks me for helping him or her finally lose weight. I am grateful forrepparttar 146346 thanks. I tell them, I gave yourepparttar 146347 path andrepparttar 146348 knowledge on how to exercise and how to understand nutrition, but you arerepparttar 146349 reason you lost weight. I helped, but you did it. You arerepparttar 146350 only true person you can count on.

It’s all about Attitude

If you have been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight for some time, you might need to change your attitude. Take a minute and think back overrepparttar 146351 past years. How did you approachrepparttar 146352 weight loss program? Were you reluctant? Were you skeptical? Did you reality think this wasrepparttar 146353 one,repparttar 146354 program that would finally work, or did you have doubts and think that you would fail again?

“If you continue to thinkrepparttar 146355 way you’ve always thought, then you will continue to get what you always got”.

If you think you will fail you will. If you know you will succeed you will. Charles Swindoll said…

“The longer I live,repparttar 146356 more I realizerepparttar 146357 impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important thanrepparttar 146358 past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company…a church…a home. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice everyday regardingrepparttar 146359 attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past…we cannot changerepparttar 146360 fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot changerepparttar 146361 inevitable. The only thing we can do is play onrepparttar 146362 one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you…we are in charge of our Attitudes”.

That says it all. When I was losing weight, I read this daily. When I did not feel like exercising I would read this. When I weighed myself and thought about giving up because I did not lose any weight, I read this. I now give it to all of my patients on their first visit.

Never Give Up.

Never Give Up, Never, Never Give Up, Never Ever Give Up, Never Give UP! That’s right,repparttar 146363 secret key to losing weight is not a new fad diet, it’s not a new medication, it’s not a gimmick supplements, it is A STATE OF MIND!

Lets face it. You tried to lost weight inrepparttar 146364 past, and you failed. So what! The key is what do you do now. Do you give up, or do you start again. Anyone and everyone who has successfully lost weight and kept it off had failed inrepparttar 146365 past. However,repparttar 146366 reason they were finally able to loserepparttar 146367 weight, was because they never gave up.

I know how hard and frustrating it can be, but never give up. If you have a bad day and eat a bunch fatting junk, so what, forget about it. Just do not give up, never.

Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it. Just start a new day and never give up. If you tried to lose weight, and did not work, try something different. JUST NEVER GIVE UP!

“Have you ever consideredrepparttar 146368 cost of quitting? For real eye opener…ask Thomas Edison...Steve Jobs…Michael Jordan…or Sylvester Stalone. Ask them how much it would have cost them if they had quit. What about you?”

Dr. Jeffrey Banas is a Sports Chiropractor, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and a member of the 2005 Amino Vital Triathlon Team. Dr. Banas personally lost sixty pounds in 2002 and now uses his experience to help others lose weight. He can be contacted at his office in Gilbert, AZ at 480-633-6837, or at his website at

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