The Truth About Counting Calories And Weight Loss

Written by Tom Venuto

Continued from page 1

The law of calorie balance says:

To maintain your weight, you must consumerepparttar same number of calories you burn. To gain weight, you must consume more calories than you burn. To lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than you burn.

If you only count portions or if you haven'trepparttar 138651 slightest clue how many calories you're eating, it's a lot more likely that you'll eat more than you realize. (Or you might take in fewer calories than you should, which triggers your body’s "starvation mode" and causes your metabolism to shut down).

So how do you balance practicality and realistic expectations with a nutrition program that gets results? Here's a solution that’s a happy medium between strict calorie counting and just guessing:

Create a menu using an EXCEL spreadsheet or your favorite nutrition software. Crunch allrepparttar 138652 numbers including calories, protein, carbs and fats. Once you have your daily menu, print it, stick it on your refrigerator (and/or in your daily planner) and you now have an eating "goal" forrepparttar 138653 day, including a caloric target.

That is my definition of "counting calories" -- creating a menu plan you can use as a daily guide, not necessarily writing down every morsel of food you eat forrepparttar 138654 rest of your life. If you’re really ambitious, keeping a nutrition journal for at least 4-12 weeks is a great idea and an incredible learning experience, but all you really need to get started onrepparttar 138655 road to a better body is one good menu on paper. If you get bored eatingrepparttar 138656 same thing every day, you can create multiple menus, or just exchange foods using your one menu as a template.

Using this method, you really only need to count calories once when you create your menus. After you've got a knack for calories from this initial discipline of menu planning, then you can estimate portions inrepparttar 138657 future and get a pretty good (and more educated) ballpark figure.

So what’srepparttar 138658 bottom line? Is it really necessary to count every calorie to lose weight? No. But it IS necessary to eat fewer calories then you burn. Whether you count calories and eat less than you burn, or you don’t count calories and eat less than you burn,repparttar 138659 end result isrepparttar 138660 same – you lose weight. Which would you rather do: Take a wild guess, or increase your chance for success with some simple menu planning? I thinkrepparttar 138661 right choice is obvious.

Tom Venuto is a certified personal trainer, natural bodybuilder and author of the #1 best selling diet e-book, "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle. You can get info on Tom's e-book at: To get Tom's free monthly e-zine, visit

Fitness Wars: Revenge Of The Girth

Written by Aaron Potts

Continued from page 1

2. Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. You say that you've heard this a thousand times already? Well, that should tell you something - it works! Your body is a calorie burning machine. If you are an average female, you can only burn about 300 calories at a time. An average male can burn about 400. It doesn't matter how much you exercise - if you eat more than that during any one sitting, some of it is going to be stored as bodyfat.

3. Exercise - at least 60 minutes a day. It doesn't matter whatrepparttar magazines say, or what you hear onrepparttar 138635 "1-Second Abs" commercial, or who tells you anything else. Exercise - at least 60 minutes a day. It bears repeating, so feel free at this time to keep saying it out loud until you feel that you have it memorized.

4. Believe. This final step is reallyrepparttar 138636 most important. Most people have self-limiting beliefs. In a nutshell, that means that no matter how much education or assistance that they receive, they don't BELIEVE that they can lose weight! Let's see…. how does that saying go? "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right!" Believe it can happen, because it can. Then you will be only 3 short steps away from success.

Wow, what a revelation this article has been! In fewer words than it takes to listrepparttar 138637 dozens of unhealthy circumstances and afflictions related to being overweight, you have just been given a guaranteed 4-step system for fitness success!

Are you willing to take care of yourself and finally meet those fitness goals, or do you have another 5 months to waste?

Do yourself this one small favor. Count to four, beatrepparttar 138638 Girth, and remember that January 1st is just another day!

Aaron Potts is a Personal Trainer and Fitness Success Coach whose customers include both consumers as well as other fitness professionals. Sign up for his free Fitness Journal at or visit his coaching site at

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