The True Cost Of A Lack of Motivation

Written by Peter Murphy

Continued from page 1

A lack of motivation is a bad habit you can and must change.

Now isrepparttar time to take charge of this situation. I can tell you from my own experience that nothing will change until you decide to change.

And nothing will improve until you improve it...

You owe it to yourself and torepparttar 129542 people who care about you to seizerepparttar 129543 day and make your life something to be proud of.

The satisfaction that comes from living life on your own terms is a wonderful gift you deserve to enjoy. And you will only have this once you know how to motivate yourself to createrepparttar 129544 life you dream of.

My income jumped, my social life improved dramatically and new opportunities for having even more of what I wanted all came about for me. But only after I learnedrepparttar 129545 secrets of self-motivation and how to kill a lack of motivation.

The world did not change. Other people did not change. I changed.

Only When YOU change will your world change forrepparttar 129546 better.

Before I go...

Think of those people who look down on your lack of progress and take you for granted. Think of that sense you have of not been in control.

All of these feelings of dissatisfaction are not going to disappear-- in fact they will dominate your life asrepparttar 129547 years pass you by.

These issues are not going to go away all by themselves.

I triedrepparttar 129548 wait and see approach - it does not work!

Thankfully there is a solution, a proven way of taking charge of your life and developing self-motivation.

*** Motivation is an essential life skill and you can discover how to be motivated and stay motivated. ***

Although some lucky people seem to be born highly motivated, if you are of at least average intelligence you can learn how to be motivated.

No matter how unmotivated you have been up to now.

The secret to being motivated is to discoverrepparttar 129549 motivation blueprint that is right for you.

Imagine no longer having a lack of motivation!

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report, the 5 Step Motivation Report. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

The Holiday Rule-of-Thumb

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life and EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

The ‘pull’ is there, if you can’t think for yourself. The media isrepparttar most obvious culprit –repparttar 129540 ads on TV and radio that increasingly bombard us with a sensational, insensitive and expensive lifestyle; but our friends, neighbors, colleagues and even loved-ones may dorepparttar 129541 same.


As an adult 'child' you may be vulnerable torepparttar 129542 expectations and judgments of your parents, i.e., “But we always have a party on Christmas Eve, then breakfast on Christmas Day, then church …” and on and on.

Likewise as a grandparent, your adult married children can lead you a merry chase, not just requiring you attend activities, but asking you to fill in when they’re in over their heads, gotten sick, and need help. “Mom!! I’ve got to getrepparttar 129543 cards out,repparttar 129544 baby’s sick,repparttar 129545 house is a mess, we’ve got houseguests coming …”

If you work in an office, you’re vulnerable torepparttar 129546 hub-bub around you. Deanna is giving her husband a golf vacation, shouldn’t you? Julie’s husband is buying her a sapphire ring, shouldn’t you feel bad if your husband isn’t? If you aren’t centered, and using your EQ, it’s whiplash!

And allrepparttar 129547 parties, withrepparttar 129548 liquor, sweets and unhealthy foods you don’t need. Getting off your schedule, and lettingrepparttar 129549 kids get off theirs. Not getting enough sleep. Spending too much money and worrying about it. Andrepparttar 129550 first thing to go is your exercise regime.

Even your place of worship will have a full schedule of events and services beckoning to you, and every organization you belong to is giving a party.

It all adds up to stress, stress impacts your immune system, and you get sick. This throws you farther behind your frenetic schedule, adding more stress.


This year, try something different. Do half of what you consider doing. This will mean having priorities,repparttar 129551 first of which is your health and well-being, and that of your family.

Fix half of what you ordinarily do for your Christmas dinner. Try adding some healthy foods. They are always easier to prepare. What does it take to put a pear on a dessert plate and serve it? (Make it festive with garnish – squirt on some whipped cream, add mint leaves and red peppermint.) Some sautéed green beans with dill? Add some pimiento; you have red and green!

Then spend about half of what you consider spending – onrepparttar 129552 kids but also on your partner and other loved ones. Running uprepparttar 129553 credit cards is a stressor too.

Try giving more of your self – your time and your attention. If you think that’s “harder,” you’re right, and also you need to take a look at this.

Basic to all this – you have to take care of yourself. Set an example for others this year and start new traditions. Half as many!

©Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life and EQ Coach, . Offering coaching, Internet courses and ebooks for your personal and professional development. Emotional intelligence, career, relationships, midlife, transitions. For FREE EQ ezine, .

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