The Top 10 Reasons to Give Us All a Break and Quit Using Your Cell Phone in the Car

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

Continued from page 1

8.Prior experience with cellular phones has no effect on distraction levels.

9.Risk of collision when using a cell is 4 times higher regardless of age or driving experience ofrepparttar driver and hands-free units offered no safety advantage.

In these studies byrepparttar 101497 University of Toronto,repparttar 101498 driver withrepparttar 101499 cell wasn’t necessarily “at fault,” but it still slowed their ability to avoid a collision caused by someone else.

10.In one analysis of fatal accidents involving cell phone use,repparttar 101500 cell phone-using drivers were all inrepparttar 101501 “striking vehicle.”

That is, they struck something stopped in front of them, or left their lane of traffic and struck a vehicle or object. In these crashes, 75% ofrepparttar 101502 drivers were engaged in conversation, 13% were dialing, and 13% were hanging up. Of those engaged in conversation, a third were using mounted phones inrepparttar 101503 hands-free mode. (Source: Fatal Analysis Reporting System [FARS])

In conclusion, driver error contributes to over 90% of collision inrepparttar 101504 first place. Why compound this with cell phone usage? Andrepparttar 101505 most counter-intuitive part of this data is that it isn’trepparttar 101506 punchingrepparttar 101507 numbers in that causesrepparttar 101508 trouble, butrepparttar 101509 conversation, and that’s hands-free makes no difference.

If you don’t care about yourself, or other adults, keep in mindrepparttar 101510 extreme number of children who die every year in car crashes.

Cell phones are great for productivity and personal safety. Just make sure you aren’t using yours to callrepparttar 101511 EMS and police after a car accident caused byrepparttar 101512 fact you were using it while driving. When they subpoena those cell phone records, make sure they’re clear!

©Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach, . Coaching, Internet courses, teleclasses and ebooks for your personal and professional development. for FREE ezine; put “ezine” for subject line.

AAA credit in 30 days- -method

Written by samantha

Continued from page 1
Wait a few days and make a payment on each ofrepparttar other three loans. A week later, make payments again onrepparttar 101496 three loans, and continue paying each week until you have almost paid offrepparttar 101497 balance. A credit invitation at this point will show you with three active bank loans (which are considered hard to get), a checking account, and paying history forrepparttar 101498 three bank loans--with you having paid up in advance. Thus, you have a AAA credit in a little as 30 days. From here you go on to apply for credit cards, and other items on credit. I've personally done this with larger amounts of money before I've had to qualify for a large loan, it also makes your loan interest rates go down-RP

*I copied this information from - they have a free method to get $200k in 24 hours also so I will ask them before I post it here:)

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