The Top 10 E-Commerce Ways to Follow up with Clients - Part 2

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

Be sure to give clear information onrepparttar where, when, and how to register. Offer 800 and Web site registration. Include a mini sales letter-- a paragraph with benefits on your topic, your audience, and then add testimonials from satisfied attendees, as well asrepparttar 108829 list of sample questions you can answer. While topics are interesting, it'srepparttar 108830 benefits you write that attract people torepparttar 108831 call.

9. Make only one offer per follow up contact.

Each time you send out a fre.e tip or report, place a "special offer" atrepparttar 108832 bottom ofrepparttar 108833 email before your signature file. The common mistake is to offer too many choices. Make it easy for your contact to "buy."

For one follow up, offer a fre.e or discounted eBook or report at your Web site. When they visit, they will see all you have to offer. For another, offer your ezine. For another, offer a discount on your introductory coaching session. Always include a time limit for your offers.

10. Make your follow up offer enticing.

The biggest mistake coaches and other small business people make is to just listrepparttar 108834 offer inrepparttar 108835 subject line. One creativity coach sends me a notice of his upcoming talks and seminars. His subject line says, "Upcoming Seminars by Joe." Does that move you to openrepparttar 108836 email? Since less than 50% of your lists will openrepparttar 108837 email, put a big benefit inrepparttar 108838 subject line with your name near it. "Double your Clients in 5 Months" That perks up my interest, does it yours?

Follow up means giving to your potential clients. When you give, many will give back. They will pass your fre.ebie on to their associates and friends and even keeprepparttar 108839 information in a file.

Don't think you are bothering your contacts. If they don't want your news, they can opt-out. Thank you's and free gifts keep your name in front of your buyers. It tells them you appreciate them and let's them know what new things you can offer them. Follow up is good business.

Judy Cullins, 20-year book coach works with emerging authors who want to write a print or an ebook, make a difference in people lives, and make a consistent life-long income from it. JHer 10 published books include "Write your eBook and Print Book at the Same Time," 10 Non-Techie Ways to Marketing your Book Online, and "How to Drastically Increase Website Traffic and Sales."

The Top 10 E-Commerce Ways to Follow up with Clients - Part 1

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

4. Chooserepparttar appropriate follow up message for each group.

For your monthly ezine, you may want to send out a mini "marketing survey." You ask 4-8 questions. For any who takesrepparttar 108828 time to respond, you offer them a fre.e eBook or report. In one follow up I asked, "What arerepparttar 108829 3 top questions you want answered about writing and publishing a book?" My subscribers knew I was thinking about them and appreciated it by signing up forrepparttar 108830 follow up small cost book coaching marathon teleclass.

People love fre.ebies, so when your follow up offers a fre.e tip or question and answer, your potential clients will see your value.

5. Leverage big results from just a little effort.

Don't waste any information that helps you promote. After you get responses to your mini survey, use them again and again. After you answerrepparttar 108831 questions, keep them in a folder called Q and A. Create a new web site link and post them as new content for your hungry web site visitors.

When other professionals ask me for an interview for their ezines and sites, I get them via email, answer them and get promoted by others through their ezines and Web sites.

Atrepparttar 108832 same time, I divide these interviews into articles under 1000 words and submit them to opt-in ezines looking for free content.

From just one ezine interview, several high power professionals called me to order books first, then to become business clients.

Don't think you are bothering your contacts. If they don't want your news, they can opt-out. Thank you's and free gifts keep your name in front of your buyers. It tells them you appreciate them and let's them know what new things you can offer them. Follow up is good business.

Part two of this article is available at

Judy Cullins, 20-year book coach works with emerging authors who want to write a print or an ebook, make a difference in people lives, and make a consistent life-long income from it. JHer 10 published books include "Write your eBook and Print Book at the Same Time," 10 Non-Techie Ways to Marketing your Book Online, and "How to Drastically Increase Website Traffic and Sales."

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