Continued from page 1
Lesson: Failure simply means TRY AGAIN. It does not mean anything about you, that you are not worthy or not special or not meant to have what you want. You just have to keep trying.
Third, she learns from her mistakes. I notice she's refined her request time to times when she considers me most vulnerable. She gets me when I'm tired or otherwise occupied, or when there is someone else around and I'm not as likely to stand firm.
Lesson: Learn from your failures. You'll eventually be able to cut them down if you learn what NOT to do.
Fourth, she's flexible. At times when she sees I'm steadfast in my refusal to provide her drug of choice (ice cream, before you go off to summon
proper authorities), she starts to negotiate for an alternative. Lollipop? Gum? Chocolate? Raisin? She usually gets me with
Lesson: Be flexible! Maybe you can't get EXACTLY what you want, but you can get an approximation. Ask for raisins!
Fifth, she eats like a pro. She eats broccoli, seafood, any crazy healthfood I decide to feed her. It makes me more likely to give her ice cream when I see she's "paid her dues" and eaten all
good stuff I want her to.
Lesson: Pay your dues. Life rewards
hardworking and
diligent. Eat your broccoli and you're more likely to get
ice cream.
Lastly, she loses with a big smile. Sometimes it turns into a joke and we laugh. So even when I "win" (and I don't really suspect I ever truly do), we stay friends and go on to negotiate another day.
Lesson: Take life's bumps with a smile. You never know when life is just two requests away from giving you a great big ice cream cone.
Well, there you have,
toddler's philosophy to perseverance. Before you laugh and dismiss this as
ramblings of a proud mom (guilty as charged!), take a moment to reflect on how much more successful we would all be if we faced life's challenges with
aplomb of little children. Sure, they drop on
floor and wail when they don't get their way (and just imagine how cathartic THAT would be if you could do that at your next meeting!) but they get right back up and try again, unafraid and unstoppable. A pretty good way to approach life, wouldn't you say?

Maria E. Andreu is a Life Coach, author and speaker. Her works have appeared both in print and online media. She offers free teleclasses and a free 10-Session E-Course. E-mail for more information