The Through-A-Goose School of Internet Marketing

Written by Linda Cox

Continued from page 1



If I came to buy vacuum bags, do you really think repparttar black and red porn-palace motif is appropriate? Do vacuum bags have another use I'm not aware of? (Don't answer that!)



Vacuum bags may be your life, but to us normal people they're... well, vacuum bags. We don't want a huge selection. We don't want to think. We don't want colors, sizes, scents, textures, or frequent flier miles. We just want some zero-hassle, reasonably priced, work-like-they're-s'posta vacuum bags. Got any of those?



o Wrap some chains around your "Vacuum Bag Buyers' Forum" and toss it overboard. Ditto repparttar 121733 headline news feed,repparttar 121734 search engine access, andrepparttar 121735 design award fromrepparttar 121736 from someone who can't even design an award.

o That blinking "Recommend This Website To Your Friends" button might be more effective as a blinking "Order Some Vacuum Bags And Get On With Your Life" button.

o Oh, and thanks forrepparttar 121737 free email account offer, but is a tad clunky for my needs.



Thank you for letting me knowrepparttar 121738 best monitor resolution for viewing your vacuum bag site. That'll come in real handy when I'm trying to think ofrepparttar 121739 ninth dumb annoying thing about it.



Whoever told you it was important to be chatty and clever with your visitors was yanking your mouse. If you wanna build rapport, go stick your tongue in someone's ear. If you wanna make a sale, sell.


So there it is... a few friendly insights from Linda's Through-A-Goose School of Internet Marketing.

It only applies to certain businesses, of course, but don't be too hasty in assuming that yours isn't one of them. If your stats show that most of your hard-won visitors are heading out throughrepparttar 121740 in door, it might be time for a little stream- lining.

Maybe then, throughrepparttar 121741 mysterious forces of cyber- alchemy, your website will be able to convert vacuum bags into golden eggs!

Linda Cox, J.A.M.G., went to sleep and dreamed she was a butterfly. Now she wonders whether she's a woman who dreamed she was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming that it's Just Another Marketing Guru. More Linda:


Written by Tony Koh

Continued from page 1
4th. minute ********************************* ELECTRONIC MAIL OR E-MAIL Email is at their lowest priority of hierarchy for most world wide SMI (small medium industries)....Simply because most boss are 50+yrs and non-computer literate....Until "junior" takes over. Most people check their mail once in a while....Oncerepparttar novelty of being "IN" wears off....Because most businesses hardly do any marketing via Internet. So.... they don't get much mail..... So they check their mail "once in a blue moon". ******************************************************************* 5th. minute *********************** SPOTTING THE FAKE Business "Netdenizen" often receive mail that are out-right bordering on being RUDE, remember........... "quote me this...this and this...reply to 123@hottermail ...quick" "I WANT TO BUY THIS, THIS AND THIS......QUOTE ME FAST" You learn fast to spotrepparttar 121732 "Fake Cheap Ones" and ignore them, especially those using @hottermail @fastermail @quickermail "Why bother" to respond, most likely another competitor checking prices and sending out such mail byrepparttar 121733 hundreds. ******************************************************************** 6th. minute ****************************************** FAX IS A FORM OF ELECTRONIC MAIL Business "Netdeizen" "THINK" e-mail is best because it is cheap and fast. Butrepparttar 121734 fact is that FAXing will bring a faster respond.....Because, most company accept it as a "standard" form of communication with procedures already in use for years. Ignoring your enquiries via fax is unusual ..... unless it is "Hand written" which is a No!, No!, until you are on more friendly terms. Of course, a badly worded letter will end up with no response. ******************************************************************* 7th. minute ************** CHECK LIST 1. Electronic communication is never certain....Send again. 2. Take time to introduce yourself withrepparttar 121735 right "Protocol". 3. E-mail is not necessary better, if they don't get checked. 4. @hotter.mail @faster.aolmail is a bad idea for business. 5. Send again.... PERSIST, be POLITE and be PATIENT. 6. Email must have: Introduction, Name, Company, Country. 7. Visit

Tony Koh - 15 years of experience in International Export Marketing. The site with FREE answers to International Import Export FAQ

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