The Things I Took for Granted

Written by Staci Stallings

Continued from page 1

However, I have to admit those five days gave me a deep appreciation of how hard my parents worked day-in and day-out for 30 years, and that understanding solidified my determination to do whatever it took to not to stay on that dairy my whole life.

Two years later, when homesickness threatened to undermine my determination to make college work, all I had to do was remember those five days, and my willpower returned with a vengence. In fact, several times I outright told my mom, “I’m getting my degree so I don’t ever have to come back and work onrepparttar dairy again.”

Eventually my determination paid off, and now, I no longer have to worry aboutrepparttar 122907 dreaded sound ofrepparttar 122908 back door slamming and my father’s voice yelling, “Stace, come out here! We need help!” Not only that, but I don’t even have to worry about how long milking is taking, knowing that every passing second means less time to do anything other than homework.

To be honest, I’m grateful that I don’t have to worry about those things anymore, but atrepparttar 122909 same time, I also don’t have a compelling reason to be up in time to seerepparttar 122910 beauty of a sunrise. Nor do I haverepparttar 122911 opportunity to jitterbug with my sister inrepparttar 122912 middle ofrepparttar 122913 dairy barn. Andrepparttar 122914 times that I can work side-by-side with my dad and ask about family relations and hearrepparttar 122915 old stories are growing fewer and much farther in between.

No, now, there are whole stretches of days when I don’t feel any pressing need to even go outside. And I can go months without petting an animal or watching in amazement at their keen sense ofrepparttar 122916 environment around them. Instead I have neighbors within shouting distance but who feel like they live a planet away. I don’t see them when I go to church or torepparttar 122917 grocery store or just “up town.” They live their lives, and I live mine, and here, no one questions that. Eighteen years I lived my life on that dairy, not really knowing there were people who didn’t get up and go out and work together to getrepparttar 122918 same overwhelming tasks done day after day. Sometimes I wish I had never found out there were.


Health and Fitness for Life

Written by Andrew Constantine

Continued from page 1

- Put a set of hand weights onrepparttar floor atrepparttar 122906 base of your couch so you can do a few simple reps while watching TV.

- Don't by sweets, cookies or ice cream when grocery shopping. The easier it is to get that less than healthy snack,repparttar 122907 more often you will indulge.

- Create a list of 'healthy alternatives' for your grocery list. Apples instead of cookies. Bottles water instead of soda. Wheat bread instead of white bread. Margarine instead of butter. Yogurt instead of ice cream.

These small, simple changes can do a lot to improve your overall health quickly and are more likely to stick with you once you developrepparttar 122908 habit of eating better and looking for quick ways to get in ten minutes of walking here and there. Its a lot easier to walk a little further to work that it is to commit to getting to a health club three times a week. You'll stick to it longer if you don't feelrepparttar 122909 pressure ofrepparttar 122910 commitment.

Exercise Tips

For building overall fitness, you will want to create a simple exercise program. No, not one of those 3 page, 20 different machine workouts that confuse you into quitting. Get a set of hand weights, a simple weight bench and if money allows, some type of aerobic machine like a treadmill or elliptical machine forrepparttar 122911 cardio workouts. If you haverepparttar 122912 tools in your home and nearby, you will be more likely to spend fifteen to twenty minutes working toward a better body.

Long Term Effects

A leaner, healthier body will function better and more efficiently. Health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity are much less likely. Overall attitude and outlook will change when your body functions better.

Short Term Effects

You will have a clearer view of your day if you spend twenty minutes working out. You will lose weight and tone up in a short period of time. You will notice that you have more energy atrepparttar 122913 end ofrepparttar 122914 day when you workout.

Creating and Living Your Plan

Sit down and write out a list of exercises that you like. (if you say you don't like any - writerepparttar 122915 ones you dislikerepparttar 122916 least.)

Find a way to do those exercises 3-5 times a week for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Do it - you'll be better for it.


Andrew Constantine is the editor for several informational fitness sites. See more articles

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