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I knew I had to take responsibility for what I was feeling and call my mother. I took a deep breath and picked up
After an awkward beginning my mother and I were able to communicate about what had happened. We acknowledged what we both were feeling and were each able to take responsibility for our part. Toward
end of
conversation she asked me how we could make sure this wouldn’t happen between us again.
In responding to her question
lesson of this experience became crystal clear to me.
It occurred to me that we COULDN’T make sure that it wouldn’t ever happen again. Despite all
learning and best intentions chances are we will get caught up in
same old same old. This was actually a comforting thought. Perhaps,
best we could hope for is HOW we would respond when it DID happen again.
There is a powerful distinction between reacting and responding. Reacting often feels emotional, unconscious, and out of control. Responding on
other hand comes from awareness. Having
ability to choose how you wish to engage in whatever situation life presents.
What if you could unlearn
behavior that keeps you stuck in reaction and discover new skills that could improve your relationships? How might your life be different?
Here are some ideas to practice that will help build your ability to respond:
1. Become curious about what is underneath your reaction. Is it fear? Anger? How old is it? What might you need to do in order to take care of
real issue?
2. Act sooner. Don’t let feelings build into resentments. Head things off before they’re huge.
3. Communicate. Let
person know what’s coming up for you.
4. Don’t blame. Intend to see how you can use whatever is happening for your own evolution.
5. Make agreements. Create a safe space for yourself to maximize your success.
This experience has helped me embrace rather than resist this ageless dynamic with my mother. I am truly looking forward to our next visit as an opportunity to practice responding with greater awareness.
Now, when I reflect back on
Ram Dass test, I can honestly say…after all, I didn’t do too badly.
It’s your life…imagine

Helaine Iris is a Certified Life Coach She works with individuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, and leaders who want more out of life. People, who want to lead successful, balanced lives filled with love, passion and purpose. Are you ready to take a step that could change your life? For a complimentary session visit her website or call her 603-357-8546 or email her