The Test

Written by Helaine Iris

Continued from page 1

I knew I had to take responsibility for what I was feeling and call my mother. I took a deep breath and picked uprepparttar phone.

After an awkward beginning my mother and I were able to communicate about what had happened. We acknowledged what we both were feeling and were each able to take responsibility for our part. Towardrepparttar 111481 end ofrepparttar 111482 conversation she asked me how we could make sure this wouldn’t happen between us again.

In responding to her questionrepparttar 111483 lesson of this experience became crystal clear to me.

It occurred to me that we COULDN’T make sure that it wouldn’t ever happen again. Despite allrepparttar 111484 learning and best intentions chances are we will get caught up inrepparttar 111485 same old same old. This was actually a comforting thought. Perhaps,repparttar 111486 best we could hope for is HOW we would respond when it DID happen again.

There is a powerful distinction between reacting and responding. Reacting often feels emotional, unconscious, and out of control. Responding onrepparttar 111487 other hand comes from awareness. Havingrepparttar 111488 ability to choose how you wish to engage in whatever situation life presents.

What if you could unlearnrepparttar 111489 behavior that keeps you stuck in reaction and discover new skills that could improve your relationships? How might your life be different?

Here are some ideas to practice that will help build your ability to respond:

1. Become curious about what is underneath your reaction. Is it fear? Anger? How old is it? What might you need to do in order to take care ofrepparttar 111490 real issue?

2. Act sooner. Don’t let feelings build into resentments. Head things off before they’re huge.

3. Communicate. Letrepparttar 111491 person know what’s coming up for you.

4. Don’t blame. Intend to see how you can use whatever is happening for your own evolution.

5. Make agreements. Create a safe space for yourself to maximize your success.

This experience has helped me embrace rather than resist this ageless dynamic with my mother. I am truly looking forward to our next visit as an opportunity to practice responding with greater awareness.

Now, when I reflect back onrepparttar 111492 Ram Dass test, I can honestly say…after all, I didn’t do too badly.

It’s your life…imaginerepparttar 111493 possibilities

Helaine Iris is a Certified Life Coach She works with individuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, and leaders who want more out of life. People, who want to lead successful, balanced lives filled with love, passion and purpose. Are you ready to take a step that could change your life? For a complimentary session visit her website or call her 603-357-8546 or email her

Words, Ignorance, And Casper The Friendly Ghost!

Written by Richard Vegas

Continued from page 1

Your effectiveness in learning and using auto-suggestion will depend largely on your determination to concentrate on your desire with emotion and strong feelings.

Well, how do I get there?

The most direct route torepparttar sub-conscious is through your emotions. The most effective route to your emotions is to visualize what you desire.

The visualizing will helprepparttar 111480 emotions to feelrepparttar 111481 reality and truth of what you're are self-suggesting. Without conscious or unconscious auto-suggestion, then you are ignoring (again)repparttar 111482 great powers of your mind and cheating yourself from life's most wonderful blessings.

Someone said to me, "I can't go around saying I have something I don't have." Why not? You do allrepparttar 111483 time. Every time you sneeze, you say, I coming down with a cold. And, then you get one. Every time something goes wrong at work, you say, that's just my rotten luck. And, thenrepparttar 111484 bottom falls out.

You ever heard this? "Next time we buy those tickets to go on a vacation, I guarantee you those kids will get sick and we'll loserepparttar 111485 money for those plane tickets". And, then it happened and you said, "See there I told you so". And, you go around patting yourself onrepparttar 111486 back so everyone could see how smart you are just like you prophesied it. Duh, need I say again ?

You mean I have to lie?

Remember,repparttar 111487 sub-conscious does not knowrepparttar 111488 difference between truth and lie. It just uses it's unknown and unexplainable powers to bring to passrepparttar 111489 "words" that come out of your mouth. That's what it was made to do. That's all it knows how to do.

Start saying this out loud everyday; multiple times everyday; "Day by Day, in every way, I'm getting Prettier and Prettier!" or, richer and richer; or, whatever. Now I hope I don't have to tell you this, but, don't go around saying I'm getting Dummer and Dummer. (again) don't laugh, some people do. I like to say I'm getting prettier and prettier. Lol he he! Yeah, that's right.

After you've said that several hundred times, you will begin waking up saying it. You'll be walking downrepparttar 111490 street and it will just pop in your mind. That is auto-suggestion. When it comes up from somewhere down inside you, and you didn't even have to think it up, then you are learningrepparttar 111491 powers of your mind.

An Example: True Story!

It was 3 am inrepparttar 111492 intensive care room of a local hospital. Two nurses were keeping close watch over their patient whom had had a massive heart attack. The nurses noticed his vital signs had stopped. They were frantic and one said torepparttar 111493 other, "Do you have a pulse"? She said no.

The patient, being a student of auto-suggestion andrepparttar 111494 powers of his mind, heard everything they were saying but he couldn't communicate with them and tell them he was ok.

He then remembered an affirmation he was taught. "You can do anything, if you believe you can". He forced his eyelids open andrepparttar 111495 nurses then knew he was ok.

He recovered and here isrepparttar 111496 interesting part. He later testified he felt it was so amusing at how franticrepparttar 111497 nurses were. You see, his mind could not be influenced by their fearful suggestions. He had trained his brain to only be influenced by what he fed it. Go Thou and do likewise!

Richard Vegas ©2002 Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" The Success System That Never Fails, at: You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at:

Richard Vegas is a Popular Recording Artist and Internet Marketing Professional running his two full-time businesses from home. He specializes in teaching people how to discover their passion and make money from it on the internet. Richard publishes a Free weekly ezine, "Wing-Tips The Success System". He has recorded two albums and weekly keeps in touch by email with hundreds of fans and customers.

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