The Ten Commandments of Linking

Written by Glenn Canady

Continued from page 1

#5) Thou Shall Only Ask For a Link When It Makes Sense For Both Websites!

This is a pet peeve of mine actually. I can’t stand when some idiot wants me to add their Thailand hotel website to my 5 Star Shine automotive directory! I don’t know what planet these people come from, but they need to get a clue! Remember, you need to be building a valuable resource with your link directory. If you are marketing a hotel in Thailand, then build some kind of a travel theme into your link directory, or maybe a link directory of allrepparttar things to do in Thailand perhaps. Be creative but always keep this in mind. Your goal is to build a resource that will attractrepparttar 108917 kind of people that would be interested in what you’re offering. If you do this right, your business will pick up dramatically because your link directory will always be attracting potential customers.

#6) Thou Shall Always Tell Others Where Their Link Is

Don’t make someone hunt for 10 minutes on your website to verify that you posted their link. Just give themrepparttar 108918 URL where you’ve putrepparttar 108919 link or tell them what category you posted them in. Everybody’s time is valuable and nobody wants to hunt for their link for very long.

#7) Thou Shall NOT SPAM For Link Requests

If you send email to unrelated web sites in your link directory just because you want to possibly get a link, then you are spamming in mind and spirit. The webmaster who receives this kind of email is not going to be a happy camper because your web site does not remotely match their web site and has nothing to offer their visitors. The webmaster is most likely just going to delete your email but if you catch them on a bad day, he might report you torepparttar 108920 spam police. Either way you lose! Make sure you only send email to sites that match your chosen theme and tell them exactly what page you’d like to see your link on inrepparttar 108921 letter. That wayrepparttar 108922 person that gets your email will know that you’ve actually been to their site and that cared enough to tell them where to stick your link!

#8) Thou Shall Keep Thy Link Requests Short And Sweet!

Don’t tell people your whole life story when you ask for a link because they really don’t care! When I get a link request, I’m looking at these factors.

Is this site somewhat related to my site and does it fit in my link directory theme?

Has this person already linked to me?

Can I easily find their link area fromrepparttar 108923 home page?

Does this site have a coherent theme or is it just a link farm?

Isrepparttar 108924 page that my link is on have less 50 links or less?

Does at leastrepparttar 108925 home page ofrepparttar 108926 site have some Google PageRank? If not, then I’ll probably let it slide ifrepparttar 108927 site is fairly new.

So in your link request letter, just tell them where their link is and where in their directory you’d like to be placed. Also, give me themrepparttar 108928 description that you’d like to use for your website’s listing too. That’s all they need to know.

#9) Thou Shall Always Keep Thy Word

If you tell somebody that you’re going to upgrade them to link partner status then make sure you do it right away or let them know when they can expect it to be done. Update your link directory promptly and always keep your word to your link partners. They did give you a link when you asked for it and therefore deserve your respect.

#10) Thou Shall Not Take Down Your Link Partner's Link

If you give somebody a link then don’t delete it when you think nobody’s looking! I’ve seen people try to pull one over on me by getting a link then deciding to delete their entire link directory a few months later! These people must think that a link directory is just something that do for a while and then delete when you have some links or something. Linking is not just something you do for a bit and then throw away - it’s a total way of life dude! When you’re doing linking right, you’re building a valuable resource that will get lots of traffic.

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you did, be sure to get your Gorilla Marketing membership. You'll get instant access to other articles, proven methods for getting more higher search engine rankings and more traffic to your website, special discounts on exciting products, and much more! Just go to this URL:

Give Away This Article And Help Stop The Linking Crisis!

If you’re a webmaster, you’re probably sick and tired of people doing linking wrong and wasting your precious time too. Well, here’s your chance to do something about it! Just give this article away to anybody that you see violating any ofrepparttar 108929 10 Commandments of Linking. You're free to give this article away anyway you wish. With your help, we can stamp outrepparttar 108930 current linking crisis in our lifetime!

Wishing You Success!

Glenn Canady

Glenn Canady teaches fellow entrepreneurs how to get traffic to their website with his course Gorilla Website Marketing.

Why are so many, making so little?

Written by jim Peters

Continued from page 1

YES, there are many advantages and conveniences to working online, though proper work ethic still needs to be maintained! There are no MAGIC FORMULAS! There is no SECRET! Instant SUCCESS! is 1 in a billion.

Hear is what those successful on-line marketers are doing.

They have a viable PRODUCT andrepparttar business structure in place to accept orders and deliver that product.

Do you recognize that? Just like any other business right?

They have a reputation of honesty and integrity. Their product is something in demand or a demand can be created. They make themselves approachable for customers by making their Company name, address, phone number, e-mail address and all other pertinent information available to any and all that want it.

They don't try to trick customers into their websites. They userepparttar 108916 same ethical methods that are used in any conventional successful business.

They have put inrepparttar 108917 work involved to make their business VISIBLE torepparttar 108918 internet community. They have an easily navigable website that makes purchasing as easy and pain less as possible.

Their site is not cluttered with banners and buttons that makerepparttar 108919 load time like a wait atrepparttar 108920 DMV. They don't hide their product behind 50k of clutter. They letrepparttar 108921 customer know up front what they have for sale. They have a Q&A page to answer as many ofrepparttar 108922 customers questions as possible. They make checking out as easy, secure and convenient asrepparttar 108923 current technology will allow.

Driving traffic to a website that is overly slow in loading, cluttered, screaming in neon colors or blastingrepparttar 108924 current rap music, is like taking a bus load of professional gamblers to church bingo game. They won't stay long.

Marketing their site is what takes up 90% ofrepparttar 108925 successful on-line merchants time.

Marketing a website can be a very tricky business. Success depends on a great deal of variables. The end result of your marketing efforts should be to drive an unending stream of traffic to your website.

Marketing takes on a number of different forms.

1. Creating a user friendly environment, as discussed above.

2. Configuring your site to be user friendly in all browser environments.

3. Placingrepparttar 108926 proper META Tags for optimum search engine placement.

4. Ongoing and timely submission to those search engines.

5. Placing advertising inrepparttar 108927 appropriate places aroundrepparttar 108928 Internet.

6. Banner design for banner swaps.

7. Designing a vehicle for maintaining contact with your site visitors and customers.

8. Establishing a method of tracking your site visitors.

How they accessed your site How long did they stay What browser did they use What plugins did they have 9. Establishing ongoing relationships with other websites.

10. Follow-up all e-mail, form submissions and input from site visitors within 24 hours.


15. And that could be repeated on into infinity!!!

The how's, why's, and what's, on doing all ofrepparttar 108929 above will be found inrepparttar 108930 Opportunity Update International business and marketing review. You may already be a subscriber to this innovative and progressive publication. If not I urge you to subscribe TODAY.

Also, do you have a program with a down line or upline? What better way to offer them help with their program than sending them torepparttar 108931 subscription site for their own subscription.

Or consider offering your site visitorsrepparttar 108932 opportunity to subscribe torepparttar 108933 Opportunity Update directly from your website.

"Your Success Is Our Success"


[ jim Peters is Manager of NSI "SOLUTIONS". NSI specializes in custom website design,promotion, maintenance, domain registration ,site hosting ,site and graphic design, as well as e-commerce packages for small to medium sized companies. In other words "SOLUTIONS".]

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