The Ten Commandments of Internet Marketing

Written by Craig Lock

Continued from page 1

Here in "Sleepy Hollow" (with one ofrepparttar highest unemployment rates inrepparttar 118965 country) in little provincial New Zealand near repparttar 118966 bottom ofrepparttar 118967 world, we sell our various products aroundrepparttar 118968 globe in response to customer needs.

3. Consolidate your business by focusing on what you do best. Don't try to be "all things" to your customer, nor try to offer too many products. Concentrate on perfecting and marketing your "best sellers" in your CORE business activities. That isrepparttar 118969 area which producesrepparttar 118970 most profitable results for your organization. (rememberrepparttar 118971 "80-20 rule" - 20% of your activities produces 80% of your results/profit and vice versa!). For us it's creative writing courses.

Define your "USP" (or "unique selling proposition") - a "fancy" term loved by "those marketing types". What is repparttar 118972 key, that makes your product or service really special?

Now for one rather more philosophical...

4. Honour your parents, your teachers and your communities and especially your family. Family is most precious of all and strong and stable family units make for a strong and stable country. Parenting, I believe is repparttar 118973 most noble occupation of all - and parents want their children to be safe on line, so supervise them closely. Teach them responsibility in internet usage... so they don't push your telephone bill sky high (as my dear boys do - but then that'srepparttar 118974 price of having and educating children - a tax on sex!). Teach your children well (as Crosby, Stills, Nash ... and Young used to sing so melodiously) and wisely. Let them learn thatrepparttar 118975 net is a great EDUCATION tool forrepparttar 118976 present andrepparttar 118977 future and they could be learning "practical skills onrepparttar 118978 job" and preparing for a future technological career.

5. Do not send spam (sending masses of unsolicited e-mail) - under any circumstances. You are likely to be cut off by your server. I find it rather irritating receiving "mountains" of spam and simply delete all unsolicited e-mail selling products and services... and wouldn't you do likewise; because it just clutters up your mailbox?

I hope this info may be helpful to you in your internet marketing... howeverrepparttar 118979 key is always EFFECTIVE ACTION. Seeing what strategies work best for you and making adjustments, as you go along. Keep TRYING new things, as you "tinker".

Good luck

Craig Lock

END OF PART ONE Aboutrepparttar 118980 author:

Craig Lock has been marketing products online forrepparttar 118981 past five years. Craig is a writer, who believes in sharing information, as well as encouraging and helping others to find their talents and gifts, to strive for and accomplish their dreams in life - whatever they may be.

Creative Writing Course

Craig's various books are available at: and

* Hard copies, CD's and e-books: Fiction and non-fiction, novels travel, humour, inspiration, self help and money books


Craig Lock has been marketing products online for the past five years. Craig is a writer, who believes in sharing information, as well as encouraging and helping others to find their talents and gifts, to strive for and accomplish their dreams in life - whatever they may be

"Secret Key To The Internet!"

Written by A. T. Rendon

Continued from page 1

So, it is not aboutrepparttar number of people online.

The "Secret Key To The Internet" is about communication.

Personally, I have been expounding this idea since I first came online in March of 1994. I was blessed withrepparttar 118964 realization thatrepparttar 118965 Internet was all aboutrepparttar 118966 ability of anyone to be able to communicate on a global scale.

This is an awesome ability. You, as an individual and forrepparttar 118967 first time in history, are able to reach across time, space and national borders and touch people in every corner of our world.

This fact is proven byrepparttar 118968 results ofrepparttar 118969 report quoted above. Their research found that 84% of ALL people accessing repparttar 118970 Internet do so to "communicate" via email.

For those of us wishing to do business online it makes poignant repparttar 118971 fact that you must use email asrepparttar 118972 foundation of your marketing and promotional campaigns. Otherwise, you are missingrepparttar 118973 point. And, you must do so without resorting to SPAM.

Of course, that is not to say that web pages are not important too.

The study found that over 67% of ALL people accessingrepparttar 118974 Internet, do so in search of information. This points out that your product and or service information should be posted online on your web page.

The way to successfully capitalize onrepparttar 118975 "Secret Key To The Internet", is to combine that ability to communicate and to deliverrepparttar 118976 information that people seek in a customized package that is unique to your own particular situation.

Obviously, it is not as easy as it might sound. Otherwise, everyone wishing to do business online would be a net millionaire and all of those failures would never have occurred.

But those people simply did not get it. You, at least, now know where it is that you need to start.

A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer. Subscribe to FREE Business Classifieds Newsletter & receive FREE online access to our Password Protected "FREE Submit To Over 2.7 MILLION FREE Ad Sites!" Visit us at:

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