The Telephone – A Brief History

Written by Jason Morris

Continued from page 1

The telephone – important dates

1. 1874 – Principal ofrepparttar telephone was uncovered.

2. 1876 – Alexander Graham Bell inventsrepparttar 147333 telephone, beating Elisha Gray by a matter of hours.

3. 1877 – The very first permanent outdoor telephone wire was completed. It stretched a distance of just three miles. This was closely followed inrepparttar 147334 U.S. byrepparttar 147335 worlds first commercial telephone service.

4. 1878 – The workable exchange was developed, which enabled calls to be switched between subscribers rather than having direct lines.

5. 1879 – Subscribers began to be designated by numbers and not their names.

6. 1880’s – Long distance service expanded throughout this period using metallic circuits.

7. 1888 – Common battery system developed by Hammond V. Hayes, allows one central battery to power all telephones on an exchange, rather than relying on each units own battery.

8. 1891 – First automatic dialling system invented by a Kansas City undertaker. He believed that crooked operators were sending his potential customers elsewhere. It was his aim to get rid ofrepparttar 147336 operators altogether.

9. 1900 – First coin operated telephone installed in Hartford, Connecticut.

10. 1904 – “French Phone” developed byrepparttar 147337 Bell Company. This hadrepparttar 147338 transmitter and receiver in a simple handset.

11. 1911 – American Telephone and Telegraph (AT & T) acquirerepparttar 147339 Western Union Telegraph Company in a hostile takeover. They purchased stocks inrepparttar 147340 company covertly andrepparttar 147341 two eventually merged.

12. 1918 – It was estimated that approximately ten million Bell system telephones were in service throughoutrepparttar 147342 U.S.

13. 1921 – The switching of large numbers of calls was made possible throughrepparttar 147343 use of phantom circuits. This allowed three conversations to take place on two pairs of wires.

14. 1927 – First transatlantic service from New York to London became operational. The signal was transmitted by radio waves.

15. 1936 – Research into electronic telephone exchanges began and was eventually perfected inrepparttar 147344 1960’s withrepparttar 147345 electronic switching system (SES).

16. 1946 – Worlds first commercial mobile phone service put into operation. It could link moving vehicles to a telephone network via radio waves.

17. 1947 – Microwave radio technology used forrepparttar 147346 first time for long distance phone calls.

18. 1947 – The transistor was invented at Bell laboratories.

19. 1955 – Sawrepparttar 147347 beginning ofrepparttar 147348 laying of transatlantic telephone cables.

20. 1962 – The worlds first international communications satellite, Telstar was launched.

21. 1980’s – The development of fibre optic cables during this decade, offeredrepparttar 147349 potential to carry much larger volumes of calls than satellite or microwaves.

22. 1980’s, 1990’s, to present – Huge advances in micro electronic technology overrepparttar 147350 last two decades have enabledrepparttar 147351 development of cellular (mobile) phones to advance at a truly astonishing rate. A cellular (mobile) phone has its own central transmitter allowing it to receive seamless transmissions as it enters and exits a cell.

Some people believerepparttar 147352 impact ofrepparttar 147353 telephone has had on our lives is negative. Whatever your beliefs, it is un-doubtable thatrepparttar 147354 invention and development ofrepparttar 147355 telephone has had a massive impact onrepparttar 147356 way we live our lives and go about our every day business.

Jason Morris is co-author, search engine optimization and marketing consultant of Business Phone Systems Direct. Specialists in the supply and installation of business phone systems and accessories

Voice over IP (VoIP) Features

Written by Jason Morris

Continued from page 1

4. Play a "not-in-service" message

Many VOIP services also allow you to check your voicemail overrepparttar internet or attach messages to an e-mail that is sent to your computer or PDA. It’s best to check with VOIP phone system suppliers and service operators exactly what features they offer as package and service prices vary greatly.

There are many other cost saving benefits that arise from a streamlined VOIP phone system network. Forrepparttar 147332 network administrators, a VOIP phone system means they only have one network to maintain instead of two. The portability ofrepparttar 147333 phone system is also greatly simplified. This is because most VOIP phone systems can be configured using a web interface, which can be managed byrepparttar 147334 network administrator. The MAC (move, add, change) process is made much easier, and you will not have to call your system/service provider for every MAC you carry out. All this means lower ongoing costs for your company.

Another cost saving for companies who implement a VOIP system is, because multiple offices, no matter where they are inrepparttar 147335 world are seamlessly connected, they can share many ofrepparttar 147336 features VOIP can offer, such as:

1. One single receptionist

2. Auto attendant facilities

3. Voice mail system

Jason Morris is co-author, search engine optimization and marketing consultant of Business Phone Systems Direct. Specialists in the supply and installation of business phone systems and accessories

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