The Story of Big Jim

Written by Rick Beneteau

Continued from page 1

Why do I tell this story? Simple. It's a simple story of real success! No, Jim is not famous. Probably never will be. Nor is he rich as I could tell, or any of those things that people usually associate withrepparttar term 'success.' If this man wonrepparttar 122875 lottery today I'd betrepparttar 122876 farm he'd be planting poles and stringing wire and having fun with his crewrepparttar 122877 very next week. He is, judging by my brief encounter with him, a simple man who possesses one ofrepparttar 122878 true keys of success: He loves what he does!

Let me ask you this? Are you doing what you love? Are you having fun with your 'job'? Do you feel a real sense of purpose and genuine passion for what you are offering people, be it your labor, your customers or your employees? Do you bring those people around yourepparttar 122879 great value that they deserve and that you are capable of giving? Are you respected by those around you for what you do? Are you, well, happy?

Let me assure you, if you answered "no" to any ofrepparttar 122880 above questions, it's far from too late to change everything in your life!

In my top-selling eBook, Success: A Spiritual Matter, I hadrepparttar 122881 extreme honor of interviewing 14 very successful entrepreneurs. One of those, Paul Lemberg, offered this: "Make sure your work is personally meaningful. If it's not – change what you're doing!" He continues, "Figure out what your purpose is. Not a purpose for you to shellac to a piece of wood and put onrepparttar 122882 wall. Not a purpose like a check box for your business plan. But a purpose like "what are you here on earth for?" That kind of purpose."

One ofrepparttar 122883 famous quotes of legendary Jim Rohn goes like this: "Turn your vocation into your vacation."

One ofrepparttar 122884 highlights of putting Success: A Spiritual Matter together was conducting a live interview with Jim Rohn. He made this amazing statement: "Beware ofrepparttar 122885 thief onrepparttar 122886 street that's after your purse. But also be aware ofrepparttar 122887 thief in your mind that's after your promise."

Don't let that thief steal your promise and keep fromrepparttar 122888 world everything that you have to offer. You CAN do what you love. You CAN start right now.

Contemporary mythologist, Joseph Campbell, offers 3 words asrepparttar 122889 number one rule of life, which pervades all cultures and religions: "Follow Your Bliss".

Isn't it about time that you followed yours?

© Rick Beneteau

Rick is co-creator of the breakthrough Make Every Day A Great Day Program. Read the powerful, life-changing testimonials and discover how this revolutionary product can dramatically change Your Life too!:

The Ungiven Gift

Written by Rick Beneteau

Continued from page 1

We foundrepparttar specified gate, parked and walked torepparttar 122874 entrance. Walking with Curtis was always a little frustrating for me (he would dorepparttar 122875 'slow, cool stroll' and I am a brisk walker) but this time I knew there was something special awaiting that we should almost race to.

We were met by a well-dressed, executive-looking middle-aged man, who just happened to berepparttar 122876 Vice-President of Public Relations forrepparttar 122877 Detroit Pistons. Talk about first class! He escorted Curtis not to his seat, but directly torepparttar 122878 Pistons bench, where Curtis' eyes grew almost as big asrepparttar 122879 basketballsrepparttar 122880 giant athletes had just started tossing around in their pre-game warm-up.

I was led to our primest of seats directly behindrepparttar 122881 bench. A waitress visited only seconds after that, taking my order for refreshments. Everything was "onrepparttar 122882 house". I saw one ofrepparttar 122883 assistant coaches introduce himself to Curtis, and next thing I know, well, guess who's center court tossingrepparttar 122884 ball around with his hero, Isaiah? Soon, he was runningrepparttar 122885 court and shooting hoops with Bill Laimbeer, Dennis Rodman, Joe Dumars andrepparttar 122886 rest ofrepparttar 122887 elite players!

At this point, I couldn't even imaginerepparttar 122888 exhilaration that this young man who life never seemed to smile upon was experiencing at this very moment! I mean, how could anyone's wildest imagination even envision this ravaged spirit and body trying to "deekrepparttar 122889 Bad Boys of basketball?" I just sat quietly in utter amazement, misty eyed and SO grateful to my legal friend andrepparttar 122890 'human' management of this professional sports team who arranged all of this for one person. A Canadian kid who was close to my heart

Whenrepparttar 122891 warm-up was done, Curtis climbed up with me. The first half ofrepparttar 122892 game was great. The Pistons were pounding their opponents. A few ofrepparttar 122893 players even glanced back and motioned at their new teammate! Byrepparttar 122894 timerepparttar 122895 half-time buzzer sounded I was certain Curtis' dream day was complete.

But hold on, this was only half time! The same assistant coach who invited Curtis ontorepparttar 122896 hardwood floor pre-game, called for him to hang withrepparttar 122897 team inrepparttar 122898 sanctuary ofrepparttar 122899 dressing room during their much-needed break. Give ME a break!

I'll never forget what I think wasrepparttar 122900 widest smile I have ever seen asrepparttar 122901 team emerged ontorepparttar 122902 floor afterwards and my little guy 'cool strolling' as proudly as I've ever seen anyone. And much quicker than I ever recalled. What a night!!

The ride home was quiet. Opposite ofrepparttar 122903 ride there. Curtis slept most of long way home. I could only imagine his dreams. Canada Customs was kind and allowed him to sleep through their few brief questions for me. It was sad to see him sleepily stagger uprepparttar 122904 sidewalk to his stark reality, after having just left a world where I'd bet no one would believe he had been.

Somehow I thought I would receive a phonecall from Curtisrepparttar 122905 next day. But it never came. Two days later I had a very good reason to call him. My attorney andrepparttar 122906 team had arranged to have every player onrepparttar 122907 NBA Champion Detroit Pistons signrepparttar 122908 game ball from that night, and Federal Express it to my home address, to give to Curtis. An autographed yearbook was included too.

I couldn't wait to tell him. I mean, I was flabbergasted at this unexpected and over-the-top gesture! I recall excitedly dialing his number andrepparttar 122909 deflation after hearing that "Curtis took off to Toronto yesterday." She went on to explain that she didn't know where he was or how to contact him. And neither didrepparttar 122910 Children's Aid Society.

Little did I know that evening would berepparttar 122911 last time I would ever see Curtis. My instincts tell me that he is not with us anymore. But if he is, he has one great gift still waiting for him - The Ungiven Gift.

© Rick Beneteau

Rick is co-creator of the breakthrough Make Every Day A Great Day Program. Read the powerful, life-changing testimonials and discover how this revolutionary product can dramatically change Your Life too!:

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