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Yet, even though childhood fear was not knowingly present, these episodes would produce reoccurrence of that same jittery feeling I had experienced as a child. And as it were, I couldn't seem to make my jumpiness stop. Though, I did not want to impose fear on my children; even by my appearance of such.
Therefore, considering that, put with other weather experiences (like tornadoes, ice storms, white outs, blizzards, ice storms, and even our house once being buried in snow) and witnessing undesirable wining of some with even slightest weather change, it gave me confidence in God concerning such things and left clues as to how to pray more effectively.
So, when I first began coming to God regarding weather, I just told Him how I saw it to be ... that He knows exactly how much water we need, and how much outdoor plants and trees need (and, whether we think they need that much or not, He knows if a dry spell is coming next week) ... that He knows just how much cold we need, to keep bugs from taking over, etc ... and that I appreciate all those things and am thankful He takes care of it (and I don't have to), that He knows how to do it better than me, and so I won't tell Him how to do His job.
None-the-less, in addition to already loathing crippling and victimizing feeling of fear, I do not want to dishonor God in even appearance. So, concerning storms, all I ask is that He, please, not terrorize us ... that He not allow what He is doing, with weather, to terrorize us ~ as terror does not come from God. Thus, wherever blame goes, just don't let us be terrorized. That's all I ask.
Whether a perfect prayer or not, it worked. I didn't need to 'know' if I said words exactly right. I did not have to ask forgiveness for unknown unrelated sin, and I didn't even have to get on my knees. Neither did I ask God to get rid of storm or tell Him how to get job done. Also, I didn't have to relive an old experience to overcome and become a better me. It was noise that most affected me and all I asked was for God, however He would so choose, to help me honor Him by meeting my need ... and He did.
Soon in awe, it was amazing! Drawing hubby to our kitchen window, we stood and watched rain spinning on a neighboring roof, while we couldn't tell it was even touching our house. When wind came from another direction, it appeared to bypass us altogether. When tornadoes didn't land, I'd finally go outside to see why so much silence, then run to call my daughter to come see what God had just done. It would suddenly be a beautiful sunny day, with no sign there had ever been a storm at all!
I can change weather; not by my works but just by bringing need of my heart to God ~ every time. It is not a bit uncommon, as happened this year, among other storms, that a 6"-10" snow prediction hit our entire part of state, except that it did a horseshoe around entire city we now live in. As it was, my youngest needed safe traveling to get home with her babies and God left her a clear wide path.
In fact, one year, TV meteorologist got replaced for his lack of accurate predictions; poor guy. Do you suppose they would have believed me had I told them it wasn't his fault?
While I make no claim to having obtained in all areas of life, I look forward to that possibility and, in meantime, know this. We limit God when we tell Him how to meet our need. Just know that He loves us enough to get job done.
© 2005 by Joyce C. Lock This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact, for non-profit ministering purposes.
Joyce C. Lock is a published author, poet, and columnist. In addition, she founded and maintains the email ministries "Heavenly Inspirations" and "Share a Smile" Joyce's writings encourage us in our relationship with God and each other.