The Stars at Night, Are Big and Bright, Deep in the Heart of Texas, and Often Accompanied by Bats

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

Now wouldn’t you rather haverepparttar bats out inrepparttar 134164 open heading for insects than in a room with you!

Yes, you would.

I’ll throw my personal experience in here. Incredibly my son and I were draped around a statue across fromrepparttar 134165 Alamo trying to get a good view of some president who was arriving, when a bat torpedoed intorepparttar 134166 statue and fell, stunned, at our feet. While mothers and kids screamed,repparttar 134167 former in fear, andrepparttar 134168 latter in delight,repparttar 134169 poor bat just flailed around. You could’ve picked it up with gloves, but we just walked away. It was unable to fly, and uninterested in humans.

But let me stress again, there’s no heroism involved;repparttar 134170 bats coming fromrepparttar 134171 bridge are far away and they’re on a mission. You might suggest to thrillrepparttar 134172 older children, if you’re that type, that they are going to turn your way, but they have a plan and I guess they’re herd animals. What would you do anyway? Whistle?

One way you can view them is from a cruise on Capital Cruise Boats ( ) or Lone Star River Boats.

Another way is sitting onrepparttar 134173 outside bat-viewing decks of TGI Friday’s inrepparttar 134174 Radisson Hotel on Town Lake, andrepparttar 134175 Shoreline Bar & Grill restaurant inrepparttar 134176 Hyatt-Regency Austin hotel. If I bring adults, we usually enjoy a gourmet meal atrepparttar 134177 latter. If I bring kids or teens, TGI Fridays isrepparttar 134178 place.

When do they leave? Depends on time of year, weather conditions, colony size and bat mood. But of course there’s a Bat Hot Line to tell you -- 512-416-5700 (Category 3636). BCI suggests mid-August asrepparttar 134179 best time, asrepparttar 134180 new pups are making their first sojourns out to hunt with their moms. Best viewing months in general are July and August.

You can also bring blankets and picnic baskets and watch fromrepparttar 134181 Austin American-Statesman’s Bat Observation Center, located atrepparttar 134182 southeast corner ofrepparttar 134183 bridge. It offers educational kiosks and BCI “interpreters” on summer weekends, Thursday through Sunday, June through August.

There are several lots where you can park FREE, no refreshment stands, no public restrooms. Are you gettingrepparttar 134184 picture? That you can have a fun and educational outing that doesn’t cost A CENT? Part ofrepparttar 134185 fun ofrepparttar 134186 excursion isrepparttar 134187 “old timey” feeling.

Spending my summers in Texas each year in a town about 60 miles northeast of Austin, our major entertainment inrepparttar 134188 evening was to drag a quilt outside onrepparttar 134189 front lawn and lie down and look atrepparttar 134190 stars (“The stars at night, are big and bright, clap clap clap clap…). Well, same deal here –repparttar 134191 quilt,repparttar 134192 picnic basket, nature’s own show, and no money changing hands. Very novel these days andrepparttar 134193 kids won’t fail to miss that something’s very different. This is no Disney World.

Incidentally, torepparttar 134194 Chinese, bats are symbols of good luck and happiness. They symbolize health, long life, prosperity, love of virtue, and natural death.

Check out here ( xguide.html ) for other bat observing locations nearby and ya’ll come, y’hear? You won’t see something like this very often.

©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach, . I offer coaching, distance learning and ebooks around Emotional Intelligence for your personal and professional development. Transitions a specialty. for FREE ezine. For daily EQ tips, send blank email to . I TRAIN AND CERTIFY EQ COACHES. GET IN THIS FIELD, DUBBED 'WHITE HOT' BY THE PRESS, NOW. No residency requirement.

Come and See the Bats in Texas and While You're At It, Check Out the Alamo

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

How can you see them? ·You can bring a blanket and picnic basket and view them fromrepparttar Bat Observation Center at one corner ofrepparttar 134163 bridge. They offer educational kiosks, and BCI “interpreters” on summer weekends, Thursday through Sunday, June through August. ·From a cruise on Capital Cruise Boats ( ) or Lone Star River Boats. ·Fromrepparttar 134164 outdoor bat-observation decks ofrepparttar 134165 Radisson Hotel on Town Lake, TGI Fridays, andrepparttar 134166 Hotel on Town Lake, andrepparttar 134167 Shoreline Bar & Grill restaurant inrepparttar 134168 Hyatt-Regency Austin hotel.

There is ample free parking around, and it hasrepparttar 134169 element of an “old timey’ adventure. This is not Disney World; non-commercial, loosely structured, and basically free. I’ve taken people of all ages to see this, and even those hard-to-impress teens were spellbound.

Callrepparttar 134170 Bat Hot Line - 512-416-5700 (Category 3636) for information.

The Eckert James River Bat Cave Preserve

A combined effort ofrepparttar 134171 Texas Nature Conservancy andrepparttar 134172 BCI, this cave is one ofrepparttar 134173 largest bat nurseries inrepparttar 134174 US.

Located southwest ofrepparttar 134175 town of Mason, TX near State Highway 290. 8 acres, open mid-May to early October for interpretive tours, Thursday – Sunday, 6-9 p.m. Some sunrise tours are available, where you can seerepparttar 134176 bats coming back. A donation of $5 is suggested. exas/preserves/art6022.html .

Go here to see a photo ofrepparttar 134177 bats emerging at sunset: exas/images/o_bat_emergence1.jpg . The bats fly out in a funnel formation that’s fascinating to watch. And if you're an early-bird, they sometimes offer sunRISE watchings. For information, call (325) 347-5970.

The Frio Bat Cave

About an hour and a half northwest of San Antonio, TX you’ll findrepparttar 134178 Frio Bat Cave. It’s near Lost Maples State Natural Area and Hill Country Adventures offers birding and wildlife tours, river tours by kayak (4 and 8-hour versions), SAG support for road cyclists, and our goal here,repparttar 134179 Sunset Bat Flight Tour.

To “reserve your date with Nature,” they say, call 830-966-2320, and visit them onrepparttar 134180 web here: .

This 2000 foot cave houses around 10 million Mexican free-tailed bats. Wear traction shoes, as there’s bat guano onrepparttar 134181 floor ofrepparttar 134182 cave.

The history of this cave is fascinating, includingrepparttar 134183 fact it figured in a very unusual project involving bats atrepparttar 134184 beginning of World War II. Bats were going to be fitted with “incendiary devices” and dropped like little fire bombs on Japan. I am not making this up. You can read about it in “Bat Bomb: World War II’s other Secret Weapons,” ( http:/ ) by Jack Couffer, or on this website: .

You may wish to take home a jar of Guano-Gro, or a bat house, available here: .

Bat-watching can add an element of ecology and learning to your vacation trip. Combine it with a spring trip whenrepparttar 134185 wildflowers are in bloom! If, when you get back home, you want to build your own bat house forrepparttar 134186 many endangered species of bats, there are instructions here: .

(c)Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach, . I offer coaching, distance learning and ebooks around Emotional Intelligence for your personal and professional development. Transitions a specialty. for FREE ezine. For daily EQ tips, send blank email to .

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