The Solution to Healthy Weight Loss

Written by Marilyn Pokorney

Continued from page 1

Nearly 30 percent of American adults are overweight and another 30 percent are obese, according to University of Minnesota researchers. Obesity is usually described as a weight 20 percent greater thanrepparttar persons desirable weight.

A study byrepparttar 114351 Obstetrics and Gynecology department atrepparttar 114352 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle revealed that 60% of overweight women, and 70% of obese women, are likely to become pregnant while takingrepparttar 114353 pill. The researchers suggest that a higher metabolism isrepparttar 114354 reason, causingrepparttar 114355 medication to be effective for a shorter length of time. Or, thatrepparttar 114356 drug interacts withrepparttar 114357 body's hormones in a way thatrepparttar 114358 drug becomes trapped inrepparttar 114359 body fat instead of circulating inrepparttar 114360 bloodstream.

Studies with obese pregnant women show they are 50% more likely to die during pregnancy than those of normal weight. Complications such as miscarriage, gestational diabetes, hypertension, pre-eclampsia, pre-term labor, and stillbirth are also more common. Preliminary evidence shows that babies are also adversely affected, and are more likely to be obese themselves in later life.

Fast foods: Studies show that people who frequent fast food outlets twice a week or more gained 36 pounds overrepparttar 114361 course of 15 years compared to 26 pounds for those that frequented them once a week or less.

A major factor forrepparttar 114362 obesity crisis is a sedentary lifestyle, not enough exercise, andrepparttar 114363 eating of high calorie fast foods in place of nutritious natural food products.

Fast food is designed to promote consumption ofrepparttar 114364 maximum number of calories inrepparttar 114365 minimum amount of time. This upsetsrepparttar 114366 body's normal metabolism. One solution is to eat smaller, more nutritious, meals more frequently throughoutrepparttar 114367 day.

Physical activity reducesrepparttar 114368 effects of being overweight, but healthy eating habits have to be followed to prevent disease associated with poor nutrition according to an expert of nutrition and epidemiology atrepparttar 114369 Harvard School of Public Health.

The new diet guidelines set byrepparttar 114370 Health and Human Services andrepparttar 114371 U.S. Department of Agriculture is basically a balanced diet and good old fashioned exercise. They stress more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and limit fats, sugar, alcohol, and salt.

Many supermarkets are open 24 hours a day making a choice of healthy food available at all times.

For more tips on how to lose weight safely see The Secret to Weight Loss at:

***************************************** Author: Marilyn Pokorney Freelance writer of science, nature, animals andrepparttar 114372 environment. Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading. Website: *****************************************

Author: Marilyn Pokorney Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the environment. Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading. Website:

Understanding Aromatherapy

Written by Gabriel Foster

Continued from page 1

Cooking & Food Recipes

So we come torepparttar culinary arts. Yes, usingrepparttar 114350 essential oils in cooking, does open up new exciting paths forrepparttar 114351 taste of foods. Evenrepparttar 114352 food industry uses these oil to enhance and create new taste treats. The only problem is, because they are produced on a larger scale, mush ofrepparttar 114353 essential oils strengths are no longer present. However, you in your own kitchen, can make up for that little oversight. Herbs, spices, citrus, fruits, and flowers, arerepparttar 114354 essential main oils you will be using inrepparttar 114355 kitchen. Use them to elevaterepparttar 114356 taste of soups, breathe life into vegetables dishes, and addictrepparttar 114357 taste buds with cakes and desserts, among other dishes.

Domestic Pet Care

Still in awe ofrepparttar 114358 many benefits and uses of aromatherapy? Essential oils help keep ticks, fleas and other diminutive creatures, off your dog for less than there commercial chemical counterparts. Watch as you help your dogs' coughs, colds and flu become more manageable and disappear withrepparttar 114359 essential oils niaouli, eucalyptus and tea tree. It's not just dogs than can benefit from aromatherapy, but cats, rabbits, hamsters and horses. Essential oils offer many remedies and solutions for taking care of your domesticated little friends and companions, saving you a dreaded and expensive trip torepparttar 114360 vet.

Garden Guards

Using essential oils in your garden, can prove to be one ofrepparttar 114361 wisest decisions you'll ever make. Many commercial garden products like pesticides, fungicides or wood preservatives, can wreck havoc inrepparttar 114362 form of dangerous poisoning, not just on pest and bugs, but inrepparttar 114363 inevitable foods you're growing that will end up in your stomach. The beautiful flowers and plants, you'll be sniffing and touching will definitely have some sort of toxic effect on you, because ofrepparttar 114364 chemicals sprayed on them. This is where usingrepparttar 114365 essential oils as a natural alternative, will not endanger your health. The functions of certain essential oils inrepparttar 114366 plants before they were extracted, shows that they were able to protect against bacteria and viruses. The strong antibacterial and antiviral properties inrepparttar 114367 essential oils, are also known for effectively dealing with fungi and mold. Essential oils also deter and prevent pest and insects from harming your garden.

Ancient Miracle

Aromatherapy offers you a choice between toxic chemicals and natural ones that will enhance and beautify your existence onrepparttar 114368 planet. In addition, it presents to yourepparttar 114369 gift of acquiring inexpensive solutions to your expensive ones. A chance to naturally take care of your pets as they take care of your happiness and self-esteem. Beautify your self safely withoutrepparttar 114370 harmful monsters of chemical cosmetics and live like royalty withrepparttar 114371 taste of foods fit forrepparttar 114372 gods. Furthermore, aromatherapy offersrepparttar 114373 miracle of effective healing and treatment that do more good than there chemical brothers.

Gabriel Foster is the editor for, the online magazine for both vegetarians and natural health enthusiasts.

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