The Secret to a Prosperous Life, Online or Off - Part 2

Written by Mary Wilkey

Continued from page 1

She pasted everything onto a large sheet of posterboard and began to FEEL herself living inrepparttar cottage and working inrepparttar 131478 little dress shop. She became completely enthralled with her project and tackedrepparttar 131479 poster onrepparttar 131480 wall of her bedroom right in front ofrepparttar 131481 bed, so that it wasrepparttar 131482 first thing she saw inrepparttar 131483 morning andrepparttar 131484 last thing at night.

She vividly SAW herself living her dream: she andrepparttar 131485 children laughing and talking inrepparttar 131486 cottage, arrangingrepparttar 131487 furniture and putting up curtains; she'd PICTURE her daughters atrepparttar 131488 piano singing and playing; she would SEE her son sitting inrepparttar 131489 little library with books and papers all around him; she would SEE herself walking around her shop as people came and went, buying her merchandise, paying her for it, and leaving happy.

Bottom line, folks, she really GOT INTO IT!!!!

Gradually, she began to understand thatrepparttar 131490 treasure map was butrepparttar 131491 means of impressing upon her subconscious mindrepparttar 131492 pattern from which to buildrepparttar 131493 conditions of success and harmony into her life.

And she did something else—something most of us fail to do—she began praising and thanking God that her dreams were ALREADY REALITY! Whoa!

Stop right there, you say—isn't this just living in some sort of fantasy world?

NO! Because that's how faith and prayer work! Otherwise, where would faith be? There would be no need for it. You have ABSOLUTELY GOT TO BELIEVE that your dreams have already been accomplished inrepparttar 131494 spiritual dimension. Then HOLD ONTO THAT BELIEF like a guy who's just slipped overrepparttar 131495 side of a cliff and has grabbed onto a tree root. Sure it's painful; sure it's scary; sure there's no VISIBLE help in sight. But would you rather opt forrepparttar 131496 alternative? As long as you hold on, you still have hope!

Feel free to reprint the above article with this info intact: Article penned by Mary Wilkey, publisher of 'elf Expressions Ezine: To subscribe, email me at

Nourish Your Soul

Written by Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed.

Continued from page 1

You can discover your soul food by listening torepparttar yearnings of your soul, by being still and tuning into your deepest voice within. Your soul will guide you to what it needs. Don’t ignore it and don’t put it off. Once you learn what you need, nourish it on a regular basis. If we neglect our soul then it becomes hungry and searches for food inrepparttar 131476 wrong places, which is destructive to our lives and zaps us of our life sustaining energy.

After years and years of neglect one becomes disconnected from their soul and gets lost. Our world is sadly full of people who neglect their souls andrepparttar 131477 consequences of this are seen all around us inrepparttar 131478 level of addictions, violence, crime, depression, suicide, lack of compassion and respect for one another, divorce and destruction of our planet exhibited in our society. Our culture has not been very good at teaching us how to avoid this, perhaps because we were unaware for a long period of time, but slowly this is changing one by one.

Don’t neglect your soul! Listen to it, nourish it, and feed it everyday. It is as important as feeding your hungry stomach. If you have neglected your soul, it is never too late to start again. The soul has an amazing ability to recover and flourish in splendor once again.

This article may be FREELY copied, reproduced and redistributed to friends, discussion lists, websites, groups, etc., as long asrepparttar 131479 whole article is used including my byline and links found here atrepparttar 131480 bottom. Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed., writer, educator, therapist/advisor/coach and Holistic Health Consultant Specializing in Life Management and Support for Living with Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, and Disability as well as Sexuality and Sexual Intimacy. FREE Newsletter and FREE 30 minute Consultation.

Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed., writer, educator, therapist/advisor/coach and Holistic Health Consultant Specializing in Life Management and Support for Living with Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, and Disability as well as Sexuality and Sexual Intimacy. FREE Newsletter and FREE 30 minute Consultation.

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