The Science of Life

Written by G Kumar

Continued from page 1

Pathya - Diet Control

There is a popular saying in Ayurveda that there no cure for 2 types of people. People who observe Pathya ( Diet Control ) and people who do not follow Pathya ! If a man has hyperacidity and do not observe Pathya ( if he takes in spicy, hot foods, alcohol and beverages ), how can he be cured. even with a plethora of medicines ? Ifrepparttar same man follows Pathya ( he avoids spicy foods, alcohol & beverages ), he doesnt need medicines !

Diet Control is all in all Even for disease chronic, Diet Control can cure Without Diet Control, useless isrepparttar 115590 highest Therapy ! Hencerepparttar 115591 need for Foods Vedic !

For every disease there is Pathya. The Ayurvedic Physician will say dont take such and such food. Foods that are to be avoided in general are spicy foods, alcohol, non veg like beef, eggs and fish, carbonated drinks and processed foods

Fruits and vegetables contain Carotenoids and Bioflavonoids which are cancer preventing or disease preventing. They contain fibres that are vital forrepparttar 115592 body. The popular notion that eggs are cheap and contain proteins and high calories is a flawed notion. 100 gms of egg contains 13.3 % protein and 137 calories. 100 gms of vegetables contain 25.1% protein and 334 calories ! Why avoid Non Vegetarian Food

Because ofrepparttar 115593 high cholesterol content, non veg food is not okayed by Ayurveda. A 100 gms of Mackerel contains 95 mgs of cholesterol, haddock 65 mg, tuna 63 mg , halibut 50 mg, beef 70 mg, chicken 60 mg and pork 70 mg. And whenrepparttar 115594 comparison is made based on calories, fish ( 50mg/100 calories) is much higher in cholesterol than pork (24mg/100 calories), beef ( 29 mg /100 calories ) or chicken ( 44 mg /100 calories ). Animal protein causes osteoporosis or bone loss. Fish contains neither fibre nor carbohydrate. A recent article inrepparttar 115595 New England Journal of Medicine warned that many fish contain high levels of Mercury, which may increase risk of a heart attack. There is evidence that fish fat ( Omega-3 fat ) will increase a person's risk of cancer andrepparttar 115596 risk of metastasis ( spread of cancer to other parts ofrepparttar 115597 body ).

Naturopathy - The Prophylactic Aspect of Ayurveda

Naturopathy or Prakrithi Therapy isrepparttar 115598 Swastha Vritta ( Prophylactic Aspect ) ofrepparttar 115599 Science of Life.

The Five Great Elements arerepparttar 115600 Five Doctors ( Annam Brahma ). Food is medicine and medicine is food. By food we mean Naturopathic food,repparttar 115601 food that cometh from Nature. The Five Great Elements ( Pancha Maha Bhootas ) are prior to everything. Hence they are known asrepparttar 115602 Five Great Doctors ( Annam Hi Bhoothanam Jyeshtyam Thasmad Sarvoushadhamuchyathe ).

The Five Great Doctors can cure any disease. Exposure to Sunlight is Thejopasana. The body gets abundance of Vitamin D. Daily at least 10 minutes one should bathe inrepparttar 115603 Sun. The Fivefold Worship of Naturopathy

Thejopasana - Sun bathing. Sunlight is a rich source of Vitamin D

Akasopasana - Fasting,repparttar 115604 best medicine. During fastingrepparttar 115605 digestive system gets rest and diseases like ulcer are cured by Fasting.

Jalopasana - Water is a universal medicine. At least 12 glasses of water should be taken in daily and exercises like swimming are excellent.

Vayopasana - Getting fresh air is a must.

Prithyopasana - Fruits and vegetables cometh from Nature and are rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. They contain phytochemicals which are cancer or disease preventing.

Article by G Kumar, Astrologer & Epistemologist of, & Recently he was awarded a Certificate byrepparttar 115606 Planetary Gemologists Association ( ) as a Planetary Gem Advisor. He has 25 years psychic research experience inrepparttar 115607 esoteric arts. To subscribe to his Free ezine,repparttar 115608 Z Files, click here. He is contactable at Address of his physical shop is Zodiac Computers, 3/528 Tkss Bldgs, East Nada, Guruvayur Kerala, India 680101. Office Phone +91 0487-552851. Home Phone +91 0487-422060. He has compiled Free Ebooks on AstroNumerology, Vedic Astrology & Pranic Therapy

Article by G Kumar, Astrologer & Epistemologist of, & Recently he was awarded a Certificate by the Planetary Gemologists Association ( ) as a Planetary Gem Advisor. He has 25 years psychic research experience in the esoteric arts. To subscribe to his Free ezine, the Z Files, click here. He is contactable at

Water and Weight Loss

Written by Kim Beardsmore

Continued from page 1

·Lunch – think of soup or have a glass of water before your meal, or perhaps a herbal tea.

·Mid afternoon – While you are preparing your evening meal, drink a glass of water and snack on some crunchy fresh vegetables.

·Evening – Sip a glass of water before your meal with a dash of your favourite fruit juice for flavour.

·After dinner – before bedtime drink your final glass of water and sleep well!

A few changes will happen when you start out with your water program. Obviously you may find that you need to ‘spend a penny’ more often. Why? Because you body isn’t used to being well hydrated.

There is absolutely is no doubt about it. When you start drinking enough water regularly, there are great benefits. You may notice your skin significantly improve and even tired muscles will thank you. Many people find their energy is increased and constipation and headaches are reduced, as well as hunger pains.

Now here’srepparttar really exciting part…many people notice a reduction in weight and centimetres, as their body’s water store become redundant and so decrease. If your diet has been one that did not provide you with adequate water, your body will have developed a pattern of storing water. It’s part ofrepparttar 115589 body’s in-built survival mechanism – to store uprepparttar 115590 essential nutrients in short supply…just in case they aren’t available inrepparttar 115591 future. So if you don’t drink enough water, you are ‘conditioning’ your body to store water. And water is bulk and unwanted centimetres.

It’s so simple...drink water! 6-8 large glasses a day.

How do you know if you are not getting enough water each day? This is a really important question because so many of us have deprived ourselves of water for years that we have become accustomed to doing withoutrepparttar 115592 full amount of water our body requires and we don’t recogniserepparttar 115593 symptoms of thirst.

·The most common symptom is headaches. A major function of water is to flush toxins fromrepparttar 115594 body. Your brain is 75% water, so even being slightly dehydrated can cause headaches.

·Poor concentration/fatigue. If you body can’t get rid ofrepparttar 115595 toxins it will struggle and you will feel less energetic as your body diverts energy to deal withrepparttar 115596 toxins.

·Constipation. Your body will divert water to more essential functions and as a result your stools will be harder and more difficult to expel.

·Reduced urine output or dark urine. Did you know that up to 200 litres of water is passed through your kidneys daily? Without a fresh supply of water forrepparttar 115597 kidneys to filter waste products out ofrepparttar 115598 blood, your urine will become darker.

·Furry tongue or bad breath. If you don’t have enough water passing throughrepparttar 115599 mouth to wash away food particles, bacteria can proliferate and result in that ‘furry’ feeling or bad breath.

·Skin. Your skin should feel elastic. When you pinchrepparttar 115600 skin onrepparttar 115601 back of your hand it should snap back instantly.

Final thoughts. Caffeinated drinks causerepparttar 115602 body to lose water. They are what’s known as diuretics as they cause your body to dehydrate. You will do your body an enormous favour by cutting back. For every cup of coffee you drink you will need to drink another TWO glasses of water to counterrepparttar 115603 diuretic effect. Explorerepparttar 115604 world of herbal teas instead, you may be pleasantly surprised!

Kim Beardsmore, B.Sc, MBA is a successful weight loss consultant. Kim has been helping people lose weight, keep it off, and gain energy. To see what you can do today to take control of your weight, visit her website at

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