The Roots of Poverty

Written by Isaiah Hull

Continued from page 1

Underfunded Education:

Many citizens ofrepparttar Third World also lack access to education. Since governments in LDCs do not have funds to provide an educational system for all students, they often create unreasonably hard standardized testing systems to prevent students from graduating; and even when they do passrepparttar 135296 tests, they are often held back because there simply are not enough resources to support them. Without access to basic and vocational education, new generations in LDCs are being severely limited in both future choices and ability to contribute torepparttar 135297 country’s development.

Inadequate Access to Nutritious Food:

Much ofrepparttar 135298 Third World lacksrepparttar 135299 money and resources to eat or grow a nutritious diet--and instead must subsist on one meal each day of starchy local food staples and vegetables. This leads to severe undernutrition in both adults and children,repparttar 135300 often-fatal malnutrition-infection cycle in infants and young children, and high-incidence of diabetes in adults. Many people--specifically in certain geographic areas--also lackrepparttar 135301 means to cook meals. This causes those affected to choose between hunger and food- borne illness.

Inadequate Access to Improved Water & Sanitation Facilities:

These two problems are actually intimately linked: in areas where people do not have access to improved sanitation facilities, they often end up contaminating sources of groundwater with human waste, which often leads torepparttar 135302 spread of worms and water-borne illness. Inadequate access to improved water sources, such as pumps and wells, forces people in geographically isolated areas to spend hours each day just retrieving water, often from dirty sources. This prevents most people from getting an adequate amount of clean drinking water, raising incidence of water-borne illness and general dehydration.

Isaiah Hull is the CEO of Social Justice Incorporated, a hybrid business that offers information and news on poverty, hunger, and the Third World; and also operates a cause related shopping mall, bookstore, and jewelry store which donates 75% of profit to social justice charities. Go to to learn more about similar topics or make a donation to charity by simply shopping online.

Science and Religion (Part 1)

Written by Val K

Continued from page 1

Cardinal John Henry Newman in his age wrote "Apologia Pro Vita Sau" an autobiography hailed asrepparttar loveliest of all spiritual autobiographies ever written inrepparttar 134982 English language of a man seeking religious affinity. Newman was just one of many seekingrepparttar 134983 elements of truth. The ancient Greek philosophers have always pondered over that word, truth. A test of faith, a quality which refuses to be measured. That which transcends logic and analysis.

A show of faith has always been one venerable aspect of religion, and to great extents part of science. It takes more faith to accept that which is "humanly incomprehensible." Likerepparttar 134984 Big Bang theory, andrepparttar 134985 so many yet unproven postulations ofrepparttar 134986 traditional sciences.

The human engine has always been one given to logic and reason; it quests intorepparttar 134987 dark depths andrepparttar 134988 attempts to relate these phenomena of existence into that which can be grasped byrepparttar 134989 senses. And out of beliefs or something close to "racial memory" comes myths and legends, which have governedrepparttar 134990 lives of men from time immemorial.

From Aristotle to modern thinkers like Locke,repparttar 134991 fundamentals of human life was got from observation and deep introspection. Hence grewrepparttar 134992 science of observation and thought—the pseudo science, philosophy, a discipline in which thought turns upon itself like a revolving gyre.

Out of this broad spectrum journeys forth,repparttar 134993 religious andrepparttar 134994 scientific philosopher, in a bid to see reason in an existence of chaos. A cosmos of order stands as an archetype from which assumptions can be drawn, or discarded when current fashions change, for that which is more socially "up-beat." But there is this search for stability, found inrepparttar 134995 Microsystems of life. Religion has offeredrepparttar 134996 lamp; sciencerepparttar 134997 spark. And with these we must now inquire.

Val K is a poet, and a nature lover. His first collection of poems “Without a Name” will be published soon by AuthorHouse, U.S.A. For personal contact, send mails to:

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