The Role of Zen in Martial Arts

Written by Jeffrey M. Miller

Continued from page 1

Zen,repparttar most popular form of Buddhist thought known today, is directly related torepparttar 122129 cross-cultural interchange between Martial Arts andrepparttar 122130 many philosophical systems that came together as these teachings travelled from India, acrossrepparttar 122131 Himalayas, through China and into Japan. Ironically, many Westerners have no idea that Zen is a form of Buddhist study and practice, nor is it usually seen as much more than "seated meditation" to most martial artists - both teachers and students.

Japanese Zen Master Taisen Deshimaru often wrote about Zen andrepparttar 122132 principles of Bushido, or "the way ofrepparttar 122133 warrior," which grew, in part, out of Buddhist thought.

The principles of:

Gi:Havingrepparttar 122134 right decision, right attitude,repparttar 122135 truth Yu:Bravery tinged with heroism Jin:Universal love; compassion Rei:Right action; courtesy Makoto: Utter sincerity; truthfulness Meiyo: Honor; high ethical character Chugo: Devotion; loyalty

wererepparttar 122136 common ground betweenrepparttar 122137 monk andrepparttar 122138 warrior. In fact, there is no difference betweenrepparttar 122139 two.

Deshimaru emphasized thatrepparttar 122140 learning and practice of these principles is a lifelong process, and needs to take place "...inrepparttar 122141 body, throughrepparttar 122142 unconscious." The ancient tradition ofrepparttar 122143 Martial Arts is an internal process, a gradual connection with one's own deep-seated intuition. Deshimaru explains: "Inrepparttar 122144 spirit of Zen . . .everyday life becomes a contest. There must be an awareness at every moment: getting up inrepparttar 122145 morning, working, eating, going to bed. That isrepparttar 122146 place forrepparttar 122147 mastery of self."

Jeffrey M. Miller is the founder and master instructor of Warrior Concepts International. He specializes in teaching the ancient ways of self-protection and personal development lessons in a way that is easily understood and put to use by modern Western students and corporate clients. To learn more, visit his website at

Science vs. Healers

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

I wonder if these authors and their reductivist buddies are aware that all humanists are not withoutrepparttar ability to incorporate hard physical science to an even higher factual degree than they do. The quantum physicists like Wigner (Nobel laureate), Schrödinger and Heisenberg think that humanistic richness is robbed by reductionist unspiritual thinking. The global reifying thrust of materialism (Dr. Boddy of U of T, anthropology) is hopefully, in due course, going to return to a global deifying thrust of spiritualism. The only REALITY is NATURE and it assuredly includes ALL observable facts not justrepparttar 122128 'Toilet Philosophy'.

If I may be allowed to quote someone who tries to keep an 'open mind' and use WHATEVER WORKS even if it isn't 'modernity'. I choose to quote a wholistic doctor byrepparttar 122129 name of Zoltan Rona who has his M.D. and M. Sc. He editedrepparttar 122130 'Encyclopedia of Natural Healing' in 1997 which says on pages 33 and 34:

“It is misleading to callrepparttar 122131 natural health movement ‘alternative medicine’ as is often done. Natural Medicine is consideredrepparttar 122132 founder of contemporary Western medicine. What we now call modern medicine is actually an aberration,repparttar 122133 result of social change atrepparttar 122134 dawn of industrialization inrepparttar 122135 eighteenth century."

He continues to discuss one ofrepparttar 122136 greatest alchemists of all time whose books I found containrepparttar 122137 key to understanding how to makerepparttar 122138 Philosopher's Stone. He does not identify Paracelsus as an alchemist due to cultural bias against alchemy that has led to many of them being burned atrepparttar 122139 stake. He says on pages 34 & 35:

"PARACELSUS (1493-1541) Atrepparttar 122140 close ofrepparttar 122141 Middle Ages, Paracelsus dared to challengerepparttar 122142 orthodox medicine of his day, which, like today, had abandonedrepparttar 122143 teachings of Hippocrates {Another alchemist.} and become bogged down in superstitious, dogmatic practices. Withrepparttar 122144 dramatic successes he achieved through observation and deduction to discover nature's latent healing powers, Paracelsus revolutionized medicine for centuries.

Born Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim {He used some other names in conjunction with these such as Phillipus Aureolus.} in Switzerland, this courageous genius hadrepparttar 122145 early opportunity to accompany his father, a physician, on his rounds. He learnedrepparttar 122146 value of observation and became acquainted with herbs and medicinal plants. In his university years, Paracelsus appreciatedrepparttar 122147 critical spirit which reigned in Ferrara, Italy, compared torepparttar 122148 close-mindedness in universities in other European cities. He was not content to limit himself to academic knowledge. He learned what he could practically from professionals and anyone else who had something to teach him about how to userepparttar 122149 latent forces in nature. Due to his healing successes, notably in treatingrepparttar 122150 plague, he began to gather a large following.

After returning to Basle, Switzerland, Paracelsus savedrepparttar 122151 leg ofrepparttar 122152 rich printer Frobenius from amputation by applying his knowledge of nature's inner healing power. Paracelsus became Basle's official physician and was offered a professorship atrepparttar 122153 University of Basle. He soon ran into trouble withrepparttar 122154 authorities due to his blatant criticism of modern medicine. In a dramatic gesture Paracelsus burnedrepparttar 122155 books ofrepparttar 122156 medical authorities. Within several months he was forced to fleerepparttar 122157 university and found himself wandering penniless. . Forrepparttar 122158 next eight years he lived with friends 'and worked on his manuscripts. The publication of DIE GROSSE WUNDANTZNEY in 1536 restored his reputation, and his fortune turned once more. Paracelsus became wealthy and was sought after by noblemen and royalty."

His actions againstrepparttar 122159 ‘sins and demons’ origins of disease and illness mirrorrepparttar 122160 free medicine and knowledge ofrepparttar 122161 Gnostic Cathars a couple of centuries earlier that led to their genocide in a crusade that was won byrepparttar 122162 new head ofrepparttar 122163 Dominican Order ofrepparttar 122164 Catholics. Man, Myth, and Magic promotesrepparttar 122165 MYTH that alchemy was dominated by hermits in pursuit of wealth and gold from lead. They say that Paracelsus was poor and proof that no Philosopher's Stone was ever created and that alchemists were greedy failures. This author says 'Paracelsus became wealthy' but that assuredly was not his purpose and when he died he had only one special goblet to give to someone who he knew understood its value. Continuing to quote Mr. Rona:

"Paracelsus attackedrepparttar 122166 dogmatic belief of modern doctors thatrepparttar 122167 human body is controlled exclusively byrepparttar 122168 stars andrepparttar 122169 planets. He insisted uponrepparttar 122170 right to discover latent powers of nature by daring to use his faculties of observation and imagination. He stressedrepparttar 122171 healing power of nature, and raged against modern methods, such as wound treatment that prevented natural drainage of bodily fluids.

One of Paracelsus's most important medical discoveries concernedrepparttar 122172 treatment of syphilis. He maintained that syphilis could be treated with carefully measured doses of poison mercury compounds taken internally. This contradicted all medical opinion ofrepparttar 122173 day, but he was proven right. Paracelsus wasrepparttar 122174 first to show that, if given in small doses,repparttar 122175 cause of an illness also cures it. This discovery was an anticipation ofrepparttar 122176 modern practice of homeopathy. Inrepparttar 122177 summer of 1534, Paracelsus cured many people inrepparttar 122178 plague-infested town of Stertzing by applyingrepparttar 122179 same principle."

Atrepparttar 122180 time ofrepparttar 122181 Plaguerepparttar 122182 Flagellants were part ofrepparttar 122183 Catholic hierarchy; they were burning Jewish people in cities across Europe. Men, women and children were surrounded in their neighborhoods and burned. The genocide in Rwanda that was initiated byrepparttar 122184 hatred' fostered byrepparttar 122185 Roman Catholic Church' according torepparttar 122186 July 2000 report released byrepparttar 122187 Organization of African Unity is little different thanrepparttar 122188 holocaust. The Catholic fostered anti-Semitism that was politically useful to Hitler (or Mississippi Senator John Stennis ofrepparttar 122189 House Un-American Activities Committee) who was a Catholic and never ex-communicated; has been used throughout recent history to empowerrepparttar 122190 Empire-builders fromrepparttar 122191 Holy Roman Emperor Constantine to this very day. Yes, I knowrepparttar 122192 Pope has meekly apologized, butrepparttar 122193 behavior continues. The 'War on Women' founded inrepparttar 122194 'original sin' of St. Augustine and formalized atrepparttar 122195 Council of Carthage in 397 A.D. has far reaching influence across sociological norms inrepparttar 122196 Judaeo-Christian-Islamic complex. Thus we can see this author correctly usesrepparttar 122197 word courageous when referring to Paracelsus.

Author of Diverse Druids has many of my books Columnist in The ES Press Magazine

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