The Role of Obesity

Written by The Icon Diet Reader

Continued from page 1

Are we that soft (no pun intended)? Can we not take responsibility for our own actions, including what we put into our bodies? Recently there have been lawsuits filed against fast food establishments that charge them with knowingly selling harmful goods. The lawsuit does not surprise me, after all it'srepparttar American way, it does surprise me that we are willing to acknowledge that we cannot feed ourselves safely. That is, by assumingrepparttar 112907 position of a victim we allow someone else to be responsible.

In North America,repparttar 112908 sad truth ofrepparttar 112909 matter is that we have managed to takerepparttar 112910 normal daily necessity of eating and pervert it into a national killer of epidemic proportions. We are, as a society, beginning to ask why this as happened. Fingers are being pointed at corporations who used processed foods to enlarge their bottom lines atrepparttar 112911 expense of health, atrepparttar 112912 creation of ‘big box' food companies who saturaterepparttar 112913 media with their products inciting us to eat, atrepparttar 112914 government for being so passive and allowing obesity to become such an issue, at budget cuts that see physical education programs taken out of schools. Everywhere you look you can find a guilty party.

While all this seems to make sense - after all you can start healing after you findrepparttar 112915 culprit- this mode of reasoning deprives us of our individuality and our integrity. If we allow others to be responsible over such base matters as our eating, then what we are really doing labeling ourselves as incapable.

Yes, obesity is an epidemic. Yes, drastic measures should be taken to stemrepparttar 112916 growth our waist lines. However,repparttar 112917 only one to really blame for this is ourselves. Accept in a very few cases, nobody forces you to eat anything. What you eat is predicated on choice alone. Make a choice and choose to be healthy. Take responsibility for what goes into your body. Be capable of guiding your own health and well being.

The Icon Diet offers a step by step weight loss program to help people lose weight quickly, naturally and effectively. Visit the site by going to...

The world of crunches: Defining your abdominals

Written by The Icon Diet Reader

Continued from page 1

Forrepparttar average person, getting setup onrepparttar 112906 ball, in proper position for crunches, is a relatively easy affair. It merely involves resting your hips and lower back onrepparttar 112907 ball while planting your feet squarely onrepparttar 112908 floor. It's like slouching in a chair that has no back. Like I said, really no big deal – unless your me.

I finally nailedrepparttar 112909 proper setup and oncerepparttar 112910 laughter subsided, I was ready to start. Like all exercises, form is critical. Crunches require very little motion. To begin, lean back as far as your balance allows. Place your hands on your temples with your elbows out. Focus on pushing your lower back intorepparttar 112911 ball and using your abs pull your shoulders up. In very real terms, you should only be raising your shoulders up about four inches. Atrepparttar 112912 top ofrepparttar 112913 crunch. Hold it for a two count and slowly let yourself back down slowly without disengaging your abs. Repeat. It's really a simple and effective exercise.

In my case, now firmly set up onrepparttar 112914 ball, I went atrepparttar 112915 crunches with gusto. Crunched until I simply could crunch no more. It is here that I would like to point out that you need not do this. You should work your abs in sets as with any other muscle baring in mind that you should do more then your average set. Aim for about three sets of fifty and go from there.

In my case, I woke uprepparttar 112916 next day smiling to myself aboutrepparttar 112917 difficulty I had getting used torepparttar 112918 fitness ball, after all, it really was easy once I gotrepparttar 112919 hang of it. I smiled as I recalled my impressive display of abdominal endurance. I smiled, and smiled right up untilrepparttar 112920 time I tried to sit up.

The Icon Diet offers a step by step weight loss guideto help people lose weight quickly, naturally and effectively. Visit the site by going to...

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