The Road to Success

Written by Kate Smalley

Continued from page 1

I realize I am busy serving my customers, but am I missing something by cutting back so drastically on my marketing endeavors? Can I userepparttar excuse that I am too busy for that anymore? Should I be constantly churning out a percentage of promotional materials to ensure my future viability? No matter how busy I am, each and every day I have a conscious choice to spend my time focusing on activities that will result in additional sales for my business, which will result in vibrant future growth. It only makes sense thatrepparttar 104484 results and business I am enjoying now were only obtained byrepparttar 104485 groundwork I laid back when I was brand new, and that to continue on this road I should continue marketing and promoting my business and my services.

Let's not loserepparttar 104486 conviction and drive we had when we were brand new. Let's not get so busy within our daily routines that we hesitate to reach out and expand ourselves, or get involved with additional activities that will grow our business. Let's purpose in our minds and in our hearts to continue on this path we have chosen. Let's do everything possible to continue to nurture and strengthen our business and future viability by choosing to do those things that will result in those additional sales that we once worked so hard for.

The last item that I have never forgotten is to never loserepparttar 104487 excitement and anticipation that accompanies gaining new clients and helping them succeed.

Copyright 2003 Kate Smalley Connecticut Secretary

Copyright 2003 Kate Smalley Connecticut Secretary

Building Your Business With a Specialist

Written by Kate Smalley

Continued from page 1

Finding a qualified, quality freelance secretary for support work in your business can be a daunting task. Fortunately, withrepparttar assistance ofrepparttar 104483 Internet andrepparttar 104484 World Wide Web, a simple search can help you to locate a freelance secretary in your area, or one who is willing to provide service to your area, no matter your location.

There are many different freelance secretaries out there, and not all are created equal. For this reason, it’s important to look into references and feedback, while checking to see that there is a broad range of services provided, as well as fair pricing and turn-around times. Contact information should be readily available onrepparttar 104485 website, and samples ofrepparttar 104486 work should also be very accessible, in order to be able to gaugerepparttar 104487 freelance secretary’s skill and accuracy. Additionally, if you have any questions, ask! A good freelance secretary should be able to answer all of your questions in a timely manner, whether overrepparttar 104488 telephone or through e-mail. ******************** Copyright 2003 Kate Smalley, President Connecticut Secretary Specializing in Transcription and Freelance Secretarial Services

******************** Copyright 2003 Kate Smalley, President Connecticut Secretary Specializing in Transcription and Freelance Secretarial Services

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