The Road To Inner Peace

Written by Sibyl McLendon

Continued from page 1

When you are onrepparttar path to inner peace, you can begin to seerepparttar 123781 “Big Picture”. You begin to see that there really is an order inrepparttar 123782 universe, a meaning torepparttar 123783 things that happen in your life for good or for bad, and that evenrepparttar 123784 so-called bad things can have a positive outcome ultimately. You begin to be able to look back, non-emotionally, and seerepparttar 123785 opportunities that were disguised as troubles in your life.

A major road sign onrepparttar 123786 inner peace path is when you can let go ofrepparttar 123787 past. You are no longer driving your car in reverse. Recognizing thatrepparttar 123788 past is over and done with, and that it is unchangeable is a huge sign. All energy spent on regret is wasted. Instead of wishing that you could changerepparttar 123789 past, you learn to change today! You can clearly see that today is all you have, and that you need to make itrepparttar 123790 best that it can be.

When you are onrepparttar 123791 path, you know that only inner beauty matters. You can let go of society’s expectations and begin to just be yourself. You are working on who you are, not what you look like, and you accept this in others as well. It is only withrepparttar 123792 heart that one can clearly see; those arerepparttar 123793 only eyes that matter.

Another guidepost is seeingrepparttar 123794 blessings in everything. When you are onrepparttar 123795 path to inner peace, you are able to wake up each morning feeling happy, excited and hopeful forrepparttar 123796 day that you have been given, and every night you can countrepparttar 123797 blessings that you received and say thank you for them. After all, most blessings and miracles are just little things and easy to miss when you are not onrepparttar 123798 path, but each little thing becomes huge when you learn to see them with your soul.

Andrepparttar 123799 last road sign to inner peace that I am going to mention isrepparttar 123800 one that tells you that you are a unique, beautiful, worthy, deserving individual. You know that you deserverepparttar 123801 best that life has to offer, and you won’t settle for any less.

Inner Peace isrepparttar 123802 only destination that really matters in life. It isrepparttar 123803 place where we were all meant to dwell in. Inner Peace is whererepparttar 123804 Divine meetsrepparttar 123805 human, andrepparttar 123806 journey is well marked if you know how to recognizerepparttar 123807 signs.

Sibyl McLendon is 1/2 Navajo, and is a personal spiritual coach for Circle Of Grace Circle Of Grace is a unique blending of Native American spirituality and holistic wellness coaching. Sign up for a free coaching session! Sibyl can be contacted at

Rewriting The Story

Written by Sibyl McLendon

Continued from page 1

Now, keep in mind at all times,repparttar sky isrepparttar 123780 limit in your new story! Give yourselfrepparttar 123781 parents andrepparttar 123782 family that you always dreamed that you wanted,repparttar 123783 ones that you always wished that you had. Make them loving, and nurturing and supportive. Make your home berepparttar 123784 one that you always wished you lived in. Give yourself a pet if you like. Good friends, a great school, nice clothes, great toys.

Because you have this wonderful life, you are now self-assured, good in school, popular and good-looking. Did you always want to berepparttar 123785 star athlete or a cheerleader? Well, you can be now.

And because you now have everything going for you, you can go to college, if that was a dream of yours. You can become anything that you want. You are smart and successful, so there are no limits.

If you can let yourself go in this exercise, it can be very powerful. When you rewrite your story, you open yourself up to all that you “could” have been. If you can incorporaterepparttar 123786 new story into your psyche, make it your own, then you are on your way to becoming that person that you always could have been.

Just take your time, and let yourself run free with this. Atrepparttar 123787 very least, you are exercising your imagination and being creative, and these are never a waste of time. Atrepparttar 123788 highest possibility, you could change your life.

Your life is yours; it belongs to you. The story of your life is your most fundamental possession, your most intimate heritage. Take control of it and you take control of your life.

So, let your mind wander free fromrepparttar 123789 past, and have fun creating a new one for yourself.

Sibyl McLendon is 1/2 Navajo, and is a personal spiritual coach for Circle Of Grace Circle Of Grace is a unique blending of Native American spirituality and holistic wellness coaching. Sign up for a free coaching session! Sibyl can be contacted at

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