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TAKE HOME POINT: Figure out what’s popular and why, and do more of it.
FURTHER TRICKY POINT: This website tells you which articles were VISITED, not necessarily used. Take this into account. For instance, catchy titles will definitely get someone to look.
My second and third most popular articles are “An Emotionally Intelligent Workplace Culture: Is It for You?” and “What’s Going on with Mobbing, Bullying and Work Harassment Internationally.” Since I write many articles for individuals, and social and relational applications of emotional intelligence, this is valuable information for me. The workplace may be a better focus for my work. And
Internet is becoming a smaller world. I do international work. I’m glad it’s becoming popular.
The fourth most popular article is also amazing. Never – NEVER – underestimate
public. While we are told that people on
Internet are idiots with short attention spans who want their articles written at
8th grade level, my fourth most popular article is entitled, “Special Report: What Do IQ Tests and
SAT Measure, and Where Does EQ Fit In?” That’s not pabulum!
Tricky part about marketing, part II: Could it be
use of “special report” that got them to access this article? It sure could be. It’s
latest buzz word in business, along with “white paper”, so why not use it? I did, and either it alone, or an intriguing topic that raised
bar, or both, made this article a winner.
Coming in at number 5, “The Top 10 ‘Hurtin’ ‘ Breakup Songs.” Love and heartache. The dynamic duo that never fails. If there’s anything that’s part of
human condition, it’s that. This placed far above
other two in
series –
getting-over-it love songs, and
“I’m so in love” love songs.”
Yes, “love” will always place high on our readers’ lists. Number 6 is “10 Emotionally Intelligent Questions to Ask Before You Marry.” This one, BTW, has been popular in other countries besides
US, and was featured in a magazine in India. The editor told me it would sell because his readers were interested in avoiding
marriage of convenience, or arranged marriage, and wanted to make their own romantic and reasoned choice of a partner.
If you can write about relationships, dating, and romance, you should do well. Nearly half
adults in
US are now single, and they’re looking. The success of such sites as should give you a clue.
Number 9 on my list is also romantic: “Some Tips About
Wedding Toast.”
Topical articles are a good idea. Editors will be looking for articles around Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Super Bowl, etc. I did something on guys grilling for Super Bowl that got placed on
splash page of a site that brought my services to
attention of a whole new crowd, and that’s what you want: exposure!
And what’s
#1 holiday? Christmas? Nope, guess again. My articles around Valentine’s Day were accessed far more often. It’s
love thing again, I guess. At any rate, if you can work Valentine’s Day into your products and services, do it, and write those articles.
1.Suggested length: 900 – 1200 appears to sell best but there’s also a market for short, pithy “fillers” of say, around 300 words.
2.Use an article-submission service ( ) .
The most labor-intensive part is submitting
3.Use an article-writing service - .
Commission them to write articles for you, and about you. As I say in my ebook, “How to Write Articles for
Internet,” ( ) this amounts to 3rd-party endorsement which is highly effective.
Placing among my top ten most popular articles is one I was commissioned to write entitled, “An Interview with an Expert on Introversion.” This article has brought
IntrovertzCoach lots of business!
article written by a writer with a reputation on
Their name will carry
article and get it noticed, whereas yours might not. For instance, I am rated “A+” on, so article-searchers know to look for my stuff. They know they’ll find quality, and their time is short.
5.Don’t be afraid to raise
Sometimes a marketing client will tell me “the stuff on
Internet isn’t very good.” Yes, in some cases that’s true, but that doesn’t mean your “stuff” can’t be “good.” I repeat: Never underestimate
public. Placing among my top 20 is “Corporate Ethics, Your Ethics, Intentionality & Emotional Intelligence.” You almost need a dictionary to get through
title, and it isn’t any easier once you get to
article. And it’s about ETHICS!!
We folks here on
Internet are good, smart, ready and willing to learn. Give us some substance!

©Susan Dunn, MA, Internet Marketing Coach and Consultant, . Our job is to make your business succeed. One-hour consultation, article writing and submission service; web design; web strategies; market research; marketing plans and implementation; ebook editing and Internet launch. for free ezine; put “Checklist” for subject line.