The Purpose of Creation: the Kabbalah of Transformation

Written by Shifra Hendrie

Continued from page 1

Here’srepparttar paradox: As long as we are inrepparttar 129223 dark, blind to our source, we remainrepparttar 129224 ‘lowest world’, a world of darkness, suffering and evil. But, when we begin to see through our own limitations to our source and purpose, we becomerepparttar 129225 highest.

We will always maintainrepparttar 129226 sense of unique ‘selfness’ and solidity that makes us human, but this ‘selfness’ will be fully illuminated by something beyondrepparttar 129227 limitations of our human experience. We will gain a tangible awareness of G-d’s presence and purpose in every detail of our human lives. What initially concealedrepparttar 129228 truth will ultimately reveal it.

Through this process, this physical, ‘lowest’ world will becomerepparttar 129229 place where G-d is most fully expressed, His true home.

This transformation isrepparttar 129230 purpose of creation. You are here to take a world that is blind torepparttar 129231 truth, filled with darkness, negativity and evil, and transform it into a home for G-d. To reconnect with your source. To allowrepparttar 129232 light of your soul, andrepparttar 129233 awareness of your Creator, to shine throughrepparttar 129234 limitations of your solid, physical body and linear mind.

In embracing this mission, you will begin by transforming yourself and your environment. More and more, you will live a life that is an expression of your own highest potential. And in doing so, you will create an inhabitable world; a world that is a joy to live in, a true home.

This isrepparttar 129235 ultimate win-win. And, byrepparttar 129236 way, it’srepparttar 129237 ultimate reward. Kabbalah viewsrepparttar 129238 afterlife as a temporary stopping place between one incarnation andrepparttar 129239 next, where learning is processed, corrections made, andrepparttar 129240 soul cleansed and refreshed. The real reward is here, on earth, as evolved souls, in transformed bodies, in a transformed world. Sharing a home with G-d.

We are inrepparttar 129241 final stage ofrepparttar 129242 transformation process, atrepparttar 129243 end ofrepparttar 129244 millennia of darkness and separation. It is time to reconnect with our source. Our souls sense this, even if our consciousness is a step behind. That’s why so many of us are searchers. And that’s why forrepparttar 129245 first time,repparttar 129246 Divine wisdom of Kabbalah has been made available to ordinary people.

As a culture we have begunrepparttar 129247 transition from blindness and self-centeredness to wisdom and purpose. We are becoming searchers. It’s possible now – withrepparttar 129248 right knowledge and with sincere effort - to see throughrepparttar 129249 walls of our physical existence torepparttar 129250 true nature and purpose of life. To begin to knowrepparttar 129251 thoughts of G-d.

In this process, Kabbalah is our guide. Kabbalah asrepparttar 129252 blueprint for Creation, isrepparttar 129253 inner spiritual process through which G-d creates, sustains and transforms our world. Since it isrepparttar 129254 blueprint, studying Kabbalah will automatically give you insights intorepparttar 129255 workings of your own soul andrepparttar 129256 world around you.

And, because we are enteringrepparttar 129257 climax of history,repparttar 129258 path of authentic Kabbalah has been opened to every person, Jewish or otherwise, who sincerely wishes to reach his highest potential as a human being created inrepparttar 129259 image of G-d.

As a side effect, it will change your world.

© Shifra Hendrie 2005

For a limited time only, you can download Shifra’s new book, “Seven Kabbalah Secrets that Can Change your Life” absolutely for free,. To download this one-of-a-kind book,learn more about Shifra’s transformational Kabbalah workshops, classes and coaching services, or subscribe to her free Kabbalah ezine, log onto

Shifra Hendrie is a personal and spiritual coach who has been studying, teaching and living the principles of authentic Kabbalah for over 20 years. Her unique, highly effective workshops deliver this transformational spiritual wisdom in a structured coaching environment, where it can be integrated and applied to core challenges of participants’ lives.

5 Keys to Powerful Communication

Written by Anthony Mullins

Continued from page 1

Think- Processrepparttar information you received; all of it. Try to appreciate their perspective. What arerepparttar 129222 strengths and weaknesses of this perspective? Is it morally acceptable to me? How does this fit or clash with my perspective.

Reframe- Ask yourself questions to help you get clear on a new or different perspective. A question such as; what is your perspective on this that is giving you trouble? What perspective could I take from this that would lead to a more empowered position?

Respond- Finally it’s time to respond. Notice that it doesn’t say react. Respond implies thought and reasoning. Organize your thoughts and your perspective. Share it with others.

Try it. It will be difficult at first and you’ll be dying to react, but don’t. Personally, I utilize a 7 second rule. I don’t respond to new ideas and perspectives until 7 seconds afterrepparttar 129223 person has finished speaking. At first, I had to consciously remind myself; listen, think, reframe, and respond. Now, it just happens. It will just happen for you too.

Communication is a learned skill that requires continuous development and practice. The more we apply these tools,repparttar 129224 better we become at utilizing these skills. Just simply giving each other permission to have hurt feelings, ask for specific outcomes and communicate our needs can produce amazing results.

Anthony Mullins is the President and Life Coach for The Elite Coaching Alliance. He specializes in marriage, relationship and family,christian based coaching. He is the author of the upcoming book "Finding Fulfillment in an Unfulfilling World". Anthony can be reached by e-mail:

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