The Pros and Cons of Online Dating

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, The Emotional Intelligence Coach

Continued from page 1

The cost is next-to-nothing.


It’s especially good for introverts, who haverepparttar disadvantage inrepparttar 101611 bar scene, for instance. Introverts are generally more comfortable with a slow introduction and getting-to-know you period, communicate well in writing, and enjoyrepparttar 101612 peace and tranquility of being able to controlrepparttar 101613 pace of an email and compose their thoughts.

“What I enjoy,” says Tom, “is I can do this onrepparttar 101614 spur-of-the-moment. Come home late at night tired, put on my casual clothes, forget about my 5:00 shadow and aching feet, and get onrepparttar 101615 computer. I don’t have to get dressed and go out. I know how to look good, but I don’t have that much time. That will come later.”


I can’t think of any!

There arerepparttar 101616 same chances for deception – faked photos, married people trying to get intorepparttar 101617 action, people who are dysfunctional – as you would find in real life, but my clients find you have much more of a safety net.

If it’s new to you, there will be a learning curve, but you’ll learn to filter outrepparttar 101618 phoneys and weirdos just as you do in real life.

I’ve heard people say they’d be ashamed to date online, but I really don’t get it. It allows you to swing a much wider net. Maybe it’s because in my family we got outside of our hometown for all sorts of adventures. My mother was from Texas, and my father from Chicago. We lived in different cities as my father worked his way up in his profession, and then I went to an out-of-state college. My former husband was from another state. I’ve always consideredrepparttar 101619 US – if not beyond – to be my playing field. Have you?

On some ofrepparttar 101620 sites you might be matched with someone from another country, and who knows what could happen. The choice is always yours to pursue or not to pursue, and that’srepparttar 101621 good part.

Nearly halfrepparttar 101622 adults inrepparttar 101623 US are now single (43%), and we’re looking for one another. The computer,repparttar 101624 Internet, has great potential in this area.


Sometimes someone tells me, “Those people are desperate. I’m not desperate. They’re people who can’t find someone in real life.”

I don’t know what isn’t “real life” about finding someone throughrepparttar 101625 Internet, or what’s “desperate” about wanting a partner. They’re just as real once you see them!

But my answer to this is, “If you feel that way, why don’t you raiserepparttar 101626 bar? YOU’RE not desperate and YOU’RE looking, so jump in there. Someone looking for you as hard as you're looking for them, and they have everything to offer you do. Why not give it a try - http:/ .

©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach, . Coaching individuals for success in relationships and career. To investigate the services of go here: . To become a certified EQ coach, go here: . for free ezine and more information.

The Benifits of Home Ventilation

Written by Troy Munn

Continued from page 1

Low humidity, onrepparttar other hand, can cause nose and throat irritation, dry skin, wood can shrink and crack and hardwood flooring can shrink and become noisy when walked on. Static electricity is a symptom of low humidity. Home ventilation is one ofrepparttar 101610 most important things you can manage, in order to maintain a healthy environment for you and your loved ones.

Heat Recovery Ventilators, Air Exchangers, Kitchen and Bathroom Exhaust Fans, Attic Ventilation Fans, Dryer Vents and attic and crawl space vents are all important components of proper home ventilation.

Pet Dander, Pollen, Lead, Dust Mites, Mold Spores, Tobacco Smoke, Household Chemicals, Pesticides, Cleaning Supplies, Paints and Solvents are only some ofrepparttar 101611 common pollutants that can build up without adequate home ventilation.

Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide and Soot from fuel burning appliances and heating systems can also become a problem without proper home ventilation. Proper home ventilation can help reduce allergy and asthma symptoms and help ease other respiratory ailments that burden millions of people.

Troy Munn is the Webmaster of where he offers valuable information and tips on improving the air quality of your home. To find more information, to help you reduce allergy symptoms and control indoor pollution visit:

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