The Pros and Cons of Fad Dieting

Written by Gary Matthews

Continued from page 1

The Ashram Diet.

This diet is basically a very low calorie diet (near starvation) which is coupled with a very high intensity exercise regime. A sample of this diet would include: One boiled egg for breakfast, a green salad for lunch and a baked potato with salsa for dinner.

Pros: A very quick weight loss, 10 - 15 lbs in a week (Mostly muscle tissue and water).

Cons: Fast weight loss leads to many unpleasant side effects such as bad breath, bone loss, constipation, deprivation of nutrients (vitamins and minerals), muscle loss, metabolism slow down, headaches and poor sleep. Who would want all these problems forrepparttar sake of quick weight loss whererepparttar 131217 weight will eventually be put back on and more in a couple of months?

The Hay Diet.

The main rule to follow for this diet is to not eat protein and carbohydrates together. Combination of these two foods together appears to prevent protein from being digested inrepparttar 131218 gut and can lead to an accumulation of toxins. Vegetables and fruit formrepparttar 131219 bulk ofrepparttar 131220 diet with very small portions of protein and carbs.

Pros: Plenty of fruit and veggies inrepparttar 131221 diet means plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Cons: There doesn't appear to be too much scientific evidence about food combinations and by limiting yourself to certain food groups you will miss out on important nutrients.

All these diets work because of a drastic cut in calories, when this happens our metabolic rate can be brought down in a matter of 36 hours by as much as 50% which means your body is now burning only half of your calories. To compound matters further, hunger kicks in after a period of inadequate eating setting you up for over eating and binging.

Everyone is an individual so you have to be careful of diets that require you to set out what types of foods and quantities you have to eat at every meal. Just because a movie star lost weight on a fad diet doesn't mean that you will. Before starting a weight loss program take into account your age, fitness levels, activity levels and medical history.

A real weight loss program includes allrepparttar 131222 food groups, strength training, low level aerobics, a slight decrease in your daily calorie levels and a program that can be followed for life.

Gary is the author of several ebooks, including "Maximum Weight Loss in Ten Weeks" - the complete ebook and time-saving solution for burning away unwanted fat, and "Maximum Weight Gain in Ten Weeks" - easy-to-use and follow techniques that serve as a guide to muscle growth without having to "live in the gym".

Visit Gary’s website at

A Guide to Empowerment and Self-Control

Written by JLee Davis

Continued from page 1

How many times have you shaken your fist atrepparttar heavens, bemoaning your “lack of willpower”? Well, you don’t have to do that any longer. We’re going to tossrepparttar 131216 word “willpower” right out on its ear.

Take a moment and examinerepparttar 131217 word “willpower”. It’s meaning is clear. It isrepparttar 131218 power of your will. Many people have a problem narrowing downrepparttar 131219 word “will”. Will can mean many things, but when it all boils down, it is desire, wish, choice and determination. Your “will” is quite simply...CHOICE.

You don’t NEED willpower to lose weight. What you NEED is to make a choice.

Once you've done that, simply bow torepparttar 131220 incredible wisdom of that choice.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aboutrepparttar 131221 author

JLee Davis has been writing since high school. Through marriage and kids, ill-health and regaining it, she's kept on writing. After over thirty years, she's finding thatrepparttar 131222 best things in life really are there forrepparttar 131223 taking. Sharing her motivation is one way she has of "paying it forward".


JLee Davis has been writing since high school. Through marriage and kids, ill-health and regaining it, she's kept on writing. After over thirty years, she's finding that the best things in life really are there for the taking. Sharing her motivation is one way she has of "paying it forward".

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