The Problem With New Year's Resolutions

Written by Cyndi Smasal

Continued from page 1

It's easy to startrepparttar New Year with good intentions and a list of resolutions. But it's hard to follow through with those resolutions all year. Sometimes they don't last a month or even a week. Another reason it's hard to follow through and keep a resolution isrepparttar 123676 lack of a support system. Everything in your life is set up for you to do thingsrepparttar 123677 old way. In order to start doing something new, you have to set a new structure and support system in place to reinforce your new behavior until it becomes a new lifestyle.

This New Year, instead of making resolutions, think about what outcomes you want to have atrepparttar 123678 end of next year. Then establish a structure and support system with allrepparttar 123679 resources you need to make it happen.

================= Cyndi Smasal: Jump-Start Coach & Inspirational Speaker Gives focused one-on-one Coaching to people who want to make big leaps forward in their business or personal life. Send email to for a FREE 30-minute Coaching Experience. Ph:512/847/6888

Cyndi Smasal is a "Jump-Start" Coach and Inspirational Speaker who inspires people to manifest their dream. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, 15 years start-up experience and specializes in working with entrepreneurs who want to start, focus, or expand their business without giving up their life. Send e-mail to for a FREE Coaching Session or visit for more information.

Get a Coach and Make Your Resolutions Happen This Year

Written by Susan Dunn, Professional Coach

Continued from page 1
ACCOUNTABILITY Someone to be accountable to who's on your side, and pulling for you is a gift you give yourself. Coaching clients are high-functioning and successful. They've "proved" they can self-start and self-motivate. Having someone to touch base with, brainstorm with, and celebrate success with is a treat. It's an extension of your social support network that will greatly increase your well-being. It's a step uprepparttar ladder from "needs" to "wants." WHY STAND AT THE CROSSROADS ALONE? Most coaching clients are in a transition-or they will be byrepparttar 123675 time coaching is over! Coaching moves you ahead in your life. The questions isn't "Why would you want a coach?" it's "Why wouldn't you want a coach?" Coaches bring clarity. We're all onrepparttar 123676 inside of our own lives looking out. The coach hasrepparttar 123677 big picture that you can't have. GETTING ORGANIZED Hiring a coach will get your organized. Most coaches have a program for organization. I userepparttar 123678 Gooding Accountability System(tm). Once you have clarity and know how to get organized, things falls into place. IDEAS & IMPLEMENTATION A good coach can feed you ideas, push you farther than you might yourself, and also give resources for implementation. One ofrepparttar 123679 advantages of being a coach is that I talk to people all day long in different walks of life who give me information. I have clients who are web designers, intellectual property attorneys, therapists, social workers, IS specialists, marketers, animal communicators, paralegals, telemarketers, engineers ...repparttar 123680 list goes on and on. I have a "feed" to a huge resource of great minds. USER FRIENDLY Coaching is conducted overrepparttar 123681 phone and by email. There are many obvious advantages to this. · No static. It's tremendously helpful not to see or be with a client. It removes all sorts of preconceptions and allows great focus. · Time-effective. Neitherrepparttar 123682 client norrepparttar 123683 coach has to worry about what we have on, how we look, whatrepparttar 123684 office looks like, transportation or waiting time. · Confidentiality. Other professionals you use are in your home town andrepparttar 123685 smallerrepparttar 123686 town,repparttar 123687 more confidentiality problems. My clients are all overrepparttar 123688 world; at this time I don't even have one in my home state. · No insurance, no managed care. Managed care is not dictatingrepparttar 123689 terms ofrepparttar 123690 contract and no one is reporting on what goes on in sessions. More and more people are becoming concerned about confidentiality issues with insurance, and rightly so. HOW TO FIND YOUR COACH All coaches offer a complimentary coaching session. This is becauserepparttar 123691 "fit" is important. You can find coaches on a search engine, or by going to or . Check out their website, give them a call and samplerepparttar 123692 wares.

Susan helps clients succeed and get organized w/ Don't Die at 50 Weekly Organizational Calendar, Gooding Accountability System, coaching, Internet courses. and for FREE ezine.

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