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He not only did what he set out to do, but he became a contributing member of a Super Bowl contender.
In life, we do things out of inspiration or desperation. One of
two unleashes our desire from within with a purpose that makes it burning and unrelenting. And, once our desire reaches that level, there is no turning back. We will achieve what we desire.
Here's a simple illustration. Vividly imagine that your closest loved one has been afflicted with a rare disease. And,
only way to save them is to legally produce $1 MM in
next 60 days for
necessary ailments. Do you think you would find a way to make this happen?
I know I would. I'm sure everyone would if they truly loved that person.
You see, in our example
desire or need is to produce $1 MM in 60 days. But, wouldn't everyone like to have $1 MM in
next 60 days. I'd bet you'd have a harder time finding someone who wouldn't than actually making
$1 MM. Yet, most people will never produce $1 MM neither in
next 60 days, nor in their lifetime. However, with
purpose of saving our closest loved one, everyone would make it happen.
So how can we take this knowledge and put it into action to serve us in our lives?
First, we must not mistaken a burning desire, for a hope, a wish, or a fantasy. It is a keen, burning, pulsating, unrelenting mandate which you place on yourself that will transcend any challenge, obstacle or distraction that stands in your way. It is a definite and specific perceived reality from
moment that you conceive it. You must focus so intensely on this desire that it consumes your whole state of being. Its achievement becomes an ongoing obsession.
Therein lays
synergistically combined power of a worthwhile desire with an extremely meaningful purpose.
Now, couldn't you put
powerful nature of your imagination to work, and create a purpose that would elicit a rocket-fuel burning desire to succeed from within you?
So, what is it that you desire? And, more importantly, why? What is
purpose of your desire?
The only way to succeed in any endeavor is by defining a specific goal and placing all your energy, will power, effort, and action on
achievement of that goal.
When you do, you will achieve whatever you desire.
Ó Copyright 2003 Jorge Sarria & Optimal Performance Solutions, LLC.

Jorge Sarria, "The World's Success Catalyst," transforms raw potential into thriving success. He is a professional member of the National Speakers Association and has conducted thousands of programs globally. Free information & resources available at