The Power of Topical Search Engines

Written by S. Housley

Continued from page 1

Advertisers will also flock to search portals that are industry-specific, as they appreciaterepparttar unique benefit of reaching a very targeted audience who have a higher likelihood of purchasing their product or service.

Considerrepparttar 135702 niche search engine, Alarm Tools - . The traffic this portal attracts will be of significant interest to manufacturers of security equipment or emergency supplies. Imaginerepparttar 135703 targeted traffic that an alarm company could receive from a link inrepparttar 135704 above search directory.

Comtemplaterepparttar 135705 quality traffic a financial planner could glean from an RSS search directory focussed on finance and investing at .

Locating topic-specific search engines is not all that difficult. Consider usingrepparttar 135706 resources provided by Search Engine Watch, Web Search Engines, and Search Engine Guide to locate engines that are topic-specific:

Search Engine Watch - Web Search Engines - Search Engine Guide -

Qualified 'clickers' or interested buyers is what it is all about; whether you are selling a product or advertising,repparttar 135707 more targetedrepparttar 135708 trafficrepparttar 135709 betterrepparttar 135710 fit. As an advertiser, consider topic- specific search engines. As an online marketer, consider creating a niche search portal, asrepparttar 135711 market is ripe.

About the Author: Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for NotePage a wireless text messaging software company.

Top 10 Ways To Irritate Your Visitors

Written by David Bell

Continued from page 1
6. Sign up to use a really slow-loading hit counter and putrepparttar button inside of a TABLE so that nothing appears untilrepparttar 135633 hit-counter responds. This is possiblyrepparttar 135634 best way to keep visitors from stealing from you as it keeps them from even reading your content and possibly typing it into their site from memory. For this to work reliably, you must avoid puttingrepparttar 135635 height and width intorepparttar 135636 call forrepparttar 135637 hit counter graphic. You can improverepparttar 135638 effectiveness of this technique by inserting not only a hit counter button, but a long string of banner exchange banners. 7. Forrepparttar 135639 occasional visitor that inadvertently makes their way to your ezine subscription form, fear not. All is not lost. You can still rid yourself of them by asking lots and lots of personal questions. Don't just ask for their email address. Ask for their mailing address, phone number, sex, age, hobbies, religion, race and some other things best not discussed here. This technique works equally well when applied to your order forms and minimizes your trip torepparttar 135640 UPS office to ship products. 8. Splash page. You gotta have a Splash Page. Lots of slow loading animation. If you can combine this withrepparttar 135641 requirement to download another obscure plug-in, you'll have hit a home run. I'm especially impressed byrepparttar 135642 many sites that have uppedrepparttar 135643 ante to include two splash pages before you ever get to evenrepparttar 135644 first word of content. Stunning! Brilliant! 9. Reconfigurerepparttar 135645 visitor's browser window. This will drive them crazy! People hate it when you run a script on your pages that expandsrepparttar 135646 user's browser window to fillrepparttar 135647 entire screen and then do away with all ofrepparttar 135648 browser Toolbar features such asrepparttar 135649 Navigation Toolbar andrepparttar 135650 Location Toolbar, 10 Finally, an oldie but goodie. Make your background dark and your text just a shade or two brighter. This makes it impossible to read your text and will rid you of visitors before they have a chance to clog up you server logs. If this is not possible on your site, userepparttar 135651 alternate technique of putting most of your content in PDF files so thatrepparttar 135652 visitor has to download them and launch another application. Very effective. Did I mention that all of these cool ways to irritate visitors work even better at driving awayrepparttar 135653 people reviewing your site for places like Yahoo, LookSmart and other directories to whom you've paid large sums of money to review your site and add it to their directory? I hope this helps in your future marketing decisions.

David Bell is Manager, Online Marketing, at , a leading Search Engine Optimization services firm and Advertising Agency.

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