The Power of Self-Motivation

Written by L Sailaja

Continued from page 1

(4)Spend More Time with Your Loved Ones: The joy of achieving something great in your career becomes even bigger when you have someone to share it with. Ultimately, what counts isrepparttar emotional satisfaction of being a part of a stable support system of family and friends. Your career goals are important. However, try not sacrificing your personal life forrepparttar 123083 sake of achieving them.

(5) Patience Pays: In this mercilessly fast-paced world, we wish to achieve too much, too soon—the faster,repparttar 123084 better;repparttar 123085 bigger,repparttar 123086 better. We have become so preoccupied with achieving fame, success and wealth that we seem to be missing out onrepparttar 123087 finer and subtle aspects of life.

Everyone wantsrepparttar 123088 best in terms of material and social benefits. You got a good job, you have a great lifestyle and life is absolutely cool! So far, so good. Suddenly, something goes wrong with your personal or professional life and your world is turned upside down. You feel like going nowhere—you desperately need a dose of self-motivation to lift your spirits. It is this feeling of ‘emptiness within’ that you need to overcome.

Don’t let criticism, failure, or setbacks thwart your path to success. Try to be patient. You can’t expect a rose bush to bloom overnight. Similarly, you must give yourself some time to develop your abilities and enhance your skills before you reaprepparttar 123089 benefits of your experience and knowledge.

When you discoverrepparttar 123090 power of self-motivation, you will realizerepparttar 123091 sheer energy and enthusiasm it brings with it. As someone said,repparttar 123092 nightingale doesn’t sing because it has an audience; it sings because it has a song. Feel better with self-motivation and experiencerepparttar 123093 richness of life.

I have worked as a sub-editor. Currently, I am pursuing MBA from S K University, India.

Setting Goals for Success

Written by Gerri D Smith

Continued from page 1

The list is endless.

2. Set goals with specific conditions.

Make your goals possible to accomplish. Plan your goals and structure your thoughts around positive actions. If you think your goal is impossible - it will be. Yet, if you think in positive terms, your goals will be easier to achieve. Refuse to let doubt sway you from your target. Stay positive and you’ll get to your goal much faster. 3. Think big, yet be realistic.

Every accomplishment starts with a dream. Make your dreamrepparttar biggest andrepparttar 123082 best - then work to make it come true. Write down everything you know about your dream and your desire to have it happen. What do you have to do? How soon can you make it happen? Be patient, nothing happens overnight.

4. Make a plan.

Write your dream, idea and your plan of action inrepparttar 123083 present tense: “I am successful.” “I have a successful business.” “My faith is strong and I am blessed financially.” “I am going to reach my goal.” This helps your mind to visualizerepparttar 123084 outcome. Your mind is forced to act as if your dream has already materialized. Your mind works inrepparttar 123085 present and makes no distinction between what is happening now and what has already happened. Confusion comes when you send your thoughts torepparttar 123086 future or back torepparttar 123087 past. The mind may shut down and stop working you what you desire.

5. Set values on your goals.

What value do you place on your life? On your career? On your business? What excites you? Let your imagination soar. Would you give up your values for someone else’s if it meant losing your character or your faith? Your goals must be valuable to you before they can be fulfilled. When you focus on your dream, give it time to grow and develop. It soon becomes a reality.

6. Reward your progress.

When you achieve evenrepparttar 123088 smallest step in accomplishing your goals, get excited. Compliment yourself for taking a step toward reaching your goal. There isn’t anything more gratifying then accomplishing your goal. When you make a major accomplishment, do something for someone else. Celebrate it!

With unlimited opportunities to reach your dreams and goals; with unlimited access to knowledge, information, instructors, and places to go for help, there’s no telling what you can accomplish - if you desire! Then...

Always remember to thankrepparttar 123089 source from which it all comes.


Gerri D Smith publishes and hosts multiple Gateways to inspire, encourage, and support individuals, small business owners, entrepreneurs. Giving you more ways to reach your personal and financial goals. Offering Contests, Cash Prizes. Free Monthly Newsletter. For details, visit: http://www.distinctivebusinesswomen.comOr, email your correct email address to:

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