The Power of Expectations

Written by Kathy Gates

Continued from page 1

Positive actions are much more powerful than positive thinking. My mother had a great southern saying: "Wish in one hand, pour peas inrepparttar other, and see which fills up faster." She meant, of course, that tangible action brings results, whereas just wishing for something doesn't. Wishing that FedEx would drop off a box of happiness on your doorstep will have you waiting a very long time. Creating your happiness, one day at a time, will bring that big box of happiness much quicker.

To transform your attitude and maintain positive actions, tryrepparttar 123732 following things: . Don't expect it to happen overnight, but always expect it to happen . Align yourself with people who also have goals; they'll support you and encourage you when you're tired and frustrated . Step out of your comfort zone; do one thing different . Operate fromrepparttar 123733 standpoint "as if" it had already happened

No, you can't simply "will" a goal to materialize, but you can make a commitment to do whatever it takes, including consistent exercise, setting time to clean up your environment, or investing your money in a program instead of buying a new outfit. What do you want so badly that you are willing to put aside other things until a later time?

Your expectations of positive things is your best resource. YOU can make that choice. YOU can make it happen.

. Developrepparttar 123734 ability to be your own best friend . Cooperate with life, use what's in front of you . Remember you are human; give yourself a break . Get into action every day.

Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach, believes that "Life Rewards Action". She can help you create goals, overcome procrastination, organize your time and money, find your true passion, and learn to love the real you. Visit, email, or call 480.998.5843

7 Ways To Give Yourself A Break

Written by Kathy Gates

Continued from page 1

5. Find Your Real Self Again. Are you internally motivated, or addicted to applause? Do you do things just because "other people" expect you to, or do you do them because you experience joy and peace when you do? Are you living up to your higher goals, or just getting through repparttar day? Is your life a true reflection of what you believe in? Stop trying to "be" who or what you think you ought to be, and instead be willing to accept both your talents and your weaknesses. Then take full responsibility for how they affect you and other people in your life. 6. Find Out What Your Really Want Out of Life. Sounds simple doesn't it. Everybody knows what they want out of life - or do they? Begin by thinking about time where you were (or are) feeling completely happy , content, comfortable - and time just seems to fly by. What are you doing?. Why types of skills and activities are going on? What resources are you using? Many times your talents and passions are so much a part of you that they just seem to go unnoticed. Living your life based on your "big goals" allows you to focus your energy and achieve much more. Otherwise you become a pinball inrepparttar 123731 game of life.

7. Organize Your Life-Style to Supportrepparttar 123732 Life you Want. Once you've determined what you really want, how your Real Self plays a part in that, and let go of some idealistic goals, you are ready to restructure your life to be a more genuine expression of who you are. Allowing your Real Self to come through, and being comfortable in your own skin and own goals, makes life instantly easier, less stressful, and outright more fun!

Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach, believes that "Life Rewards Action". She can help you create goals, overcome procrastination, organize your time and money, find your true passion, and learn to love the real you. Visit, email, or call 480.998.5843

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