Continued from page 1
Here are some sites that offer autoresponder accounts:
Now, autoresponder accounts cost between $17 and $20 per month. And with most autoresponder services you can only manage one list per account. So if you are managing 5 lists, that quickly adds up to a hefty monthly bill.
But there are a few services that allow you to manage multiple lists with one account. Here are some of them:
(2) Capturing Email Addresses
The most popular way to get new subscribers to your list is a 'subscribe form' that pops up when your website loads. I get 25 to 30 new subscribers a day using this technique. The HTML code for
subscribe form usually comes with your autoresponder account.
Another way to invite visitors to join your list is an 'alert box'. An alert box is a small gray dialogue box that pops up when someone visits your website. It usually says something like: "Please subscribe to my Newsletter. 5 Free eBooks when you join". It's impossible to ignore an alert box - you have to either close it or click OK to continue.
Alert boxes have two advantages over subscribe forms. Firstly, there's no form to fill in, so it's much easier for people to join your list. People who have switched from a subscribe form to an alert box report 3 to 5 times as many subscribers.
Secondly, alert boxes capture only "real" email addresses -
email address from
visitor's client browser. You end up with very few Hotmail and Yahoo addresses, which means you'll have a much more responsive list. For more information about alert boxes, visit:
So to sum up, use your website to build several optin mailing lists and you'll have a private audience of people you can market to over and over again - it's
key to running a successful online business.

------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this simple technique to get massive free publicity and dramatically increase traffic and sales. For more information visit: ------------------------------------------------------------