Continued from page 1
judgment passed by
Israeli High Court on June 30, 2004, has ordered
government to re-route a 30 km section of
wall as otherwise it will infringe on
rights of some 45,000 people of ten Palestine villages. The Justices Aharon Barak, Mishael Heshin and Eliyahu Matza read out
complex verdict- "The route that
military commander established for
security fence....injures
local inhabitants in a severe and acute way while violating their rights under humanitarian and international law." However
court upheld
fact that
government had
right to build
barrier and that construction was permissible on occupied land but that an alternative route was possible.
Then on July 9th, The International Court of justice at The Hague, ruled that
wall was illegal. The non binding verdict said- "The court accordingly finds that
construction of
wall, and its associated regime, are contrary to international laws....... The court is of
view that
United Nations, and especially
General Assembly and
Security Council, should consider what further action is required to bring to an end
illegal situation resulting from
construction of
wall." It also ordered
Likud government to pay reparation to
affected Palestinians.
The defiant Israel government refused to comply with
ruling. Deputy PM Yosef Lapid emphatically declared Israel's intention to continue
work on
wall. Ariel Sharon said that he wanted "to make clear,
state of Israel absolutely rejects
ruling of
International Court of Justice in The Hague." Despite Palestinian PM Ahmed Qureia's hope that
Americans wound "not sabotage"
endeavor of
international community to deconstruct
"Apartheid wall",
White House officials as well as
opposition in
US condemned
ICJ ruling. In fact Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry as well as Senator Hilary Clinton stood staunchly by
Israeli decision. The support coming from
US opposition must have surely emboldened Ariel Sharon.
The only threat to Israel's master plan of compartmentalization of
West Bank to foil
peace plan comes from
persistent EU. The EU Foreign policy Chief Javier Solana has pledged to be a part of
peace negotiation despite repeated rebukes from Israel. The ICJ verdict has also galvanized many European Human Rights organizations to pressurize their respective national governments to impose economic sanctions against Israel because
Article 2 of
EU-Israeli association agreement states that trade restrictions can be enforced because of a country's poor Human Rights report.
All said and done,
enforcement of embargo on Israel seems unlikely as it still has and will always have
US as its major backer. Till date US has donated Israel a record sum of $ 92 billion along with Apache helicopters and heavy and light artillery. Israel itself is now a major weapon supplier to many nations and with
rise of Islamic fundamentalism in
volatile middle east, Israel would be seen as a deterrent or a buffer state. After all
US would be quite happy to deflect some of
Al Qaida and Mujahidin ire towards Israel. So Israel is completely at its freedom to continue their murderous occupation, ensuring
social and economic denigration of
Palestinian society and trampling their dreams of a free Palestine under
crushing burden of
Apartheid wall. The saga continues.

The author is a freelance journalist, volunteer social worker and web content developer who has written in four national and local dailies in India.