The Plain Man’s Guide to Making Money Online

Written by Jim Green

Continued from page 1

Now here’s kicker …

Check out this same website right now and you will find that forrepparttar first keyword phrase “writing for profit” it still Ranks at No.1 on Google, Yahoo!, Fast, Inkomi, Jeeves, Altavista, AOL, Teoma, All The Web, MSN - three years later…

Attracting pre-conditioned traffic for instance…

Overrepparttar 108694 years I have devised a unique twist to a basic online marketing strategy used byrepparttar 108695 majority of enlightened Net workers.

I’ve added an innovative dimension that attracts highly targeted, pre-conditioned traffic in droves.

It has nothing to do with search engine positioning, links, newsletters, list building, smart pages, etc, nor have I re-inventedrepparttar 108696 wheel.

It has all to do with original, out-of-the box thinking.

Here’srepparttar 108697 final for instance…

A secret strategy you won’t find anywhere else, search as you may.

It empowers me to create and host 1000s of websites for one single very low monthly fee – and rocket my online sales inrepparttar 108698 process.

I won’t even give you a hint here on how it’s done because it is not for public consumption.

I call my collection of innovationsrepparttar 108699 ’Plain Man’s Guide to Making Money Online’.

It won’t deliver instant riches but it will teach you how to thrive in 05 making money online…

Jim Green is an entrepreneur and bestselling author with an ever-growing string of niche non-fiction titles to his credit. You can download a copy of the ‘Plain Man’s Guide to Making Money Online’ at this website

Clickbank Killer on the Horizon?

Written by Joe Lloyd

Continued from page 1

2. Two-tier Affiliate Support

Two tier affiliate support is when affiliates can recruit more affiliates under them, and earn a percentage of their income. A typical two tier affiliate program for an e-product might pay out 50% onrepparttar first level and 10% onrepparttar 108693 second level.

Two tier support is important because it allowsrepparttar 108694 merchant to provide all of his affiliates with an additional income opportunity in finding more affiliates to join his program. This is essentially giving affiliates an incentive to growrepparttar 108695 affiliate program, and thus it automates growth. It allowsrepparttar 108696 program to organically grow by word of mouth, with every single person involved having an incentive to get more people involved.

Combine two tier support with recurring billing support and we now have a recipe for a passive income that automatically grows each month! Of course this is all predicated onrepparttar 108697 fact that you must have a good product that is worth buying and keeping. Without that, this whole model will just fall apart becauserepparttar 108698 sales will not be there to fuelrepparttar 108699 growth and sustainrepparttar 108700 ship.

3. More Payment Options

Any marketer knows thatrepparttar 108701 more options you give a customer to pay,repparttar 108702 more likely he is to be able to pay. This is especially true online. Credit cards are very prevalent inrepparttar 108703 United States, but as we begin to look towardrepparttar 108704 world stage in marketing and selling our products and services online, we must facerepparttar 108705 reality that not everybody has a credit card, nor does everybody want to use their credit card online.

Fortunately, there are a whole host of other payment systems available to people aroundrepparttar 108706 world, that aren’t plagued withrepparttar 108707 problems and drawbacks of credit cards (which in my opinion are actually a pretty outdated way of conducting business). I could write a whole article about alternate payment systems (and perhaps I will), but for now I’ll say this: anyone who wants to steal Clickbank’s throne needs to add more payment options other than credit cards. These could include: Paypal (and similar), e-gold (and similar), mobile phone payments, mailed-in money orders, and countless others.

And while we’re onrepparttar 108708 subject, let’s talk about how merchants and affiliates receive their payment. In Clickbank’s current incarnation,repparttar 108709 only way to receive payment for sales or affiliate commissions is by a check in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank, and mailed by regular mail. Talk about an inefficient and antiquated system! A Clickbank replacement needs to be able to pay US publishers by ACH (automatic deposit into bank accounts) such as Commission Junction has been doing for quite some time, and be able to pay foreign publishers by wire-transfer. Alternatively, payment by digital gold currency such as e-gold would also be welcomed and useful to many.

Of course there are many things that need to be done in order to create a better digital marketplace for e-product marketers and publishers. I feel thatrepparttar 108710 three things outlined in this article would make a huge difference towards making e-product publishing a larger market worldwide, while atrepparttar 108711 same time providing opportunity to even more people.

These arerepparttar 108712 kind of changes we need to see more of as we move into a more global, and best of all, more profitable future online.

Joe Davison has been quietly making a living online for over six years, and is the owner of Profit Guild,, an information hub and community for Internet Marketing professionals.

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