The Personality of a Typical Leo Baby

Written by Tony Luck

Continued from page 1

Leo children have a friendly nature that will endear them to everyone. Their warm-heartedness and generosity mean that you will need to teach your child how to handle money carefully.

The typical Leo child is healthy but prone to high fevers and accidents. A Leo will enjoy being fussed over in bed but this will soon wear off and she will be up again and onrepparttar go very quickly.

Tony Luck runs a site offering advice to new moms. Included is the fascinating Chinese Conception Chart which supposedly tells you whether the baby you're expecting is a boy or girl!

Essential Tips for the Kitchen

Written by GranMamma

Continued from page 1

Most of us have lists inrepparttar kitchen. They range fromrepparttar 110388 grocery list, to-do list, and notes to family. I recommend buying a magnetic clip forrepparttar 110389 fridge to hold all of those lists. That way, you’ll always know where it is.

No more junk drawer! Just use any type of plastic basket or organizer for your junk drawer. Place all similar items inrepparttar 110390 same cubby. Then, remember to clean it out once a month.

Want to get rid of those tupper ware stains? Now you can! All you need to do is put your stained bowls outside inrepparttar 110391 sun or in front of a sunny window for a few hours. Walaa, your tupper ware is looking like new again. Kiss those tomato based stains good bye :)

GranMamma is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box - - Where you can explore over 6,000 baby names and their meanings. Sub-categories include Disney ,J.R. Tolkien names, Fantasy and Folklore names, and many names from the literary classics. Read articles ranging from parenting and family to home and gardening. Be sure to say hi to GranMamma!

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